
Desert-Land pt.1

in the cafe...

Scarlette - admiring all the food in the cafe

Nathaniel and Marc looking at her

Nathaniel - "Should I be happy or sad about her love for Desert but at least makes her happy"

Marc - "Yeah why is it sometimes embarrassing to be with her when she gorges herself with thoughts of deserts" palm on his head

Scarlette - ignoring them and stares at the beauty in front of her

Nathaniel - "What do you want Marc, since I'm guessing we can just choose whatever for the beast over there"

Marc - Laughing "I'll take-"

After finished ordering

Nathaniel - calling Scarlette "Hey Scarlette! we got the food! if not I and Marc will happily eat it"

Scarlette - turning her head quickly and wiping her drool, after sitting down. starts eating nicely but gorges herself with big bites "yum yum yum"

Nathaniel - after predicting Scarlette desert eating ways, starts eating and enjoys it so much

Marc - just goes straight in only thinking of his food


Scarlette - "ah" slouching on the chair

Marc - on the phone taking pictures and texting

Nathaniel; "Mmmm, so good. This store's Deserts are so delicious"

The store manager walks in

Manager - Smiles "Hey! It seems you kids are frequent visitors at my store! wanna make a deal"

Nathaniel - looking at the women "Who are you?"

Scarlette - looking and wakes up "She's the manager you dummy..." squinting for a better look

Marc - "huh? how do you know" looking at Scarlette as he has his note

Scarlette - "Dumdum she has the tag and everyone said she was when she came in."

Manager - smirk "Observative are you, makes this offer much better than I thought"

Scarlette - sighs "I'm not I just guessed from what I can connect with my dream sequence"

Nathaniel - "Okay.. so what's the deal?"

Manager - "Come to my office and we'll talk" walks off to her office

Everyone in the office

Scarlette - sitting down in the chair

Marc - sitting on the side with his legs hanging on the arm-rest.

Nathaniel - sitting down beside Scarlette

Manager - "okay, in this offer you'll be served free deserts any time of our open time and become vip of the store but you have to be our sponsors, as in like you all work for us, pose for our store and food and comment on it doesn't matter your feelings as well and come to certain events so like I'm saying, in short, be our mascot"

Nathaniel - Confused "You want kids to be your mascot? but want about our school hours? and your gonna have to plan our schedule beforehand because we are authors and inventors."

Manage - "Oh I can set up the schedule beforehand, just do us great. your gonna receive many fans for this plus you'll do us great from a youngster perspective."

Scarlette - "My parents would allow me to do this. I'll do it but I'll hand my schedule and profile to you so you won't make a mistake because my parents will make you pay plus my hobbies time shall not be disturbed and it doesn't matter to me about school time unless it's test day and if it's at night time you better call beforehand before making any decisions of events that time for me"

Nathaniel and Marc surprised about the serious side of Scarlette but also had seen it coming somehow

Marc - dying inside "I hate how I just got used to this girl"

Nathaniel - "don't insult her like that although it being true if she's doing I'll do the same and send my working papers as well as for the offer I will have to be received in pay instead and our company will sort out the schedules with you" lending the company card

Marc - "I'll do it but the nights are optional for me as well but I may not like being good at this okay. Also, I'm gonna need in pay too, only Scarlette's okay with having free deserts"

Manager - smiled and applause "Hooray! don't worry about the deserts you have the membership card, and I'll send the contract to your company and mail Scarlette's to her home"

I have a side story now, but this has nothing to do with the current story so you're gonna have a story anyways!

"Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!"

Lost_Knownahcreators' thoughts
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