
Alpha's Addictive Curse

Elena seeks answers to the disappearance of her father but finds more than what she seeks,she uncovers a whole new world and becomes part of it as she is mated as a curse to a werewolf.She finds out that her whole existence is based on so many unbelievable secrets,she has to learn to fight and defend herself as she becomes the prey of so many creatures.Elena tries hard to survive In her journey with her mate against enemies

Meet_zie · Fantaisie
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12 Chs

Chapter 6-Tribrid

<p>Damon had left the building and went back to his mansion.He jumped over the fence and back into his rooms balcony,he mindlinked his alpha and beta to come to his room immediately<br/>"Derek,come to my room asap and inform Ronny too" the alpha commanded.The alpha and beta reported to their alpha's room as fast as they could,They knocked on the door and heard the alpha's voice "come in" he said and the duo entered the enormously large room.<br/>The alpha had already changed out of his pyjamas and was now wearing a blue shirt and black jeans with blue sneakers,the alpha turned to the duo as they entered the room and said "where is Lucinda?" he asked expecting a quick reply but was delayed for a few seconds before Derek replied <br/>"she now resides in an old hut close by the mountains"<br/>"good...bring the car around,we're leaving immediately" Damon commanded and the two obeyed and left.<br/>Few moments later,Damon came out of the house and entered the car,his beta and gamma were already waiting.<br/>The ride was a really awkward one as the alpha was being very quiet and the beta and gamma wouldn't dare question him even though they had a million questions.<br/>"why does he need to see Lucinda all of a sudden?" Ronny started a mind link conversation while focusing on the road and Derek replied "how do you expect me to possess that information when we were together all day" <br/><br/>"I'm just saying....he's been acting kind of weird ever since this morning....it's kind of strange" Ronny said<br/><br/>"well,whatever it is,we are about to find out" Derek said as he broke the mind link and Ronny parked at a river side.<br/><br/>The three came out of the car and stared at a hut just across the bridge over the river.<br/>Derek stared at the two knowing there are a lot of questions going on in their minds.He walked forward and was about the climb the bridge but then he turned and told them<br/>"I found my mate....but it doesn't end there" and proceeded over the bridge.The beta and gamma gave themselves the "what was that?" look and followed the alpha.<br/> When Damon got to the hut,he knocked on the door and it slowly opened itself,he turned back to look at the duo who were giving him a questioning look and walked into the hut while they followed.<br/> The inside of the hut looked like a shrine,there were candles everywhere and enormously large spell books,the inside of the hut looked a lot bigger than the outside.<br/> Lucinda is an outcast who was banished from her coven for performing black magic and so she moved to the outskirts of town but every week she would shapeshift into someone else either male or female to feast on innocent humans.It was during one of her shapeshifting shenanigans that she got caught and not by anyone else but by zekai,the leader of the witches and was almost killed but was saved by Damon who decided to have mercy but of course it's not for free,he has since then become her master and she must do whatever he wants.<br/> Lucinda looks like a middle aged woman but is over 700 years old,she has a mole on her right cheek and big eyes.Her hair is brown and looks very unkempt because as she lives in the outskirts of town she doesn't need to look good for anyone.<br/> Damon entered and scanned the whole room,smoke was everywhere and the place smelt like incense.Lucinda was sitting in the midst of candles,meditating and chanting spells that made objects fly around.When she became aware of the presence of the three,sh e stopped chanting and the floating objects fell to the ground.<br/>"welcome,alpha...it's been a while" she said as she stood up and bowed to Damon who just stared at her.<br/>"what do you need?",she asked placing a scarf around her neck and before Damon could reply,Lucinda said "you found her,didn't you?....who is she?"<br/><br/>"I need your help Lucinda.....she's in trouble" he said and Lucinda looked at him confused <br/>"trouble?....there are a lot of people after her life,so she would definitely always be in trouble"<br/><br/>"do you know anything about an abandoned building in the forest?" he asked ignoring what she said<br/><br/>"abandoned....maria" Lucinda said as she went over and opened a book and then finally stopped at a page and turned to Damon<br/><br/>"a lady was burned alive in her own home over 600 years ago in Wuthering Heights...but she wasn't a human,the villagers thought she was a witch but she wasn't,she was something else...she was a kitsune"<br/><br/>"Kitsune???...that fox thing that inhabits people's bodies...there was one in Wuthering Heights???" Derek said after listening to Lucinda<br/>"yes...but that was a long time ago"Lucinda replied<br/>"what does this kitsune have to do with damons mate???" Ronny said<br/>"we're wasting time,she could be in danger"Damon said with a worried expression that earned a confused look on everyone's face<br/>"what are you all staring at???....Lucinda is there anything you can do???" he asked<br/>"you haven't told me what exactly happened to her" Lucinda said as she closed the book in front of her <br/>"she just...dissapeared" he said<br/>"disappeared???....to where???" Lucinda asked <br/>"if I knew that information,what the hell am I here for?" he said in a sarcastic tone<br/>"ok then....I can bring her back but we'll have to go back to where it started before midnight,or else...." Lucinda said and disappeared.The three men looked at each other and left the hut.<br/> When they got to the building,Lucinda was already there,she was sitting in a candle circle and chanting a spell.Her eyes had already turned white and a heavy wind was blowing and then Damon saw a girl appear at the corner of the room with her back turned.<br/>Damon walked up to her and touched her shoulder,she seemed a bit scared and so the girl turned and it was Elena,she stared at everyone and stopped at Lucinda who had already stopped chanting and was staring back at Elena who then suddenly fainted.<br/>"I can't believe this....how is this possible?" Lucinda said as she stared at the girl who had just fainted as Damon picked her up and stared at Lucinda <br/>"how is what possible?" Damon asked with Elena in his arms<br/>"They look exactly alike" Lucinda said as she scanned Elena's face<br/>"Stop talking in riddles" Damon said as he was already running out of patience.<br/>"she looks like the tri-brid" Lucinda said as she looked away from Elena <br/>"The tribrid???...who???" he asked <br/>"you seem to be oblivious to what goes on in Wuthering Heights but it has been a long time since anyone has seen her...the tribrid seems to have been hiding a lot of secrets" Lucinda said and disappeared once again,leaving the three men confused at what she just said.<br/>Damon stood there confused as a million questions ran through his head<br/>who is this tribrid???<br/>What's her story and what does she know about Elena??? and what does this kitsune have to do with any of this.It seems his mates whole existence has millions of secrets that she herself might not be aware of and she has surprisingly piqued his interest.</p>