
Alone At The End

He left me after promising that he would never. Now again the same thing happened is this Deja Vu or what? But both time why I have a responsibility which won't let me die peacefully? Why is it happening to me? Why he wants to come back after his doing to me? Am I that much unlucky? What will be my future? Will I ever get to live without any worry? Is this my fate? Am I ever getting what I wanted?

Pineeee_Treeee97 · Urbain
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10 Chs



"Olivia listen" Said the boy who is after me from 2 months.

He is handsome and want to start a relationship with me, but I am not ready as we are still teen. Still I fell in love with him because he never gave up on me. It proved how much he love me, and now I am trying to be hard to get one.

"Yes Leo" I said while turning towards him

"Look I love you so much, please be with me I promise that I would never leave you" He said with a small pout on his lips

"I told you that I am not ready" I said looking direct in his eyes

"I know but at least give me a chance" I smiled internally

"Umm I will think about it now and will tell you my answer tomorrow" I said and turned around to go to my music class leaving him in a flustered state.

Actually we are in same music and dance class. At my first day in music class I met him and after 3 to 4 days he started chasing me. At first I was annoyed but now I love it and I love him.

While thinking I reached at my class and went inside it, to be greeted by some students talking to each other. Looking here and there to find my friends who were still nowhere to found, I heard a voice from the front

"Olivia here" Shouted my friend Amy standing with my other friends in front of the stage. I went towards them and stand with them when my other friend Emily said

"Did your lover followed you huh?" She said in a teasing tone making my cheeks a little pink

"What are you saying?" I said trying to act dumb

"Stop acting dumb Olivia" My another friend Jessica said

"Okay okay, He did" I said looking away from there faces

"Finally truth" Amy said in a dramatic voice while other two removed there fake tears. And I was just standing there looking at them

"Are you all for real" I asked while looking at them in disbelief

"What you just finally confessed" Jessica said

"Tsk stop it" I said

"TsK sToP iT, I know you also love him back just go already give him a chance" Emily said making me blush hard

"Some one is blushing" Amy said looking at my face

"Stop! and I am gonna give him a chance tomorrow" I said making there faces go bright with smile

"Finally" They all said at the same time

"Now you wont be left single" Amy said because the 3 of them already have a boyfriend while I didn't, but now I would also have one

I was going to say something when the teacher came inside. He went on stage and look at us all.

"So today you all are gonna present me your group tasks" He said making us shock because he was gonna see our task next week, and we are not ready yet

"But sir you said that you will take it next week" Some random student said

"I know I said that I will take it next week, I just want to see your practice now I will see the list and call student's group one by one" At the last his voice got strict and the first group was of Leo and his friends. Leo is a good dancer and singer tho.

There performance was done and Leo did a great job, during the while performance I was just looking at him. He was looking cute and at the same time hot while dancing.

"Okay it was nice keep it up like this" Teacher complimented and called the next group.

After 4 performances it was our turn. From our I mean me, Jessica, Amy and Emily. Teacher called us and we went on stage.

As we were not ready yet so our performance was not that much good but still we did our best.

"It was nice and as the time will be over in 1 week prepare your notes more" He said making us nod and get of the stage. When I get down the stage Leo came in front of us.

"You did really well I hope one day you will also perform with me" He said with a smile

"Sure she will in the couple Competition" Emily replied instead of me making me look at her in shock.

I was about to reply when Leo said

"I will look forward at it" He said being all happy and went towards his friends

"Why did you said that to him" I said in a whiney tone

"It isn't false tho, I bet that you both will perform in the couple Competition this year" Amy said

"I think yes, we will" I said being all shy

"hmm~" Jessica said teasing me

"Stop it" I said and went to see other group performance.

After the class was over I went to my other class with Emily because Jessica and Amy was having another class.

Now it was leaving time as our classes were over. I went to my apartment where I live alone. I live alone here because my parents died when I was 5 and I started to live in orphanage from there.

My life totally changed from there, I never expected that I would grow up without parents. That was the time when I started to believe in that cote

"In the end only you will left for yourself"

Well I don't know where I heard of it but it was true tho. I was only left for myself at the end but it was just a start.

It was hard to live without parents for me but those orphanage caretakers were very nice to me.

As 18 is the legal age so after turning to 18 I left the orphanage and started to live with the money those orphanage owner gave saying that this is the amount they get from selling the properties of my parents.

After getting out of the orphanage I bought a apartment to live in. And got to know that living alone is very hard.