
Alpha from the Abyss

The Ground shook, the sky darkened, thunder roared, creatures emerged from the deep/hell just to see the magnificent rise to the kingdom In the mortal world. James looked on in fascination and joyful cries could be heard everywhere. Join us as we explore this new world brought back by a young werewolf/hell hound who was a weakling until he awakened. Join us he defiles all odds to become emperor and save his people from humanity..... Note. This story is based on fantasy, a world full of mystical creatures and unrealistic events, Enjoy...

Lucky_Nkwazi · Fantaisie
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32 Chs


Somewhere far from the forest was a man exiting the dark Ally with blood smeared all over him, he was just from having his next victim bringing him to the 11 victim in 4 days. Mongo had been moving up and down, looking for the supposed Alpha and his Clan but to his surprise, it's like he didn't exist. He couldn't sense him anywhere nor could he sense his Lunar too, he visited many packs who of course gave him the whereabouts of his pack but when he got there, it was completely empty of course this was the moon spirits doing.

It had been close to five weeks since he was brought back and so far he had gotten nowhere, it frustrated him because the boy could be getting stronger right now, he remembered how he felt when he stepped foot in this realm, he could feel the boy's zeal of wanting to be stronger than he already was. No he had to find him and make sure the boy didn't get any stronger because if he did then it could probably be his last time being a living entity.


Ulrich was always on edge since his Alpha told him about the danger, though he was powerful and experienced, he simply couldn't defeat the monstrosity that he was told about. He made sure every instruction on how to hide the entire pack from these dangers, before James left he specific instructions. They were to dig an underground lair and without delay they started and finished when they reached the third week and so the whole clan was hidden under their original place.

He had seen the man in question when he heard someone was making his way to the invincible entrance prepared by mother Lunar, but to their great relief the man didn't notice anything just an empty territory signaling that they had fled from their homes to who knows where.

The man left the area with yes of course who else but the traitors to come for their Alpha, yes you've guessed correctly, it was those sorry excuses of living beings Trent, Terrence, Howard Stern and Shawn aiding the intruder.

But what was worse James disappearance, without a trace he was simply off the radar. How possible was that? Ulrich wondered a lot of things but since his mind limited he had nothing to do but wait for his Alpha, "prepare the medicine for the Elderly and feed the pups." Ulrich pointed towards a young lady just awakened and waiting to be officially welcomed in the pack, Ulrich had her brought to him at once to avoid the males overwhelming her and so here she was serving in the palace who would have thought she'd be living in the palace like her sister.


It was a great feeling to roam freely again, Lunar was making an essence to subdue their impressive aura before they attracted every creature in the forest, they were really fast in their knowledge so far and when it came control James was still having some problems because he couldn't let go of his past, of course Lunar saw this but only he could heal himself by facing the nightmares that haunted him.

This was a Meditation only meant to strengthen your body through the use of the river of mysteries as source of energy, the river could one the power to go for over a year without water or food and now here they were five weeks in their six months long meditation period, During that time Lunar had already offered her offerings to the moon spirits, she had gone to the mountains naked and performed the rituals of the dancing wolf, it was a dance resembling the shape and heart of the moon.

James in his meditation state, he was blaming himself for his parents death and that was the only burden on his shoulders, it prevented his true self from manifesting. "You should let go of the past and embrace the present, it wasn't your fault that they died. they died because they were protecting you and the entire pack remember that." he could hear all that Lunar kept saying to him while he was deep in his inner world of twirling emotions, he wanted to believe that it wasn't his fault but Everytime he closed his eyes he could see his father judging him, and his mother looking up at him with pain in their eyes. Their death broke him into pieces, he didn't know if he would ever recover from his guilty.

Elizabeth was in a cave and face to face with the moon spirit, "You have fire in your eyes little wolf and he will need both you to guild him and bring him out from the pool of his suffocating emotions, you should bring him to his mother's graveyard because he has never seen where she lies, once there call out her three times and sprinkle some mountain ash. if you do that and he lets you take him there then he will have healed." suddenly she was in the graveyard looking at James mother's tomb, she stared at it wondering on how she could convince him to come see his nightmares in reality...