
Delusions and Psychopathic attitude

Delusions and Psychopathic attitudes are sometimes misunderstood.

Delusions is an idiosyncratic belief or impression that is firmly maintained despite being contradicted by what is generally accepted as reality or rational argument, typically a symptom of mental disorder

Delusions can be cured in socialization on people who are nice and kind for their own good.

Delusions are something that can be explained and cure yet it is tricky to cure them. People with delusions have multiple outcomes either suicide or murdering someone just because that person pressuring them what is wrong for them.

Delusions is not a mental disorder because all of us have it, it's just our understanding in terms of formalities and rationalities are just different from each other, there are others who are self-sacrifice, selfish, assholes, and many other things but the difference between people who are too naive and those who are average is there understanding to there beliefs.

People who really really naive sometimes misjudge people in terms of their beliefs they do not accept other people's beliefs or something new that they didn't know.

Delusional people are fragile when it comes to words they are cautious and sometimes fidgeting if people talking to them or they sometimes being cocky for their own good and aggressive to the point of physically hurting people.

Creating distance from these people won't do anything to help them rather than avoiding them hand them to the professional people who fucoses on this kind of mental issue to cure those naive beliefs.

On the other hand, a psychopath is not a mental disorder but an ASPD. Psychopaths are not a killing maniac like you would see in movies or any other stories that contain psychopathic logic. The psychopath is a term for people who enjoy seeing people die, suffer, and cats or sometimes misunderstands people around them thinking they are mocking or glaring at them leading them to kill people and enjoying it just because it is fun to do but there are other psychopaths who usually very nice and they understand that killing is bad, their only enjoyment sometimes around with animals or games and movies that contain killing people to death.

Psychopaths have a lot of disturbing preferences like tortures, death, screams, and cuddling cats and dogs mainly cats.

Psychopaths that kill people can only be prevented by going through a lot of things that many people don't like even delusional too and it is a mental hospital or execution/life sentence in jail to be more precise.

Guilty psychopaths are not good at telling truths because they speak what they need to speak and that's the hard part telling if they lie or not because psychopaths are genius at modifying the truth and sometimes they do not speak anything that isn't necessarily important, the way they say everything is depending on what people expect an innocent person would say.

They understand the normal things that people supposed to be acting and that's why psychopaths are a real deal if they go on a rampage.

A lot of people misunderstand psychopaths who like killing in movies and games. One of those problems is psychopaths laughing if they see a person died in movies or they kill a baby, civilian, and killing anyone in the game without a reason.

For that reason, some people do not interact with them because psychopaths like killing parts and a lot of torture scenes because for them it is weird and crazy. Psychopaths are not a curable one but it can be prevented by influencing them in a positive way and let them see that killing and tortures are not the only things that are fun in this vast world.