

In Hollywood in 1994, the era of superstars was about to begin. At the same time, a fledgling actress embarked on a journey and opened the road to domination for more than 20 years She is an American sweetheart that never fades, an eternal deep-sea diamond on the sunken ship, and a stunning female thief and an invincible super agent. The Hollywood stars of the nineties shine, but Josie. Horton has always been unique, because no one can become the Oscar tumor and grossing queen of film history like her, and write her name into the textbooks of finance, the Internet and history!

ansh_singh_baghel · Célébrités
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Luckily, Josie wasn't short of money.

Frank. The same goes for Horton.

So, a team of lawyers from Skyscreen Capital is gathering evidence to take all these foul-smelling tabloids to court – it must be spectacular.

But unfortunately, her enemies are not short of money either.

Josie can't remember when Geffen's DreamWorks Pictures was sold, of course, this incident did not affect Geffen's life and circle status, the point is that his long-standing dream was crushed by the Hollywood movie giants.

That should be a blow that cannot be measured in money?

Thinking so, she instead plans to dig into Geffen's corners, such as Universal Pictures, where even the selection of the president of the film and television department is decided by him?

Universal Pictures will not be acquired until more than a decade later, and it seems that she still has at least ten years to make money, but so far, she has only bought some stocks suitable for long-term holding through stockbrokers.

She doesn't have much cash in her hand.

Especially as an actress, her expenses are also large.

Josie revisited the actionable news content over and over in her head, ostensibly leaving it to Kelly, completely removing the heavy makeup from her face.

After unloading, Kelly moved gently, rubbing the skincare products with the palm of her hand before wiping them on Josie's face and neck.

Josie was so drowsy by the professional techniques she had learned that she had had to open her eyelids a little and straighten up slightly from the comfortable leather seat only to find that there was a faint glimmer outside.

She couldn't help but hug Kelly's waist in front of her coquettishly, and said in a daze: "I'm going to sleep, can you help me wash my hair when I get home, dear Kelly?" Oh, I swear Kerry sprayed at least a pound of hairspray on my head..."

"Good, good, but don't fall asleep like that." Before Kelly finished speaking, she looked down and found that Josie was already asleep, and her little face without makeup was white and tender, like an angel.

Kelly had to call El to come over from the parking lot and carry Josie directly into the back seat of the car, during which Josie was very docile, making Kelly wish that she was the one who rubbed her face against her chest.

The group returned to the hotel.

By the time Josie woke up again, it was close to two o'clock in the afternoon.

The blackout curtains in the room were drawn tightly, and no trace of disturbing light came in.

Josie rolled around under the covers for a few seconds, reached out and touched her phone from the nightstand, habitually checking messages and missed calls.

The first message was from her father, Frank. Horton's:

I have arranged the lawyer team, focus on making your new movie, I will handle everything.

Well, this is part of the deal, don't think about it.

Reading this, Josie had a flat expression, flipped over on the bed, and accelerated her browsing.

The second piece of information is Archie. Danno sent her informing her that the blue-collar novelist had finished writing the book and that an electronic version had been sent to her email. As for the contract, his assistant Catherine is following up.

As for the other script, it is currently at an impasse.

It seems that the problems that belong to Josie herself have affected her other careers, and it is time to solve some of these things.

Josie replied to some important information one after another, and as for some so-called friends who were talking about her current situation under the banner of concern, there was no need to pay attention to it.

She got up again and opened her computer to check the MSN mailbox, and while waiting to download the electronic document, a spam message in this private mailbox caught her attention.


The woman I love the most is about to leave me, and this is a destiny that cannot be changed.

Can you answer this question for me?

On how I was going to get through this horrible time.

Josie thought about doing good every day, so she replied to this stranger.


Is she seriously ill?


Yes, terminal cancer.

The doctor said that she would probably last less than six months, which made me very miserable and wanted to escape.


The loss of a loved one is of course a very terrible thing, but what is even more terrible is that the person left behind indulges in grief.

Dear Robin, you can try to support yourself with love and memories, or be willing to escape reality for a while until you can one day be calm.

And, don't believe the nonsense that others make you strong, you don't need to be strong, you need a hug!

Hug you.

After clicking Send Email, Josie consciously finished doing a good job every day, and saw that the progress of the document download was only a short cut, and put this matter aside for the time being.

She touched her flat abdomen, put on her dressing gown, and went to the living room to find Dorota to get her some hot soup and rice.

Dorota was on the sofa in the living room, chasing the TV version of "Dragon Ball" with Brettney, who was not on the filming day, and Josie also sat down to watch it for a while, and couldn't help but think of her childhood memories.

At that time, I really wanted Doudouyun and Universal Capsule...

Today's working hours still start in the evening.

Josie finished putting on makeup in the trailer, took the printed document and looked slowly, before she received another email from Miss Robin, and replied a few times intermittently, knowing that the other party had a cat, a slight social fear, was using work to escape reality, and so on.

As for Josie's personal information, she only vaguely revealed to the other party, her working hours are not fixed, so she can't reply to emails in time, there are no cats and dogs in life, but there are a lot of troubles.

For example, colleagues planted blame, bosses were doubtful, salary levels were too poor, they couldn't afford to buy a house and save money... It has to be said that even though immersed in grief, Miss Robin is still a good listener and reassuring.

This made Josie can't help but feel a little good feelings and pity for this stranger.

But that's about it.

In the Viper House in West Hollywood, a group of young people are brazenly amusing the young actress who recently slaughtered the headlines.

"Hey, JC, tell me about it, I heard you've slept with Josie before. Horton? "

Surrounded by these people in the center was a blond young man, who put his arm around the girl next to him and drank a glass of mixed wine, and couldn't help but feel a little drowsy, and immediately said: "Yeah, she's quite spicy, she has a lot of fun, more than the strippers you've ever seen-"

Before he finished speaking, there was a crisp sound of glass shattering above JC's head, and then a viscous liquid flowed down his head, and he touched his head, only then did he feel an indescribable sharp pain.

"FXXK!" JC cursed and turned his head, "Who the fuck are you?" I'll kill you! "

Josh with a condensed complexion. Jones took a few attendants, glanced at JC faintly, and casually threw away the half-cut wine bottle in his hand. "

"Exactly, I want to kill you too." He rolled up his sleeves and said.

A physical altercation caught off guard, and when the security personnel of the Viper House pulled away the group, they all hung up the color.

Especially the first JC, who was beaten, was not only smashed on the head by the wine bottle at the beginning, but also was taken care of by the black hand, a good handsome face at the moment with a blue nose and swollen face, which can now be said to be miserable.

As one of the owners of Viper House, Johnny. Depp soon learned about this, but he did not let people call the police at the first time, but sent someone to stop the conflict from continuing to escalate, after all, the young man who played hi was impulsive, and it was difficult to say what to do.

And he is not prepared to come out in person.

On the one hand, Josh, who hit people. Jones not only has an impressive face, but also a rock hero-level dad escort, and the other party, JC, although he is a small singer who does not have much fame, also belongs to the music industry boss David. Geffen's pawn.

On the other hand, those who do their kind of nightclub business have long been accustomed to this kind of fighting, most of them are big things and small things, even if someone OD on the spot tonight, there will be no news that affects business in the newspaper tomorrow morning.

This is the power of money and power.

But it is still necessary to notify the "parents" to come and collect people, after all, there was bloodshed, and it seems that the unlucky little singer will have to at least get a few stitches.

The orchestra manager of JC quickly arrived at the scene, and after apologizing, he successfully took away the little singer who still wanted to say cruel things to people, while Josh, who beat people, looked particularly gloomy, was closely supervised by his father's bodyguard, and sat on the shoulder of the road to perform autism live.

After a while, Josh sat down next to another person.

The spicy smoke came from the night breeze, and the other party casually handed Josh a cigarette, and Josh followed his pale fingers, and his gaze fell into his calm and waveless heterochromatic eyes.

Josh silently took the cigarette, took the one in his father's hand, and slowly lit it.

"Sorry, David, I shouldn't have done it." He said.

However, David hooked his lips and looked at Josh and asked, "Do you think you did something wrong, or do you regret it?" "

Josh was stunned for a moment and shook his head honestly: "No, what makes me sorry is that it caused you trouble. "

"Then there's no need to say 'sorry,' Josh." David smiled briefly and took a deep breath of smoke, "Tell me about that girl, son, she must be charming, right?" "

"I can't describe how I feel." Josh looked up at the sky, the dark night sky was dotted with shining stars, but there were always a few that were particularly bright.

David looked at him, waiting for him to continue.

"I don't know, I used to hate her and did something bad to her-" Josh had a frustrated look on his face at the mention of the past, "and then suddenly one day, I found out that she was the girl of my dreams, and I tried to get close to her, and as expected, I was completely rejected." "

He paused slightly, as if he was in some kind of predicament.

"You know, I've never been rejected by a girl, she's the first." Josh pouted.

"Maybe it's the only one?" David said with a smile.

"Yes, maybe." Josh laughed to himself, "Because I can't forget her right now." What's more, she is so good in her field of expertise, even better than I could have imagined. "

"Powerful and beautiful things, always so fascinating." David commented lightly, "The more unmoved she is, the more you worry that you haven't paid enough." "

Josh couldn't help but turn his face and show a look of serious listening.

David couldn't help but smile slightly and continued: "The problem is that to catch such a woman, you can't just fight for her to be touched. Most women want a sense of worship and security, and the one you like is more difficult. "

He has fashionable short blonde hair, and there are obvious wrinkles between the corners of his eyes and eyebrows when he laughs, but it does not weaken the superiority of his facial features, but has a little more maturity after years of precipitation, even if he now has short gray whiskers on his lips and chin, he is still amazingly attractive.

In fact, David has always been amazingly attractive and kills both men and women.

And what made him feel funny was that one day he would actually teach his son on the side of the road how to pursue women?

It's funny.

Josh also thought it was interesting.

But he shook his head and said, "No, I don't want to pursue her now, at least not for the time being." I want to do something meaningful more than that—can you give me some advice, David? "

"Well, since as 'David'." - and not as a father. Adjusting his tone, David said more solemnly: "I started my first band when I was fifteen, but it was many years before I really understood what I wanted to do. "

"Your brother is better than me because he knew he was going to make movies early on, and he has been preparing for it."

"What about you, Josh?"

"You showed from a young age the physical qualities that were naturally suitable for the stage, but when you entered puberty, you told me that you didn't want to sing and you didn't want to be 'Josh. Bowie', you're going to be a dancer. "

"But Josh, there are many kinds of dancers."

"Do you want to be one of the four unsung dancers at the concert, or is it the only pop king in the world?"