
Alan: Tale of Origin Blood

A story of a boy, who tried to find his origins. A tale of worlds giving him more questions than answers. And a path of life that sneered at it. Current world: Witcher. Note: I own only characters and events of my own creation. It is a fan-fic story of HP/Witcher worlds. Chapters mostly 1,5k+. . . . Some facts about MC that confuse people: 1) He is a kid. A real kid and not an adult in child body how someone might think. But he has knowledge about some things. To understand what it all means read auxiliary chapter, Eternal Mind awakening explanation. 2) Amalgal is an AI. He is a program that is strictly regulated by his own creators and thus he is not some helping grandpa. He can't do much. To learn more read auxiliary chapter under category Amalgal.

Greymark · Livres et littérature
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181 Chs


"Thirteen, eleventh. That's the place." - Alan stood in front of hidden house with contemplating look, while his eyes throb with sense of mana. From the awakening of his bloodline there were two things added to his innate powers. First – his eyes became similar to a cat, meaning he was able to perceive a higher range of motion than regular human eyes can manage, making when he willed it even a high speed objects will become clear in his vision and as a result, his powerful soul and mind were able to subjectively slow down time for him.

Eyes now had a vertical slit, that he hid behind sunglasses most of the time, so up to now no one noticed.

Another specialty is vision of forces and energies one can't normally see. Space magic included.

He looked at the place where a house should be and saw a vertical scar in the air as long as a building itself.

'I wonder who even enchanted the place that way. It is just unbelievable. Every time I see such things it reminds me how far behind my own expertise in magic is.'

He took out a can of coke from his ring and looked at it awkwardly.

"Let's hope you do what the manual said you do. But as we all know manuals lie often. Especially about smuggled magical goods." - Alan then proceeded to do the thing that none lover of Coke will ever do to his favorite drink – shook it like there is no tomorrow.

When it inflated, he inserted it with force into the scar, surprisingly feeling as if he is trying to pierce a ground, but as soon as it was placed properly, he stepped to the side and pulled it open. The next moment a little can of coke transformed into a huge tank and exploded with the drink, including the upper and bottom part of it.

They fell to the street with loud noise and road literally experienced a drown of coke, making a whole street smell funny and sweet. Alan looked at the created passage from a one time use item and didn't know whether laugh or cry. Whoever created the item was one of a kind prankster.

Alan didn't waste time and crawled through it to the other side, where a house of Black family can be seen. Moment later the can shrunk to the regular size and dropped on the floor.

"One hell of an item. Should have found more. I bet Weasley twins would have liked the joke. Shake, put, await for victim. Neat." - he mumbled and knocked at the door.

"Who is it?" - it didn't open, but characteristically high pitched house elf voice behind it came nearly instantly. One don't need to think twice to know that it was Kreacher.

"Alan Violergos Salvatore-Skymorne. I came to pay a visit to the abode of Black family." - he deliberately named everything for it to sound like a naming belonging to nobility.

"Oh, oh, wait a moment." - a long symphony of many lock being opened sounded through the little space he had to stand on with a repaired distortion at the back.

Door opened and Alan saw him, a slightly to loyal and quite brave house elf with serious laziness issues. Actually there is little to nothing to explain about him, as they all are quite similar to Alan, albeit he saw he is old. Perhaps too old.

"Come in mister... em... how should Kreacher call you?" - Kreacher was a bit afraid, but still acted within norms of any elf. For him not to be insulted and beaten from the start is already a very good attitude.

"Just Alan is fine." - he entered and found the house dirty, full of dust and web. Kreacher neglected his duties since Mrs Black died. He still have several people to be his masters, but he was very averse to the fact that Sirius Black can become his master. - "Kreacher, I know my visit is a bit abrupt..."

"Who is there? What filth are you inviting into pure blood home of my Black family." - scream sounded from a corridor.

'What a charming woman she is...'

"Kreacher is sorry, mistress, he is of noble descend, a pure blood for sure, yes yes, he is not filthy mugblood scum, yes, yes... Kreacher is sorry, Kreacher begs... don't punish Kreacher." - Kreacher disappeared and Alan heard groveling noises from the same corridor. He used his mind to again scan his past memories, that had only dry information left, of where in the books and movies Locket was originally held.

"Should be in some kind of a closet. No, lets leave open robbery for the later."

"Mister Alan, don't mind my mistress, she sometimes got upset. Tell Kreacher how can Kreacher serve mister Alan?" - his aged eyes narrowed with suspicion.

"Actually I was looking for something..." - he said and seeing even more narrow eyes of the elf, took out a present he prepared for him. - "Also... I have a present for you, as a house keeper."

"W-Wha?What?" - Kreasher was over the Moon with happiness. - "A... a present, for... for Kreacher?"

"It is just cookies I made, nothing more. Take them." - Alan showed him a dish and entered to side room with the elf, who already busied himself with tea.

"No, no, no... Kreacher not allowed, Kreacher can't... no, no, no." - he started to shook head vigorously.

"Kreacher, it is fine, I bet Regulus won't like you refusing to eat good things, right?" - asked Alan and the eyes of the elf went wide with astonishment.

He stood by the side of a table uncomfortable to do anything, as if he was afraid to anger the young boy.

"Kreacher, sit and eat with me, it is fine." - Alan said with a smile and send a bit of his calming aura, that made the elf comfortable. Little creature of more that and six hundred years old that knew only slavery and abuse, climbed clumsily on a chair that was dirty with dust, and sat there with trembling ears.

Alan again sent the platinum aura that always lingered around his body after animagus transformation. He found it always worked on others positively, like they felt really comfortable around him if he used it actively.

He stopped trembling and took a cookie very slowly and carefully, for every inch of movement seeking silent approval from a wizard in front of him with a quick glance. Alan even feared that if he moves of breathes to loudly he will scare the old elf to heart attack.

Kreacher finally had a snack in his arms, holding it like a treasure.

"It should be eaten, not stared at." - said he calmly, while sipping tea. Well, it turned out to be boiled water, nothing else to expect from home in such condition with elf ditching his responsibilities.

The old elf took the cookie and ate it.

"Good, isn't it?" - the creature nodded. - "Kreacher, I came her to help you fulfill your master's order. Regulus order."

"What? You will help Kreacher?" - he asked in agitation. - "Kreacher needs help, yes, Kreacher needs help. What do Kreacher do? What to do?"

"Let us destroy the locket together, Kreacher. Just bring it here." - house elf was already fully ecstatic at the prospects to fulfill his late master wish and last order. He was out for no more than ten seconds and came back accompanied by another shout of profanities from a picture of a mistress of the Black family.

Alan saw a simple amulet in the hands of elf. Who would have thought that thing will create so much trouble in the future.

He stood up and snapped his fingers with right hand.

Kreacher handed the locket to this human wizard. He didn't know why, but he trusted the young boy. He treated Kreacher good, why not trust. Kreacher trusts pure-bloods who treat him well!

Then he saw how the cursed item he was tasked to destroy but can't, started to be burned to ashes using white flame. It went extremely fast and in a matter of second the locket seized to exist.

Alan snapped his fingers again and his hand traced the outline of the locket in the right pocket of his pants.

"I will go now... thank you for hospitality, Kreacher."

"Thank you... thank you..." - well, he broke in tears not even realizing how Alan used Isu spell, derived from Imperius curse to completely override his memory. But even for such a short episode it took huge toll on his mind. If not for his trait, it wouldn't be just mind exhaustion and a need to let go of some irrelevant memories as a sacrifice.

'This is vicious. This spell is completely and utterly forbidden. Not only it needs to burn my own memories for that, it even somehow influenced my psyche. Luckily I have my own share of unnecessary memories. I mean, who wants to remember for life every single trip on a bus?'

'Drawbacks would have been even more severe if not for the Immortal Soul trait of mine. But I finally found a serious loophole in it's ability. If I'm willing, it doesn't work! I willingly let Imperius curse perform everything and it did, the only thing that Eternal Mind did was protect my soul from it's influence. Thinking of it, the part of my trait not working when I willingly do something is reasonable. After all, how else I will learn and progress, if it always remain constant and returns to original state?'

'I thought first that I can use it without drawbacks because of Eternal Mind, looks like I was wrong and really need to be careful of what I use and do from now on.'

'No way I will use it again after all is done with Horcruxes that I planned.'

'I even somehow wish I never learned it as an option. The enticement is really big to use it here and there. But like that I will lose myself.'

Alan was ready to pay the price. If like that he can create a better world for Fleur and Selena to live in after his disappearance, it is worth it.

Hiding the locket in Eye of Eternium, he put on the hood and walked out into the rainy night.