
Alex McCall (Teen Wolf Fan Fiction)

Read as Alex Scott confront the problems that A mysterious God has thrown to him although Alex did ask to come to this world.

VoidDraggon · TV
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11 Chs

Chapter 2 - Pack

The drive was rather quick, it only took about 10 minutes to get there. I pulled up to the house and got Cora into my arms and walked up to the door, I pushed the door open to see a guy standing there with a fierce expression on his face.

"What the fuck happened to her?" Derek asked as he watched me put Cora down on to the couch.

"I don't know she just stumbled out of the woods, asked me to bring her here. Then she fucking bit me!" I say raising my voice to make it convincing.

Before I knew what was happening I was pinned against the wall, "Do not raise your voice, when talking about her." He screamed in my face, I could feel the spit landing on my face.

"Derek, leave him alone. We our Wolfs are Soul mates. We will have to teach him about what we are!" A quiet voice sounded out.

Derek released me and stepped back and we both looked towards Cora she was pushing herself up with a struggle. She was healing rather quickly now that she was awake.

'Come on Alex keep on reacting like you don't know a think' I say to myself and I pulled a shocked face.

"Calm down, I will tell you everything but what's your name first?" Cora says looking towards me as her complexion started to get better.

"Alexander McCall, and what is your name? The both of you." I replied and asked at the same time.

"Derek Hale" the rough looking guy said.

"And Cora Hale" The female who bit me said.

"Okay, now that's over it might sound like a shock but we are Werewolves. We will get into details but we are going to teach you how to calm down when your angry and you will have to come here on your first shift." Cora says.

I just nodded my head just taking in the information that I already knew. "Okay, that's cool. How long would it take for me to start transitioning?" I say.

"It normally takes about 8-12 hours, You cannot play any sports that involve contact for the next couple of months until you can control your wolf side." Derek says.

"Also your eyes will light up, Yellow are for innocents who have not killed. Blue are for people who have killed and Red for Alpha's normally there is only 1 in each pack. However if you have found your Soulmate and they accept the bond then there would be 2 alphas in the pack." Cora says finishing up.

"Welcome to the Hale pack Alex!" Derek says with a smile on his face.

"I'm guessing your the Alpha" I say looking at Cora. "And your a Beta" I say as I turn to Derek.

It was time for Derek and Cora to bewildered, "How do you know about Betas?" They both ask at the same time.

'Shit I let it slip!' I quickly came up with an answer thinking carefully. "I am just basing it on a real wolf pack, it also means that there is normally an Omega in a pack." I say quickly covering up that I let my knowledge slip.

Cora smiles and nods thinking that she made the right choice in giving me the 'Bite'. Derek also looked impressed.

I looked at my watch and saw that it was 1am, I looked towards the other two and said "I have gotta get home, My mother gets home from work in an hour. I also have School tomorrow, I will come here tomorrow after school of course"

I stand up from where I was sitting and start walking to the door, "I will see you at School tomorrow, Alex" I heard Cora say as I walk through the door.

The drive back home wasn't good I was starting to get tired, as soon as I got home I crashed on the Sofa as soon as I got in. I felt the adrenaline starting to leave my body.

Before I fell asleep I could hear Scott grunting upstairs, confirming the fact that he had got bitten by the feral wolf.