
Alan: Tale of Origin Blood

A story of a boy, who tried to find his origins. A tale of worlds giving him more questions than answers. And a path of life that sneered at it. Current world: Witcher. Note: I own only characters and events of my own creation. It is a fan-fic story of HP/Witcher worlds. Chapters mostly 1,5k+. . . . Some facts about MC that confuse people: 1) He is a kid. A real kid and not an adult in child body how someone might think. But he has knowledge about some things. To understand what it all means read auxiliary chapter, Eternal Mind awakening explanation. 2) Amalgal is an AI. He is a program that is strictly regulated by his own creators and thus he is not some helping grandpa. He can't do much. To learn more read auxiliary chapter under category Amalgal.

Greymark · Livres et littérature
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181 Chs

Novigrad (Part 15)

"Now you just stay here like a little obedient Wolfie you are, got it? You do, I know even without response. Good boy, take a candy. Okay, what else do we have here? Ah, yes, some garbage." - Yen stood up after healing his wound and it was obvious to see she didn't even register all that as a strain.

She made her way inside a ruined house with the same elegant steps. Destruction and dust around seemed to avoid her.

"Now you look at that, what a surprise. You are still breathing." - she said with a sarcastic tone accompanied with a lazy look in her cold eyes seething with murderous intent. - "You will die here today and very soon, no doubt about that. Because I will kill you. Do you know your wrongs? Ah, your chin is in shambles, sorry, you can't talk, right? That is okay. I will tell you regardless."

Yen crouched in front of his head, gripping his neck with power one would never expect from a woman of her built and elegance. She easily turned him over with a flick of a wrist and help of telekinetic push, that followed her move after a subconscious command. Yen was that well acquainted with forces of the world after all.

She didn't even need to think to incorporate them into her movements. That was a genuine power of the war mage and why they are feared.

"So, where were we, my dear? Ah, yes, the best part of the fight. The ruthless killing of the enemy. Right, Philippa?" - Yen still looked at the orc with bone-chilling coldness.

"It is good to see that you are still the same bitch I remember, my dear friend." - a woman stepped out of shadows, morphing from a shape of an owl into stunning beauty with a seductive figure.

"Don't your feathers get wet after all this rain? Why taking a stroll today? For another boy toy to own you tonight?" - Yen was in a terrible mood. - "As for you, my green-skinned piece of an uneducated excuse of a sentient being, you can just die here and now."

Her hands shone with an eerie purple luster, and the huge healthy figure of an orc got thinner. It looked like life itself was sucked out of him. Prideful warrior of the tribes screamed like a pig being roasted alive.

"What are you screaming for? What a disgrace. How does it feel like? The painful understanding that your life ending here today? Do you know what you did wrong? I will naturally tell you." - but it seems her speech was also addressed at another listener. - "I don't care if you receive money if you are hired, or even do it for some personal gain and plans. There are three, I underline that number, only three people in this world you can never touch or I will be furious. And you just crossed the line with one of them. Out of all population it is a rather conservative number, don't you agree, Philippa? Isn't that orc warrior too out of hand? Don't you agree with me?"

Philippa stayed silent, but her eyes narrowed, albeit so lightly.

"I believe you are smart, my dear sister. You will agree with me, after all, we all here know about the bigger picture you are pursuing, and as your friend, I don't want to meddle with your affairs. Ah, but three people... what to do, Philippa?" - Yen stood up and brushed ash from her black gloves to the floor.

Orc was no more.

"So, Philippa, we both know it was you who knocked out the pretty elven girl and killed Rience, but I don't believe you did it without interrogating him. Come clean. Who is behind the mess?"

"It is more serious than you think. I can't tell you now."

"Ah, secrets, secrets. You always talk that way when some 'bigger picture' in your head is at stake. So what is it now? State interests?"

"Yen, I expected this kind of talk from uncouth witchers or ignorant poets, but not you. North is in turmoil, we need unity to stand firm against an external threat. It is not the time for inner fights."

"Really now? Maybe it won't be a fight, but one-sided and fast slaughter. Try me."

"What is your play? Do you think I will believe in your emotional bullshit? You? We both know your heart is dead, you feel no more than those witchers. So spare me with the talk about feelings and whatnot."

"You keep talking about the bigger picture, but I don't believe you can't tell where Rience affiliation is. Oh, well was, he is a sorry dead piece of meat over there now. I'm so sad."

"I'm done here. If you want to have a cup of wine in a friendly atmosphere, come find me. You know I will always welcome you." - Philippa turned around. She already knew that this small talk gave away too much information for a sorceress as smart as Yennefer to guess a thing or two. The more she stays and talks, the more disadvantageous it will be for her.

"I think I'll pass for today. It is just three, Philippa. I suppose you can do that much. It is better to have one more friend than an enemy."

Philippa froze in place and turned around. She stared at lilac eyes for a while, trying to find a trace of a bluff deep within them, but to her disbelief failed to do so. Yen was dead serious this time.

"You've changed, Yennefer."

"We all change from time to time. But I prefer to think I finally found something I was looking for a long time."

"I won't ask what it is, I think your answer will disgust me. It is a shame, I believed we can be like-minded people and walk the same path. Seems I was wrong."

"Seems like so." - Yennefer shrugged nonchalantly and her face became bored.

Philippa knew the meaning behind this expression. They are done talking. Next it will either be inaction or confrontation.

"I will leave you with a piece of advice. Don't stand in my way, it can get bad."

"Ho, direct threat form you? Looks like you are really angry, Philippa. A rare sight to behold. But somehow I feel flattered. Not many people are talented or worthy enough for the ire from a three centuries-old schemer like you. Losing control here, my dear sister?"

"Not a chance. But your actions and words... upset me. Until we meet again, Yennefer. I'll bear in mind every single word you said today. Perhaps in the future we will have a chance to converse about it again in different circumstances. I will be very expectant to hear your words at that time." - Philippa gazed at her sister of the craft deeply. Her look was profound and as calm as a lake.

"Don't expect much. You know, I'm a conservative bitch, right? An evil witch who dislikes mending her mistakes and to turn anew. So you will just waste your time and hear the same thing." - Yen smiled, but that smile was chilling to the core.

Philippa turned into the owl and flew away, while Yen sent her out with a silent gaze, full of contemplation.

"What are you thinking of?" - came the voice of a youth from the side. He heard it all but wasn't worried in the slightest. He knew that if the fight broke out, which was highly unlikely, Philippa would have a short end of a stick.

"I'm just remembered that I lack feathers for my rituals. And I need quite a lot." - she said with a gaze so calm that it was hard to understand whether she was joking or not. Suddenly, Yen looked sideways and froze for a moment. Her gaze locked with a woman walking down the street.

There was nothing remarkable about her, she was an ordinary dweller of the Novigrad lower quarters. Perhaps just a wife of some carpenter or port worker, who knows?

And Yennefer didn't pay attention to her, but to her belly. The woman was pregnant for about six months already, but her health was very poor. It could be seen in a glance.

Alan noticed how the sorceress sighed inaudibly and performed several hands signs under behind her back. He smiled. He never expected to see this Yennefer healing a fetus and a woman without her even noticing.

"I don't know whether you have business here and I don't care. You are coming with me to heal properly. Such wounds won't heal just because I used magic. You need proper rest and recuperation time to avoid damaging lifespan." - with that, she waved her hand and created a portal.

Alan didn't argue with that and looked at the woman receding figure of a woman. A moment later he stared at her back, which disappeared behind the corner with astonishment. Rare things could get him so shocked.

He noticed something that was very familiar.

Something that radiated from the fetus.

It was a very pure soul.

As white as first snow.