


"Come on out my little omega, you can't hide forever" The six foot giant beta sang as he gave an evil toothy grin, showing his yellow, rotten teeth.

The pup knew for a fact there was no way he could hide from him, he would always find him no matter where he hid. Fighting back was not even an option, the beta was easily four times his size. The only thing he could do, was hope that somehow he would get tired and go away.

But he never gets tired.

He pressed his back against the tree he was hiding behind and closed his eyes, praying to the goddess he wouldn't find him. It seemed his prayers were answered because he could hear

footsteps walking away.

He let out a sigh of relief and peaked behind the tree. He was gone.

Or so he thought.

Just as he was about to make a run for it, he was roughly yanked away from the tree and held up in the air. He frantically kicked his legs in the air and swinging his tiny fists trying to hit his attacker, which caused his long curls to bounce about. The Beta just smirked as he watched the omega's pathetic display of defense.

"Poor little omega" The Beta smirked.

"You should know by now you can't hide from me" The little omega, getting tired of fighting back started sobbing. He wished his mommy was here, she would have protected him but she couldn't.

She was gone now.

"P-Please I...I-I promise I won't hide a-again" The omega pleaded, already knowing what was to come. The Beta beamed on hearing the omega's pleas, he was already turned on.

"Oh, I enjoy the chase. Makes things more fun, besides..." He gave a crooked evil smile before whispering "You can't hide from me" he began undoing the buckle of his belt, his sinister smile never fading.


Ruben snapped out of his horrid, recurring, nightmare panting. Sweat glistered all over his light brown skin which made his brunette curls to cling to his forehead. He tiredly rubbed his eyes as they were clouded with tears, sighing, he sat up straight trying to rid his memories of his terrible childhood.

He glanced over to the alarm clock beside him which sat on a broke down cabinet . He sighed once more as he saw it was still 4 a.m., meaning that it had been just about two hours since he's had his last nightmare. At least he actually got to sleep, he thought to himself. He was about to get up when his hand brushed past a folded paper. He picked it up and unfolded the paper, It was a picture of a woman and her son.

The woman had her waist length curly hair up in a loose bun, her gorgeous tan skin glowing in the sun, her smile as bright as day as she stared lovingly at the little boy beside her who wore a pout on his face as his mother held his chin up to look at the camera. Reuben sighed as he cradled the picture of him and his mother in his hands. He smiled as memories of that day came flooding in, memories of when they were actually happy.

But that never lasted long...

"te echo de menos, mamá" He muttered, placing a tender kiss on the picture and placing the picture back on the cabinet. he pushed himself off the small, tattered bed he laid on, which resulted in it making a squeaky sound but he didn't mind as long as he had a bed to sleep on he was fine.

"At least I have a roof over my head." Reuben tiredly muttered. He took a look at his new 'home', there was a permanent, pungent smell in the air which made him want to chunder the small scraps of diner he had the previous night,the cracked wall sprouted different colours of algae, the ceiling, if not littered with holes was covered in stains of different kinds, the furniture did not look furniture at all, instead they looked like random pieces of wood recklessly bounded together. He bit back the urge to throw up and hastily made his way out of the hell hole. It wasn't much but he'll have to live with it, after all there were times he didn't have a bed to sleep on at all. Running from city to city with a relentless rapist on his tail made him adaptable to almost anything.

"You know he'll still find you" A voice whispered.

"He'll always find you" Another said.

"You can't run away Reuben" They all laughed in unison, once again mocking his attempt of escaping. The brown skinned male gripped his head as the voices kept getting louder and louder, begging him to take his anger out on something or someone.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" Reuben screamed at no one in particular. He was alone but he wasn't. No matter what he did he couldn't escape the little voices that tormented his life ever since he fled his 'pack'. The little voices that urged him to do the unthinkable, the little voices that never missed a chance to remind him of about his past, the little voices that made him hate himself more that he already did.

He lazily ran his fingers through his soft brunette curls, cursing his inner demons for making his life more miserable than it already was. Deciding to head to the gym to, which was just beside his small broke down apartment he managed to come across, to clear his thoughts. He grabbed some of his worn out clothes and bathing materials and stuffed them into a gym bag he might or might not have stolen. The gym had a bathroom he decided he'd bath there since the house he now lived in didn't have one.

He opened what was left of his door which made a loud, creaking sound and exited the building. He swung his bag over his shoulder and made his way to the gym. At this point he didn't mind going to the gym every day to bathe for the rest of his life if it meant he didn't have to see him again...

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.


Marawritezcreators' thoughts
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