
Am I a Super Human

People had fallen victim to a disease. "Progeria syndrome." People were hopeless. They had all become weak. No matter how much scientists tried, they could not find a cure for the disease, and thus the technology giants stepped in. The world fell into the hands of technology. People could no longer walk without machines. Technology began to rule the world. The world ruled by technology was invaded by aliens, which made people curious about their existence. But there was a problem. Aliens did not have the technological superiority they had imagined. On the contrary, aliens had a biological advantage. At the end of the war, humans emerged victorious. After the war, that girl emerged. This girl was as powerful as the machines. And this girl would play a crucial role in the fate of the world. The girl's name was Victoria. Victoria Hosen.

AmorphousVacantia · Romance
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12 Chs

Prologue: Universe war

Progeria syndrome, known as the "elixir of old age" by others, how had the world come to this state? What could the reasons be? Was it the big explosion in the third world war or the increasingly rising pollution? Whatever the reason, there was one truth. Human life had now shortened, people had become weak. Even the smallest wounds on them could heal in a matter of weeks. Everyone was rapidly aging. Scientists had to find a solution to this. They had to be fast because their time was shorter than ever before. Their cells were disappearing rapidly, just like everyone else's. A cure was essential, and it had to be found as soon as possible...

The deaths of many scientists and the work of the new scientists who replaced them had not yielded any results. What could they do? Was there no solution? They had tampered with the genes, DNAs, and genetic structures of many animals and creatures. But they couldn't get the results they wanted. The despair of scientists had given rise to opportunities for other technological giants. Yes, people were weak, that was an unchangeable fact, but machines were not weak. Machines could serve people. And so it happened. People who had lost hope in scientists surrendered to the technological giants. However, the scientists searching for a cure had slowly lost hope in treatment. The world had given up on finding a cure for the disease. The world had begun to be ruled by the power of technology.

Although people found the new world strange at first, just as they had adapted to every innovation in history, they had also adapted to this. The disease was no longer called a disease. After all, could a disease that everyone had be called a disease?

As people surrendered to technology, technology gained power. Now everyone was living attached to machines. Powerful robotic mechanisms that enabled them to walk, pulse systems that regularly measured their health levels... Technology was everywhere, convenience was everywhere.

As people began to forget their mistakes with technology, history continued to repeat itself. New wars, new devastations, economic showdowns, everything was repeating itself as it used to, but something was different. This time, technology was at a much different level than before. Losses increased, the intensity of destruction was many times greater. However, the technology giants intervened in the matter, taking the final step necessary to completely take the world into their hands. They stopped the wars, showed that technology was not for that purpose, won the hearts of the people, and took over the world's governance.

The new world was definitely more peaceful. The technology giants were definitely managing the world well, but problems never ended. The event that shook the world that day had occurred: Alien invasion. Contrary to what people expected, aliens were not technologically powerful. On the contrary, aliens had a technology that was many times behind them. So where were they finding the power to carry out this invasion? The answer was simple. Aliens were biologically many times superior to humans. Some had wings, some had four arms, some were giant... they all had different features. People were terrified. Aliens had brought a rain of blood to Earth. Although the resisting people could inflict a few wounds on them, aliens had an incredible regeneration ability. People were helpless. Their only hope was the technology giants ruling the world.

The technology giants, albeit slowly, had moved to meet the expectations of the people. They had brought back the weapons eliminated after the wars. The war had begun, and after months of fighting between humans and aliens, the victorious ones had been the humans. Technological superiority had triumphed over biological superiority. People had breathed a sigh of relief since that day. They had called this war "The Universe War." Now, countries were not fighting each other anymore. Beings from other planets had fought with each other.

After the war, technology had gained even more power. People had now become slaves to technology. Evolving technology was providing solutions to almost all their problems. Except for one, they were still aging rapidly and weak, but no one cared about it anymore because it was perfectly normal now. Life continued like this.

After a while, the person who left behind the developing technology had appeared. She could walk on the street without using any machines. She was perfectly healthy. She had attracted the attention of all the people. Who was this girl? It was something that people today could never remember. After all, they had never been able to walk naturally. The technology giants quickly took the girl among them. They knew that people envied the girl. They had to use this. They promised the people, "You will be able to walk like this girl." The hope that people had forgotten was thus reborn.

As time passed, people discovered that the girl had many abilities other than just being able to walk. The girl was as strong as machines, had an incredible cell renewal ability. The girl was like those aliens. People envied the girl when they saw her. The girl looked at them all with tolerance. She could understand their feelings and sympathize with them.

When the girl grew up, the aliens returned after a long time. This time their goal was different. The invasion was in one place, the area where the girl lived. The technology giants made a request to the girl. They asked her to fight with them. The girl accepted this request without thinking. The technology giants were very pleased with this situation. They knew that people admired the girl. They had to use this. They promised the people, "You will be able to walk like this girl." People who had lost hope in scientists were now looking at technology with hope. They knew that the girl was the key to this. People quickly forgot their problems when they saw the girl.

The girl was sent to the battle with all the technological equipment. She didn't need protection. She could protect herself. As expected, with her equipment, the girl easily defeated the aliens. The jealousy of the people towards the girl had turned into love. They respected the girl. The girl was their hero.

After the girl completely stopped the invasion, she felt no tiredness. It was very easy for her. With this victory, the girl had spread her fame all over the world. All the people set off to see the girl. This was the result that the technology giants had expected. They had strengthened their powers thanks to the girl. They had also gained the trust of the people who did not trust them. This girl had been useful to everyone on Earth.

While the girl greeted all the people with joy, days passed, and the aliens returned. This time, they were invading all over the world. The girl was trying to catch up with all the invasions as quickly as possible with all her strength. She had to defeat the aliens from this world. After the invasions were stopped, the girl took a deep breath, but she would not be able to take it again. Now the invasions had become continuous. No matter how strong the girl was, she couldn't keep up with all the invasions. However, the technology giants decided to establish a new system. "Universal War Union" was established. Now they had the necessary system to prevent alien invasions. Aliens had no chance. They were revealing their location from the atmosphere before landing on Earth. This way, people were easily responding to them. The girl was relieved about this situation. Aliens were no longer a threat to Earth. The girl became the commander of the Universal War Union. She had the ability to manage wars. She could hunt down the aliens without letting them blink an eye. Everything was very good.

The world had returned to peace again. Aliens were like flies to the Earth, but those flies had one last big move. The last invasion had surprised the technology giants. None of them had expected this. The massive ship had entered the Earth without any damage. When the girl watched the massive ship hovering in the air from the command center, she took a deep breath confidently. She was aware that this was the last battle.

I'm here with my new novel. This time I will not include the mistakes in my previous series. I hope you like it.

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