
alien bloodline

the great dragon age the age were the dragons came to earth and changed the earth's atmosphere were they put energy so humans can absorb it so they evolve bloodline abilities by using the energy stored inside them the can use it to strengthen there bodies increase there Lifespans and use there ability that is unique to every individual thanks to the dragons humanity now has interstellar space travel space systems have been colonized by humanity and now humanity is the dragons friend in three war with the arrogant race of the elves were recently the two races have declared war after tensions between the already rivals have gone out of control. the great age of dragon's 2100 to 2500 this when humanity's technology have gone at an all time high thanks to the dragon's and after centuries of evolution humanity unlocked bloodline abilities and now in the year 3000 we follow the story of Alfonso and his journey in this big Fascinating world.

dragon_born_0239 · Romance
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17 Chs

fighting part 3

To say most of the class were Confused why Alfonso was able to go toe to toe with Emily would be an understatement not only that it does look like he has a chance to win.

But after thinking a bit it made more sense after all in the last 6 months he was seen training and fighting the number one in the class Michael of course he lost every time so they thought at first glance that Alfonso is Michael's punching bag but after hearing Michael Cheer for him it was obvious that was not the case.

Mr Smith why aren't you stopping the match it has gotten way too Violent said a student mr Smith replied the hole point of this test is to ready you for a real life fight considering humanities current situation this is more relevant than ever as long as there are no killing or maiming it is allowed thou I do have to Interven so that doesn't happen he said this in a clear and loud voice so that all the students hear.

Alfonso and Emily have been going at for a few minutes but they couldn't get the upper hand frustration clearly visible on there face it was no joke when they said practicing something is different than using it in combat I mean I did so many of those fighting movements at least thousands of times yet here I am barely able to use any of them thought Alfonso so every thing else failed so let's try something else.

Alfonso this time charged at Emily which Surprised her a bit as he really dis the attacking so she was on guard but almost laughed when she saw what is gonna be his attack a right hook the same one does he not get if you attack someone with the same Attack they will adapt thought Emily thinking it was her win she will just block it and easily counter attack and win.

Alfonso's fist landed directly on her face then landed an appercut on the stomach which made her hover a bit of the ground and then a roundhouse kick landed straight to the side of her face which send her flying.

Emily tried to get up but she fell back down Alfonso walked towards her what happened I should have blocked that she asked what are talking about the punch hit you at the front you blocked right Alfonso replied.

But your attack was Supposed to be a right hook said Emily no you believed that it was a faint after all deception is a part of fighting the attack was a right cross.

Mr Smith shouted Alfonso wins.

Don't sad about it yo- don't start you she stopped him you won fair and square Don't talk to me like that Don't talk of ifs and buts when the fight started there were infinite possibilities but this was the ruslt that's all that matters but don't you wanna learn from your mistakes he replied yeah I do but don't try to make me fell better it won't work she replied so after telling her mistakes she in turn told his and they part ways as in she was taking to the nurs.

And when Alfonso wanted to go of the ring something happened a Familiar feeling realising it was energy building up he Immediately started meditation this annoyed the class but before they start complaining Mr Smith told them what was happening he was braking through.

After a few minutes Alfonso broke through and a shok wave started at the hole ring which even the students felt Alfonso is now tier high level zero a huge steep Mr Smith shouted now welcome number five of the top rankers.