
Alone You Stand My Beloved Atlantis

[Quick Transmigration: The Villain's Kiss System Activated!] In a family of superheroes, Lucienna Bravestone stands out as the one without any extraordinary abilities. But beneath her unassuming facade lies a determined heart yearning for the love and recognition of her superheroic kin. Her secret journey takes her on an unexpected path, from a chance meeting with a medicine mentor to becoming a hidden doctor, which boosts her confidence yet leaves her overshadowed and insecure. One day, she rescues a wounded cat and unwittingly triggers a cascade of events that will test her abilities and rewrite the dynamics of her life. Then, the unexpected loss of her first kiss to a stranger sets in motion a mind-bending transformation. A peculiar system emerges, offering her a unique power, the ability to traverse different times and eras. Yet, this gift comes at a hefty price. The mysterious system strikes a dark bargain, tasking Lucienna with an extraordinary mission, that is, to save the person who might bring about world-ending chaos and destruction. She must safeguard the heart of this potential villain, keeping it warm and full of happiness to prevent the descent into darkness. Will her heart be strong enough to endure the ultimate test, or will she be forever marked by her choices? "Meow..." "You're here..." "Meow..." "I like you too..."

Jiuxianzhi · Fantaisie
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30 Chs

A Doctor in Secret

Lucienna's curiosity piqued. "What do you mean?"

"The patient's body is no longer responding to the medicines administered for his condition," Doctor Sparks explained gravely. "His organs might fail within the hour. The Director wants you to stabilize the patient and prepare his body for the operation. He's asking when you will arrive."

"I'm almost at the hospital's door," Lucienna replied, her heart pounding with anxiety and decisiveness.

As she sped toward the hospital in her sleek Black Phantom, she couldn't help but lament the challenges of her secret life. Rain clouds loomed ominously overhead, threatening a downpour.

She whispered to herself, "It's a cloudy day, and it might rain later. I just hope I can make it back to school before my guards start looking for me. This life is truly troublesome."

The weight of her hidden responsibilities grew heavier, but Lucienna knew that she couldn't turn away from the burdened life she had chosen.

Upon her arrival at the hospital, Lucienna wasted no time. She parked her sleek Black Phantom with accuracy.

She had purchased the car with her hard-earned salary as a ghost doctor, ensuring that her parents' contributions covered only her tuition, with the rest discreetly funneling into her separate bank account.

Inside the sterile, fluorescent-lit corridors of the hospital, she swiftly donned her white coat, its pristine fabric a symbolic shield against the dual worlds she inhabited.

Racing to the designated room, she found herself immersed in the frenetic pace of the medical team, her fellow physicians and nurses already preparing for the upcoming surgery.

Doctor Sparks, a seasoned surgeon with greying hair, beckoned her urgently. "Doctor Cien, thank goodness you're here. We need you to stabilize the patient immediately."

Lucienna nodded, her senses sharpened to the urgency of the situation. She entered the room where the cancer-stricken patient lay, his vital signs teetering on the precipice of disaster. Tubes and monitors surrounded him, the relentless beeping of machines punctuating the tension in the room.

She moved with precision, calmly assessing the patient's condition. Her nimble fingers adjusted IV lines, monitored oxygen levels, and administered medications to bring his deteriorating body back from the brink. It was a race against time, and Lucienna knew that every second counted.

Meanwhile, in the operating theater next door, the Director, a renowned neurosurgeon with a reputation for saving lives, prepared for the intricate and delicate procedure that lay ahead.

The cancer had infiltrated the patient's brain, posing a demanding challenge. Doctor Evilon, who had been delayed due to his nocturnal revelry, finally arrived, his face marked with remorse and fatigue.

The Director, his hands steady and his concentration unwavering, led the team in the life-saving operation. He navigated the maze of the patient's neural pathways with utmost precision, carefully excising the malignant growth that threatened to steal the man's life.

Lucienna, still monitoring the patient's vital signs, felt the tension in the room gradually ebb as the Director's expertise prevailed.

The delicate dance of instruments and the steady hum of the machines merged into a symphony of expectancy, a testament to the devotion of those who walked the fine line between life and death.

Hours passed, the operation painstakingly meticulous. As the Director closed the final suture, a collective sigh of relief swept through the operating theater.

The patient's life had been spared, thanks to the tireless efforts of the medical team, including Lucienna, whose role in stabilizing the patient had been instrumental in ensuring a successful outcome.

The patient, now on the path to recovery, would never know the secret lives of those who had come to his rescue, the dedicated student who doubled as a ghost doctor, and the Director whose skilled hands had orchestrated a life-saving ballet within the confines of the human brain.

Lucienna's heart swelled with a sense of fulfillment with the successful surgery behind her. The patient was out of immediate danger, and she knew her efforts had played a vital role in saving a life. But there was no time for rest. Her other life beckoned.

'Just like a normal student, I needed to hurry back!'

Exiting the hospital, Lucienna hurriedly returned to her car, which had served her well in more ways than one. She slid into the driver's seat, her fingers gripping the steering wheel with determination.

The skies, earlier threatening with heavy clouds, had now yielded to a gentle drizzle, the rhythmic pattern of raindrops serving as a soothing backdrop to her thoughts.

As she navigated the streets, each mile brought her closer to the prestigious academy she attended. The clock on the dashboard ticked away, and her mind raced in tandem with the seconds. The dismissal bell would soon ring, signaling the end of the school day, and she needed to return in time to maintain the illusion of a typical student.

Finally, she arrived at the school gates, her car gliding to a stop just as the familiar chime of the dismissal bell echoed through the campus. The timing was impeccable, as if fate itself had conspired to keep her secret hidden a little while longer.

'The hallways are very busy. I need to reach the school gates before my guards arrive!' She hurriedly parked her car inside the school and flashed into the crowd. It was a long way from the car park inside the school to the school gates by walking.

Lucienna watched as her fellow students began to spill out of the school buildings, their laughter and chatter filling the air. Among them were her classmates and their friends, completely unaware of the extraordinary double life she led.

She adjusted her appearance, the white coat carefully tucked away, her demeanor shifting seamlessly from that of a dedicated doctor to an arrogant top student.

With practiced ease, she joined the stream of students making their way toward the school gates, blending in perfectly as the final notes of the dismissal bell faded into the background.

As she walked, her thoughts were consumed by the delicate balancing act she maintained, a life of privilege and academia juxtaposed with the secret world of life-saving heroics that defined her true calling.

Lucienna knew that her journey was far from over, and the challenges she faced would only grow more complex. Yet, for now, she had successfully navigated the labyrinth of her two worlds, emerging unscathed and ready to embrace the responsibilities that lay ahead.

As Lucienna made her way through the bustling school grounds, she couldn't help but feel a pang of envy as she observed her fellow students.

Groups of friends laughed and chatted animatedly, their camaraderie evident in their easy interactions. They moved in packs, their footsteps synchronized, and the bonds they shared were noticeable in the way they effortlessly navigated the world together.

In contrast, Lucienna walked alone, a solitary figure weaving through the crowd. Her secret life had always required her to maintain distance from her classmates, and it often left her feeling isolated.

She watched wistfully as friends linked arms, shared inside jokes, and made plans for the afternoon. It was a life she yearned for but could never fully embrace.