2 A Dream

A dream was it really just a dream? Alden asks himself over and over again. Like always he had fallen asleep late into the evening after making sure that his drunken angry father had finally passed out. Laying with his head on his old moldy pillow covered with a blanket that didn't really keep out the drafts coming from the walls. Drifting off to another cold nights sleep this evening was not to be like the rest.

Finding himself floating in the void was the only thought he could come up with to describe the dark silence. "Alden" someone is calling my name again looking around I notice a light in the distance. The light was getting bigger as I continued to float in place. The shape of a beautifully dark figure was slowly emerging as the light drew near. My first reaction was not fear but wonder as the figure finally came to full view.

She was a beautiful Angel but not your typical type with white wings and a halo. She had twelve black wings six on each side of her curvaceous body. She calls out my name again drawing me back from my reverie of her beautiful wings. Alden you have been given a special gift. A power like no other and it is time to awaken your gift. A power man what a dream I'd swear this woman was real.

I listen to her telling me of this great power and something along the lines of how to awaken it. Man couldn't she have been completely nude not the best dream but she is beautiful.

Wake up, wake up Alden we have to get ready for school. Pulling him out of his odd dream was his younger sister Rachel. Man that was the oddest dream I think I've ever had. Rachel I'm up you can quit shoving me now. Alden's little sister Rachel is a few years younger than him and they usually look out for each other hence the late nights of staying awake making sure their drunken prick of a father doesn't do anything. Rachel go get dressed I'll be ready in a minute. His little sister runs from his closet sized bedroom with her straight brown hair billowing over her fluffy bunny pajamas. Yelling back make sure you get up sleepy head. She has no idea he's always tired because he stays up watching over her.

Throwing on his ripped jeans and plain black T-shirt and he thinks to himself of his little brother who mysteriously disappeared last year. I can never let that happen to her I know dad had something to do with it. Alden had been trying to get his dad to spill what he knew every time he got drunk but so far all he had was he couldn't afford to feed 3 kids. So one had to go and that it wasn't enough money.

Where did he go and what does he mean not enough money did he sell my little brother?

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