
Alchemist Of Dead

The Alchemist of Dead returns after 2000 years of imprisonment. He a finds very peculiar path ahead of him which consists of Drama, Romance, Adventure, Action and others. The man whose past is nothing but Pain and Suffering. The mission in front of him to end his suffering might cause his death but still he moves forward and fights with all he has.

Pledis_Prime · Fantaisie
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107 Chs

Ch-31 Battle start

Mikhail vs Arjun

Arjun rushes staright to mikahil

Mikhail gaurds himself

Arjun punches mikahil many times in the stomach

Mikhail gaurds it all

Mikhail punches arjun and sends him flying

Mikhail-"I can feel your rage in your fists Do you have a grudge against me or something"

Arjun gets up wipes his face

Arjun-"Kind of like that"

Mikhail-"Oho seems like you want me dead"

Arjun-" No i just want to beat the shit out of you for my friend"

Mikhail-"Your friend?"

Arjun-"The guy that you took down in Ayodhya"

Mikhail-"Oh that guy hahah he was very weak"

Arjun-"Yea he is pretty weak but i won't let you disrespect him"

Arjun goes in and punches Mikhail in the stomach

This time it hits him

Mikhail coughs out blood

He goes flying

Mikhail stops himself and comes back to arjun

Mikhail-"You are strong i agree but this is not enough for you to beat me"

Mikhail steps in front of arjun in a blink of an eye

He punches arjun hard in the stomach

As arjun was pushed back by his force

He kicks arjun in the back

Arjun falls down

Arjun-"Your right"

He gets up

Arjun-"I am sorry because i am not as strong as you

I am sorry because i can't protect anyone

But no more

No more of this cowardness

No more complaining

No more being weak"

Mikhail-"Haha what are you trying to do here?"

Arjun-"I know that i am not as strong as you

But I will surpass you

Right here right now i will break my limits

I will put my life on my line and I will surpass you

Right here and right now"

Mikhail-"Surpass me? Your joking right"

Arjun-"Like hell i am"

Arjun's red aura starts flowing out of him

Mikhail s yellow aura starts flowing in his hand

Mikhail heads to punch arjun

But arjun also punches him back

Their fists meet each other

Both are trying to push back each other

Their auras clashing

Their hearts pouring out

Arjun shouts at the top of his voice

And he sends Mikhail flying back


Kira-"Sir they have arrived"

Kaiser-"Hm? Finally i guess this is the time"

Kaiser orders all of his generals to pull back front the fight

2000 people suddenly come on the battlefeild

Arjun and all the heads come togeather

Kakashi-"Such a big army?"

Kaiser jumps down

Kaiser-"Let's end this right now"

Kakashi-"Hm let's not"

Kaiser-"That's not upto you"

Suddenly a huge bolt of lightning hits the place between Kaiser's army and arjun,kakshi and others

Free,David,Rose,Jaime and Jon come out of the lightning

Free-"Sorry we are late"

Kaiser-"That hair and those eyes you are the last Sebastian aren't you?"

Free-"Maybe i am"

Kaiser and his army rushes to the others

Suddenly a red and green blast takes place in the

Middle of Kaiser's army

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