
Akagi Wants to Dream

Tick and Tock. Tick and Tock. The sounds of clock and pen scribing on a smooth surface of a paper are the only friends that keep me accompanied for this whole 2 weeks, aiding my fight against the inked ridden beast.

I dug my pen into its belly, carving it up inside out. Once one had been slaughtered, I punitively moved on to the next stacks. I have reached an ascension. Perhaps it's too early.

It is nonsense in an RPG that the only way to gain EXP is by slaying unruly animals and bunch of criminals. Hear the screams of a thousand thankless and sweated pencil pusher as they grinded to their bones. I have realized that doing paperwork is the same as slaying those monsters, in fact, it's the only way I know.

The culmination of knowledge of an administrator is the realization that the paper will keep pouring in and there's no escaping. Shambala.

It's 9 AM sharp in the cold morning. The streets started to see some crowds and busybodies going around their monotone life. I already missed Belfast's tea already.

She had gone outside, receiving personal tutoring from Hayasaka every morning until the sunset when it's time to carry me to the mushroom infested pile I called bed.

Of course, that Hag priority is me. I'll have you know she crammed me enough materials covering from basic elementary knowledge to college and professional level in just span of two weeks, squeezed by my tight schedule in managing the new company.

We hired a few notable individuals already, though still not enough to reach the minimum effective productivity. What do I intend to do anyway? The company is solely mine and mine alone, I don't want to take loan nor open its door to investors, not like any wanted us anyway unless they heard the name Shinomiya attached to me.

Technology, Information, and Digital Industry. This year, it was still in its infancy before it exploded somewhere between 2012 and 13. Google and Samsung are still bearing their feet, even Apple and Microsoft, if we're fast enough to secure the next line of edge cutting technology.

I want Japanese products overseas, not only dominating inward but it's time we expand and reach the greater untapped population of the world. I was inherently nationalist in the past, and so do I now.

What is there to regret? I'm committed to it. If I had to be born a thousand times over, I would be a thousand times what I have been.

For now? The world could wait, for a few months at best. I still had to liquidate a few frozen assets my mother left me, then come next, the recruiting skilled and hardworking individuals. Japan has no shortage of these people.

I compiled a few lists for Hayasaka to investigate and possibly recruit them. There are still a few active connections left from the last time the company was active. We tapped the public government database and some ex-workers profiles.

As such I continue my work silently, only the inked beast in the forefront of my mind. Before I knew it, when I had finally slain the final beast, the sun light shining through the window had turned orange, the skylines were obscured from many concrete jungles.

Huh, I forgot to eat the lunch Belfast packaged for me. Diving into the drawer, I found myself a few slices of sandwiches neatly wrapped inside a piece of cloth.

Looking at the clock, they should have returned at least an hour from now. I silently commanded myself to open the Apparatus system.

A game-like HUD appeared on my peripheral. I once stared at the mirror, thankfully the eyes stay the same otherwise people could see something wrong with it.

For 2 weeks alone I had gained 3 levels thanks to the paperwork and studying I had done. There are also a few but simple quests I've done.

One of them was mostly about trying the lottery and giving reviews to some products in the store. Though the requester of the quest always mixes their words and ends the sentences with a cat pun or nya like some kind of role-player unless the owner is a genuine cat girl.

I got a mosquito spray repellant from it though. The thing is very random, I was hoping to at least get a skill capsule. Other than that, most were issued personally to me, pertaining to the burden I currently carry; like signing a few dozen papers in one day or something as simple as doing a chore. Obviously the reward is not that great, but it's given.

Though I don't have time to check the stores fully and draw the 10 tickets or 10k Tokens Eiki gave me. In fact, I haven't opened the gift she gave me.

I decided to check the mail she sent me first, she writes on it, "Make sure to give it in appropriate time." I continued with the said content at the bottom. Huh, was she joking? The object attached to the mail is a neck collar, genuine steel neck collar with chain attached to it.

Huh? Is this for real? Bloody Christ… I'm not into that sort of thing! However, my mind stated otherwise, but certainly I'm sure it's not my mind. That's the other thing. Damn I haven't even hit puberty yet.

Belfast with a steel collar, the image turned from her childish appearance wearing a blue ribbon on her neck to an adult version of her. Proper and prim as expected of a professional maid, but she bears a lustful image, and the collar strangely fits her.

I don't know if it sounds bizarre, but it keeps flashing on my mind. Like instilling in me some kind of revelation bestowed from a higher force.

"Master," she said in a sultry, seductive voice. The upper part of her rather large, tastefully proportioned chest was practically bare, with the outfit she wore, and within a slow deliberative motion, I gulped at the sight, she pulled it lower and almost I could see the tip.




Are? Ha! I jolted from the chair. Something wet trailing out of my mouth, I quickly wiped my face with a handkerchief from the drawer, and saw Belfast, overlooking from my right side. A worry painted on her face.

"Don't you feel well, Master? It's not everyday you doze off after work. Perhaps you're ill, shall I escort you to bed posthaste!?"

I booted up my mind, Belfast held my hand on her one hand and the other on my forehead, probably checking the temperature.

Heat rising on my cheek once I recalled a bit of the dream. I averted my eyes from her gaze, and feel guilty from it. Oh, in the name of bloody hell, I'm still 9, isn't this too early for wet dream.

"It's fine Belfast. I'm just a little tired." I insisted, shaking my head.

"Then I'll tell Hayasaka-sama to postpone the study for tonight."

"No need." Another voice chimed in between us; I didn't notice her presence from how distraught I was earlier. "This is your duty. Escort him to his room. And make sure to take care of him properly, Belfast."

"I understand Hayasaka-sama." Belfast nodded, taking my hand so I could stand up.

"I'm just a little tired. You're just overblowing it." I doubt I would ever feel tired, not with noble frame as my skill.

Hayasaka walked over to my front, she bent her half and placed her hand on my forehead. "I'm experienced enough to tell the sign. You're exhausted, it's a luck we detect the symptoms earlier, once it's tomorrow or the day after, you will collapse."

Ugh, I don't want to explain the reason why my body is heating up is because the little maid that stared at me.

"Hah. Fine, I'll listen to you." I just accepted the advice. I already finished all the stacks anyway, and I can slack off for a night away from her nightmarish method she calls teaching. "Let's go, Belfast."

We went outside the office, leaving Hayasaka all alone in the room. Belfast misunderstood why my face reddened throughout the journey to the room.

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