
Alternate Narutoverse: Saruto’s journey

A young man named himself saruto after arriving at the ninja world accompanied by a guiding voice. he start his journey to save the world from danger and Conquer the girls of the world on his way _________________ A/N: if you enjoy this translation pls don't forget to give us a power stone, or maybe something more. and don't forget to follow my other work tnx

Uchiha_shisui · Anime et bandes dessinées
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35 Chs

Chapter 15.3rd stage

After taking care of Saruto's clones, Yamamaru dashed toward the real Saruto with his kunai. Saruto avoided getting hit by his kunai. Saruto thought that Yamamaru licked that kunai so it was possible that he must have poisoned it. Saruto took his kunai and slashed Yamamru's left wrist and threw his kunai in the air. He moved through Yamamaru's arms as he caught his kunai to strike his opponent again from the back. Yamamaru smirked behind Saruto's back.

The ground split as Saruto fell inside. Yamamaru then closed it trapping Saruto's body while leaving Saruto's head outside. Saruto grunted as cracks formed on the ground. He broke free of the hold of the ground. He was still in the air while he grabbed the ground pieces and threw them blindly at Yamamaru. Yamamaru reacted quickly.

A dragon from the ground formed and shot a blast at the incoming attacks. Saruto approached him in the meantime with a fist powered up with futon.

Yamamaru countered with the same attack. Both were thrown away. Yamamaru wiped the dust off his outfit and, "You're not an average genin. I was right"

Saruto scratched his head and then formed some hand signs. Yamamaru also made some hand signs.

The mud around yamamaru formed three wolves. They started running toward Saruto. Saruto sent three clones to attack the wolves. Each clone used,


"Impressive, you can use multiple chakra nature"

Saruto leaped and appeared in front of Yamamaru with his palms ready to attack.

Lightning passed through Saruto's palm as he struck him on the chest. Saruto landed on the ground and said, "Don't worry you won't die!"

As he finished, Yamamaru's body turned into mud. Saruto after witnessing that turned to counter the incoming attack from his blind spot. Before he could act, Saruto was pinned by Yamamaru. "Will you surrender, Saruto?"

Saruto was struggling to be released. Bima and Mei were watching the fight. Mei spoke "Saruto, I thought you were in a hurry. Quit playing around and use that kekkei Genkai"

"Kekkai Genkai?" Yamamaru was shocked as his expression changed as he started smiling.

Lava appeared from his nails forcing Yamamaru to release.

"A yoton user, huh. Interesting!"

"Dude, your smile is creepy!" Saruto said as he was panting. Saruto leapt forward surprising Yamamaru with a scratch on his face. Yamamaru covered his face after the attack. Saruto used Gale palm again to knock him out. He took his scroll and left the area with his teammates. After they were gone, Yamamaru touched his torn skin, revealing white skin beneath.

'A Kekkai Genkai user at this stage in Konohagakure, I want his body. No, the Sharingan is the priority. Once I obtained the Sharingan I can take Saruto's abilities too'

Orochimaru flicked his tongue.


The second stage ended and the third stage was announced to be one on one fight. Itachi congratulated his young subordinates. Saruto looked at his possible opponents. 4 teams were selected for the third stage. One each from Sunagakure and surprisingly Kirigakure and two from Konohagakure. Saruto thought, 'Something's wrong. I didn't think that Kirigakure would participate in this chunin exam. They should have their own way of selecting, considering the fact it is still blood mist's period. Why would Mizukage Yagura send his genins here? Come to think of it, Mizukage Yagura was supposed to be under Madara's genjutsu, right?

[You're talking to me or talking to yourself?]

'I am talking to myself'

[Why are you talking to yourself?]

'It's called thinking. Hey, can you hear my thoughts?'

[Yes genius, that's how we're communicating, ya know]

'Huh, that's cool'

Saruto observed the team from Kirigakure. They don't look that much strong but he knows that he can't know for sure without seeing them actually fight. One of them was wearing a mask, covering his lower face, he got Saruto's attention. Saruto was thinking if he can recognise any of them. He knew for sure that person was not Zabuza.


The final stage of chunin exams, Mizukage came in person to watch his genins fight. For the sake of peace between the two villages, Minato didn't show his anger at Kirigakure for what they've done to Rin. He accepted his presence for the last stage. The two kages were ready to watch the final. The final stage started at the arena. There weren't many audiences. There were only chunin proctors and the family of the participants. Hayate came into the middle of the arena and said, "The first match is between Konoha's Saruto and Kiri's Mezuru Saho! You can start when you're ready!"

Once the announcement was done, Mezuru dashed toward Saruto.

He spat some water ball like bullets at Saruto. Saruto scratched his head and approached slowly. Bullets travelled faster but before they could touch Saruto, they evaporated immediately. The vapour surrounded Saruto. Mezuru could feel the extreme heat around Saruto. He appeared in front of him grabbing his collar using the speed of Raiton. "Give up or your skin will be burnt!"

Mezuru shot another bullet at Saruto's face but this time the distance was close. Saruto couldn't avoid so took the hit and was pushed back. His face cracked as pieces dropped on the ground revealing that he was keeping a doton defence over his body. He approached Mezuru with a menacing look on his face. "I won't say it again!"

At that moment, Mezuru felt his presence terrifying. He knew that he could never beat this guy.

Mizukage who was watching the genin from his village shivering. "What is he doing, Hokage-sama?"

"You'll see Mizukage-sama!"

Saruto on the ground was emitting heat of his Katon.

"I give up!"

Mezuru gave up before Saruto could use his jutsu and ran from the arena and met his teammates. They asked him what happened. He answered, "That guy is scary. What's an adult doing in this exam anyway?"

"You know there are adults who are still genin right?"

Meanwhile, Hayate announced Saruto as a winner. Someone was screaming his name from the audience. It can be heard clearly without too much corwd. Naruto was supporting Saruto at the arena. Iruka was there beside him. He must have brought him to watch the fight. Sasuke was there too but he was there not to support Saruto. He was still furious but came to watch so that he could see how Saruto fights. Saruto looked at the Hokage and the Mizukage before leaving. He felt something was wrong. While he was walking,

'Voice guy, I am pretty sure that's not Yagura'

[Are you saying that Yondaime Mizukage is not Yagura?]

'Maybe my influences on this world must have changed everything'

[If Yagura isn't the Hokage, who is that person?]

'I've never bothered to ask about other kages. I thought if it was Yagura the Mizukage, I could have talked to him about my plan but he's not the Mizukage. This world might have a different jinchuriki for Sanbi'

[Let's see other matches, someone interesting is fighting]

Hayate announced, "Second match will commence. Chojuro of Kirigakure vs Bekko of Konohagakure.

The match started as Bekko came to Chojuro with his kunai. Chojuro blocked his attacks with his sword. After getting him in the corner, Bekko stepped back a little and

The fireball was targeting Chojuro. He closed his eyes while unconsciously infusing his chakra through his sword and cutting the fireball in half. "How did he…"

Bekko was in shock. Chojuro used this chance to knock him out with his sword's hilt. Chojuro won the fight but he was still nervous. Saruto who was watching the match thought, 'I can't believe this guy is a future Mizukage'

[Seeing him reminds me of something. Look at that guy from Kiri, you were watching earlier]

'The guy in a mask…'

Saruto got a glimpse of what was odd about him. He looked too young and was carrying a weapon that looked like,



Author here: Thanks for reading my novel if You love this novel don't forget to save it to your library for more updates and pls don't forget to give a nice review and some gift like power stone or cions nd try my other works tnx