
Alpha from the Abyss

The Ground shook, the sky darkened, thunder roared, creatures emerged from the deep/hell just to see the magnificent rise to the kingdom In the mortal world. James looked on in fascination and joyful cries could be heard everywhere. Join us as we explore this new world brought back by a young werewolf/hell hound who was a weakling until he awakened. Join us he defiles all odds to become emperor and save his people from humanity..... Note. This story is based on fantasy, a world full of mystical creatures and unrealistic events, Enjoy...

Lucky_Nkwazi · Fantaisie
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32 Chs


The girls in their hideout found out a lot about this pack, it was the Central pack in the whole of south. It had was the best place to trade because the main road passed through this pack and even humans came to trade there but it was obviously a way for them to see a way in which they'd invade this thriving pack.

It's trade system was a different system from the other systems because here it discouraged slave trading, the trade for human technology and their blood was strongly prohibited and the punishment for those was instant death to those wares, and so it had set an example to other areas of the vast land called world.

This tribe had seen it's fare share of bad times, because the grass was completely and definitely Dead, no matter how much they tried to replant the surrounding but it was of no use as they would die without taking root.

James reached the place and entered directly from the entrance and proceeding to the public gathering and for some reason, people were already gathered there as though they were expecting him. Oh well he had to get this over with and so he started telling them why he was doing what he was doing and what he'll do next but of course there are always with a feeble mind who couldn't get the bigger picture but that's how life was and always going to be, anyway on to the next Chapter James had a lot to answer because those people had a lot of questions and trust wasn't earned the first day.

"But why now?" , "Are you some kind of deity?", "Who is the one behind this plot of yours?" James was fired up from all sides and he was unable to answer all of their questions, he was amused with these people and it made his heart and wolf sumer sot inside him.

Finally the Alpha Damian appeared from his chambers, he was nervous if not beyond nervous and this was because of the young teenage boy not more than the required age to even rule a pack and not to talk of ruling the whole world.

"What is the purpose of this quest for power?" Damian asked the heavy question, "Yes a nice question there, it's simple really. I'm uniting every werewolf in these foreign lands and I'm raising a kingdom in which everyone will be under one rule and this is of course planned by greater forces, no one will nor can stop it?" James said truthfully but not with a cold and indeferent tone to his words.

"So I bring an offer to your table." Both said at the same time which was unexpected to both because they were expecting resistance and cooperation, but this was a different person James thought and was grateful that he had the same line of thought as his, "I'm glad we see eye to eye on this one. I shall make you an overlord, work with me and let's give our people a better place unlike this place crawling with vipers everywhere. Help me bring the great kingdom back to it's heights." James said looking over his shoulder and seeing his mates looking at him questioningly.

"I agree, only one who's signed a death sentence would decide to go to war with you, the Vision that you is an excellent option for our people to escape the horrible fate befalling them, the humans have exploited us using our healing abilities for granted, they can't be trusted and I'd rather have maniac than the corrupted and discussing self absorbed humans."

As the two conversed with each other getting aquantained, in the northwest mountains a vial was opened and from the vial came smoke and a figure of dark magic oozing death, plants, trees and birds lost their colours as the figure passed through the once beautiful garden lands.

It was an aborminable creature of horror written down to it's very core, and it only fed on power beyond human knowledge and what better timing it had. This was going to be a very difficult fight for James as it had sights only for him, this hideous creature without a face needed power to absorb and then continue with it's in the deepest parts of hell.

James and Damian were done talking and they had long ago started on to their next journey, this trip was a dangerous one and so he told the girls to remain behind as he was traveling with Damian, this was a chance to bond for these two, riding through the streets of Laredo it was a hot day but soon everything turned pale and the life was sucked out the green surrounding leaving a grayish color.

James stopped in his tracks looking up he saw a creature like no other, this creature had a hideous Aura to it and it sucked all the life it made contact of and that's when he knew this was a no joke situation.....

To be continued.

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