
The key.

Vivian walked solemnly around Railway park. Today was the worst day of her life. She even felt like ending it. She sat on a white bench near a tree. She started counting down so she could start crying any minute. "three, two, one!" She counted.

Before she could let out a sob, she saw a really strange looking key near a fountain. Fountain remember it all. Vivian looked around as if she was going to steal something. She slowly got up and went to fountain remember it all.

Vivian picked up the key. And wanted to cry. "This could be a key to someone's house." She murmured. The person is probably having the same bad day. Vivian thought.

Vivian got up to look around for the owner of the key. Vivian reached out to take the key. when she lifted it, she realized how heavy it was. But the key looked nothing like gold but it was even heavier than her wardrobe.

Vivian shut her eyes really tight and lifted the key with all her might. "Wow, the person who claims owner to this key must be really strong." Vivian said in wonder.

The person is very brave too, having a key this heavy. Vivian thought.

Vivian carried the key and asked almost everyone at the park and all they said was, "I don't think I can carry a key this heavy."

Defeated, Vivian walked home looking pale from all that carrying.

Vivian sighed and went to her room after putting the key on her table. She went to her bed where Philonelle, her teddy bear lay. "oh Philonelle," Vivian. "You are now the only one I have again." Vivian began. "... Charles broke up with me, Sarah and Lindy also defriended me. It's just you and me now." Vivian closed her eyes as tears slowly rolled down her cheek.

FLASHBACK: "Oh Vivian you're here already." Charles said, Vivian could see him shaving. "What is the matter Charles?" Vivian asked like the little girl everyone knew." "Eh, Vivian," Charles reluctantly said. "I don't think we can be together." "But why Charles? Vivian asked, her eyes welling up with tears. "My friends are are complaining that I date a big baby." Charles explained. "But, I thought you said you like me for who I am." Vivian said, referring to what he said a week ago. Charles sighed. "But I have to put my friends first." Charles said bowing his head. "So you didn't love me? Did you?" Now the tears were running down. "No Vivian that's not the point." Charles tried to say. "You just dated me because you felt sorry for me." Vivian said, her tears running down like a fully opened tap. Charles tried to say something but Vivian left before he could utter another word.


Vivian sighed she was tired from all that carrying and crying. She put her head on the pillow thinking of continuing the search for the owner of the heavy key tomorrow.

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