
Aliens in the Multiverse

What would happen if you create a world? Well a certain alien did after his death, and because of that he met a god. Now he is put to the task to get powerful and help this god in monitoring and creating worlds. With the power of an alien roulette. ........ This is my first time writing and English is not my first language so please bear with me. First world - My Hero Academia **DISCLAIMER** I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING FEATURED IN THIS FANFIC INCLUDING THE COVER ART IF YOU ARE THE OWNER AND WANT IT TO NOT BE FEATURED IN MY FAN FIC PLEASE MESSAGE ME Below are the sources I got the Aliens from. https://ben10.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Transformations?from=Y https://5yl.fandom.com/wiki/Ben%27s_Arsenal#Original

Helix_Tower · Anime et bandes dessinées
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22 Chs

Time skip

Seeing that I actually transformed made everyone extremely surprised but the first one to recover was Nero who said. "Elize quickly tell him to do something else!"

In response my mother said. "Azmuth please go back to normal."

Hearing her I quickly cut my connection with Wildvine and returned back to my normal body.

Seeing this they were once again surprised since the first one may have been a fluke. But my father recovered and spoke after a second. "Azmuth could you transform into the ball monster?"

To which I set up a connection with BallPit and transformed into him.

Seeing me transform into something completely different than before Nero got closer to see what my body was composed of since it looked transparent and made out of plastic. Once he touches it he realized my skin was also rubber, just extremely thin rubber to the point that it was transparent.

At this point Nero spoke. "Azmuth could you make a ball for me?" But I ignored him to show my parents that I would not do anything that was asked of me unless it was them or someone I trusted.

"Pretty pleaaase?" Nero said after he saw me ignoring him with puppy eyes and I swear I saw tears forming in his eyes.

Sadly for him I continued to ignore him until my father patted his shoulder and said.

"Don't worry Nero this may be good. Lets see, Azmuth could you do as Nero said?" To which I let a few balls fall out of my body by controlling my skin to make a hole for the balls.

Seeing this Nero slumped down and my father had an incredible smile plastered on his face but he didn't forget to pat Nero on the shoulder to help him get over it. My mother almost jumped from excitement while screaming "my child is a genius" but held back because, one she had me in her arms and two she was still in the organization.

By now they knew that I had control over my quirk but they continued on to first make 100 percent sure that my quirk will not be exposed to anyone by mistake and to also test the limits of my aliens like testing Wildvine's vine durability and strength, which I let them do because it will also benefit me.

After a while they were satisfied and we started leaving while saying goodbye to Nero. Reaching the glass office once again my parents spoke with the boss for a bit before leaving.

It was around lunch time so we made a stop to get food before reaching the house especially since my parents didn't finish breakfast.

Once we reached our home my mother could not hold back her excitement of me being a genius that at one and a half months can control his quirk. She started hugging and kissing me, and once she put me down in the crib she started skipping her way to eat lunch.

When they finished with lunch I was fed and like usual we went down to the basement to exercise and spent our time there until before dinner when they went to wash up and cook.

Once I was in my room I started to train my abilities because today I got quite a bit of energy from the sun. After a lot of time I learned that it was approximately a 1 to 3 ratio for the amount of sun I absorbed and the amount of time it gave energy for.

After training with my aliens for two hours and a half I fell asleep.


The next day.

My parents were walking around the mall with me in the cart. They decided to take me out since I have only gone out twice and that was just to UHA. Knowing that I would follow their instructions they were confident that nothing was going to happen.

I was happy that my plan worked, now I can train more at night because of the sun I absorbed throughout the day. It was a risky plan but at worst they would just not take me out of the house, not even to go to UHA which was nothing major compared to the gains.

Not only am I able to absorb more sun rays but I also get to see what is outside besides what I see from the window of the car. The bad part is that now my mother is taking me to every store she can to try clothes on, which is exhausting not only for me but my father as well because of the bags that keep getting heavier and his wallet that gets lighter.

I was fascinated by the tall buildings, the many people in the streets and buildings, and all the different stores, especially the food stores I can't wait until I can taste them. I also got to see some of the heroes that the news always talks about but I was not that impressed, the only thing that stood out were the overly exaggerated outfits some of them wore.

Eventually my mother decided she bought enough for me and so we went to eat and back home. At home like usual my mother fed me and then we went to the basement to join my father for some exercise.

Night quickly came by and I was excited to try something with BallPit's abilities. A while back I found out that I could change the shape of the balls inside my body and the easiest way to do that is by transforming into the transparent humanoid alien since in my human form I would not have much time to change the balls forms.

Once transformed I started to control many of the balls inside my body to one place and started to squish them together with my telekinesis that works inside my body the same way it does outside. After it was too difficult to squish more balls together I started to create a ball around the bunched up balls, but once the ball was formed it immediately exploded from the pressure coming from the balls inside it. Seeing that I failed my first try I started again.

My idea was basically to create a bomb using rubber balls. By squishing a lot of balls inside a hollow one I may be able to balance it out so that on impact the outside one would explode and release all the balls inside it at fast speeds. The only problem was finding that balance, after all I need to figure out how much pressure the outside ball can resist depending on how thick I make it but the thicker it is the less balls I can fit inside and so the less pressure, and so I need to find the perfect ratio of thickness to balls or pressure on the inside.

I didn't have to worry about rubber's elasticity since the ability to make the balls as hard as rock does not really just make the rubber as hard as rocks but literally makes them rock and so in theory the perfect rubber bomb should look and act like a normal rubber ball but the moment I turn the outer ball into rock it would explode and send it flying at high speeds. Not only will the outer ball pieces be sent flying the balls inside will also fly at high speeds which can also be turned into stones to do heavy damage.

I stayed awake the whole night trying over and over again to create the stupid rubber ball bomb that ultimately by the morning ended in failure. That day my parents didn't do anything special and just did the usual routine. Like that time kept passing until the day before my birthday came.

Today my mother was at the office for a weekly report and my father has been out on a mission this week and so I'm being taken care of by Inko who gave birth to Izuku eight months ago. One day out of every week my parents leave me to Inko's care since when my father is not on missions he always accompanies my mother on her weekly reports.

I didn't enjoy my time with Inko that much since I could not blatantly train in front of her, I would also not learn much since most of the time she just watched TV but it became worse when Izuku was born since unlike me he is a normally baby that cries all the time unnecessarily and it quickly became an annoyance.

In this past year I have made a lot of progress, not only with my aliens but also with my body and mind. I started walking when I was 7 months old, talking when I was 8 months old and I learned a lot from listening to my mother read. I basically know bits of every spoken language that exists but when it comes to Japanese I am already fluent enough to have a normal conversation with someone, although I haven't actually had full on conversations and only leave it to a few words since I am still a baby.

The biggest progress has been with my aliens such as with Disk Jockey where I can easily listen to radio waves and discern the conversation as long as it is a spoken language that has not been scrambled.

With Wildvine I am now able to extend my vines up to 5 meters and still not get them entangled and I have also tested the different possible fruit bombs that pop out of my back with him.

BallPit's abilities are just fun, like before I even started walking I started to create a bed of balls where I could lay on and control it with telekinesis to allow myself to float around and so that is what I have been using to sneak out of my room through the window to test some abilities that I can't test in my room. Such as the Wildvine's gas bombs, Disk Jockey's wave attacks and BallPit's rubber ball bomb which I was able to perfect, now it leaves large marks on the trees of the forest I have been using to train but not enough to kill because the rocks just becomes powder upon impacting something.

I really need to find a better place to train...


Author's notes

Hello, please point out any mistakes and if you have any ideas that may fit into the story please comment them. I am interested in hearing them.

If there are any abilities that you would like Azmuth to have in the story please comment as well there is probably an alien with the same ability.

Sorry that it took a while to upload the chapter I have been a bit busy and I wasn't really sure on how to finish this chapter.

Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed. Have a great day!