
All I could ever want in DC

A weak boy wants nothing more then strength even if he is powerful all he wants is to show others there place below him. Cover not mine I can take it down and I own nothing but my oc

Armoti_Nelson · Jeux vidéo
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Chapter 10: zulmak the unfelled,against fathers will?

Zulmak POV

[city of umber]

The ship that I was on did not dive but landed on its side causing a massive explosion. Freeing myself all ther greets me is a sea of flames and screams. 'Father I will make sure you never have to look at this weak creatures again' thinking as I swipe my sword across the burning flames.

Looking down at the being I see some of them look at me from afar as they glow and send large jagged pieces of ice at me. Walking forward I the ice melts and I swing my sword sending out fire and air pressure that clears everything in front of me. While moving in the same direction I see a blue hair elemental with her white skin and fulling blue eyes with a large amount of ice in front of her that's melting at fast rate as she kneels and has cuts while she is bleeding all over.

Ice elemental "i don't know what you are monster but I will not yield!" She says as he try's to stand.

"I am zulmak the third son of oryx...the unfelled" I say as I look at her deeply I must say a warrior in every sense of the word I think as I step infront of her and look down at her I cool off my hand and grab her putting a little pressure she struggles but soon falls unconscious placing her under my feet.

"I must end this or Crota and alak will say other wise to father" saying that last part with a little fear in my voice. I look at the flames that are around the area as I say "cleansing ember" as all the flames rush into the middle of my body at my core. Curling my body a little I push my arms outward.


(A.N imagine a fusion bomb how it collapses in on itself)

The ground cracks as molten lava and rock and wind blow everything away after the dust cloud could be seen for miles and the mountains and everything in or out of the city turned in to molten hell cracked rocks and flames danced across the once large city. Me being at the center look down and see that creature is still alive. Reaching down and picking her up I look at the destruction. I walk forward and tear the space infront of me and walk through as I do I think 'with this and my brothers wrath there is nothing left' looking back before I enter fully I say "expect for fathers prize" as I let the space close behind me.

[Ascendant realm]

stepping into the realm of thrones I see crota and alak. Crota leaning on his throne and alak with his back straight they both turn to me. walking over to my throne I drop the unconscious creature as I sit. Alak eye glows a deep green.

Alak "zulmak what is this creature doing here" he's voice low and filled with anger.

Zulmak "she stood when the rest fell against me" I say while leaning forward.

Alak "Father said nothing survives expect for his prize and you take one yourself"

Zulmak "I think she will be of great use to father" while I look at alak knowing he will not back down because he does not approve.

Alak "you went against fathers order" and he reaches for his axe showing he will make me understand with force as I think about his words I did go againest fathers will. Gripping my sword next to me placed by my throne.

"Enough!" A demonic voice rings out stoping me and alak.

Crota "what he says is true zulmak but we will let father decide" with his hand propping up his head as he looks at me and his eyes glow with a deep green light.

Zulmak and Alak "very well"

"Mmmmm" we all stop as we look down at the creature who seems to have working up.

Ice elemental "where am I" she says confused and looks around.

Crota "do not speak while we are"

I.E "you do no rulll...ahhhhh!" She try's to speak out but Crota lifts his hand and a green and black light wraps around her crushing her body and pulling her to the middle of the throne world. Dropping her and leaning forward.

Crota "I'll throw you into this endless realm creature do not speak again" as he puts more pressure on her just by being looked at with his 3 green glowing light.

She just nods her head with Great difficulty and puts her head to the floor. 'I think she will be useful to father if not I'll extinguish her existence' thinking as I lean back in my throne waiting for father to finish his plan.

Crota "father will be pleased with us alak as for you zulmak you will face his wrath if he is not understood" he looks at me as I nod.

Zulmak "if he is not I will Atone with my life" as Crota and alak lean back in there thrones

3rd person POV

As the three kings/sons lean back in there thrones the shadows from the high backrest over shadowing there face. In the darkest you can see there eyes glowing brightly waiting for there father/god to finish his plan as the ice elemental in the middle looking at the huge thrones with the giant creatures sitting in them eyes glowing. She slowly turns around and a shiver runs down her spin as she sees the massive clear and black throne. Thinking to herself 'if these monster sit In these thrones what sits in that'.