
Alone At The End

He left me after promising that he would never. Now again the same thing happened is this Deja Vu or what? But both time why I have a responsibility which won't let me die peacefully? Why is it happening to me? Why he wants to come back after his doing to me? Am I that much unlucky? What will be my future? Will I ever get to live without any worry? Is this my fate? Am I ever getting what I wanted?

Pineeee_Treeee97 · Urbain
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10 Chs



I thought that life is not easy and you have to do hard work, but mine got a little bit easy as I found Noah early then I thought.

But how would I know that he is Leo's brother, there is a possibility that he can be someone else.

I would first get close to him and then know about his family's background.

"OMG Olivia you are a genius" I said patting my back. Then I put the location of that dance academy, it is the only academy in this pack. It is on 20 minutes drive.

I reached there and its already past noon so I have to find an hotel to live in for tonight. But as I came here so first I will ask about Noah, because I wouldn't sleep without knowing about him.

I went inside that academy and it looks a good place to me like interior was fully decorated. It was looking like a high class place, but didn't Leo told me that his brother's financial state is not good. So what is he doing here.

I am standing at the entrance thinking about it when someone tapa my shoulder from behind. I turned around and saw a man.

"Yes?" I asked looking at him

"Do you want to take admission here?" He asked and an idea popped inside my mind.

"Yes,Yes" I said

"Okay, so come inside my office behind me" He said and moved forward while I followed him holding my bag. We reached his office "Sit here" he said and I sit there in front of him.

"So where are you from? Are you from this pack" He asked

"No, I came from the other pack" I answered

"Oh, I see. So why do you want to take admission here" He asked. What should I tell him that I am here to find Noah. No, he would be suspicious for sure.

"I want admission here because I love to sing and dance. I want to be a dancer" I said making an excuse.

"Hmm, Okay so you can take admission here" He said making me so much happy

"Really? Thank you sir, but what is the fee" I asked and hope that it wouldn't be that much because I don't have so much money.

"There isn't any fees, students here learn for free and most of them live in a dorm. And some of the students are in a group as some students are solo." He said and I nodded my head indicating to continue.

"How do you want to perform solo or in a group with the other students?" He asked

"I would like to be in a group" I answered after some time of thinking

"Okay, so tomorrow you will perform in front of students and then you will get options on which you have to choose a group" He said making me nod my head. "Do you want to live in our guest house for night as in morning you can shift with your group" He offered

"Yes sure, Thank you so much sir" U thanked him standing after him.

"It was my pleasure" He said and take out a key from his drawer "Come I will show you your room" He said and went towards the room while I followed him from behind observing every little detail of this academy.

We reached at my room for night and it was beautifully decorated with decent look. "Thank you sir" I again thanked him

"It was nothing, fell yourself at home and tomorrow at 7:30am you should be down for breakfast" He said

"Okay sir" I said and bid him goodbye. After locking the door I went inside the bathroom for sure. Thank god that I bring my 1 shoulder bag with me as it have all of my important stuff.

I take a warm shower and changed my clothes. After changing my clothes I laid myself on the bed and sleep as I was so much tired today and tomorrow I have to wake up early.

My eyes opened because of this piece of shit known as alarm clock. It was 6:30 now and I have 1 hour to fresh myself and pack the things which I used.

I changed my clothes in an oversized hoodie with a pair of jeans. I put a little bit of makeup to make my face glow. I come outside my room and went to that principal's office so that I can return him the keys of room.

I entered his office after asking for permission.

"Good Morning sir!" I exclaimed

"Good Morning" He replied looking at me "How was your sleep" He asked

"Peaceful! and I come here to return the keys of room" I said passing him the keys which he take from my hands

"Hmm, I forgot to ask your name what is it?" He asked while I stand there dumbfounded

"Olivia" I replied

"Okay so Olivia, go to the cafeteria and do your breakfast as it is already 7:30 and after that a teacher will guide you". He said making me nod my head twice

"Okay, Thank you sir! Have a good day" I said

"You too" He replied and I come out of his office. But wait I don't know where that cafeteria is? *OMG I am so much stupid* I mentally scold myself and at the same time I saw a boy entering from the entrance as principal's office is in the starting. I approached him

"Excuse me Mr." I excused looking at his direction

"Um.. I am Olivia" I said offering my hand for a handshake which he gladly accepted with a smile

"I am Lim" as soon as I heard that name my eyes widened and I looked at him like I have found a treasure

"You-You are Lim" I asked shuttering because of excitement while he look at me with amazed eyes

"Yes, but do you know me" He asked and I came back to reality.

"No, I was just asking" I said not telling him the truth "Oh, and can you please take me to cafeteria as I am new here and I don't know where is it" I said trying to explain my situation.

"Oh, I was going there to" He said

"Okay so lets go together" I said

"Yes Sure" He said. I thought that it would be difficult to make him my friend but he looks so much innocent.

We entered the cafeteria and all students where looking at both of us as we entered inside, my guess is surely right that they all are thinking of us as a couple. But who cares?

"Were do we sit?" I asked catching his attention as he was scanning the whole are to find a seat and he found one.

"Lets sit there" Lim said pointing at the table at the corner

"Okay" I showed him a thumbs up and move forward but he didn't come behind me "Wont you come?" I asked standing in front of them.

"No, you sit I will bring breakfast for us" He said. He is so much sweet, I passed him a smile.

"Thank you, I will go there" I said and went towards the spot he said earlier.