

I watched Tharaum burn to the ground, helpless to do anything about it.

They came by storm, engulfing the town of Tharaum. Now, only a distant blackness, a memory was left; although it was more than that – it was a warning for the land to see.

The might of his power – unmatchable and equally unbeatable magic twisted by his overwhelming desire to conquer all, wiping out anyone who opposes him. No person such as him, so purely consumed by evil, had been witnessed since the Dark Age: the devil's rule. His strict order blazed terror among his subjects... before the prophecy invoked a strong threat to his dark rule. It was said Malum himself was part of the older prophecy; The Prophecy Of The Seven.

Magic. That was what they possessed. It was a gift given to the few who are likely enough, a spark in a cold fire, but only to be snuffed out by Malum himself. Anyone who dares to oppose him vanishes or are helpless at his merciless feet begging for their lives. Resistance is death. It was as simple as that. Rebellions were crushed along with anyone who stands in Malum's way.

Another scream pierced the air, snapping me back into reality. A wall of smoke encased me, nothing visible except a grey foggy haze. I stepped forward; stumbling on debris, rolling my ankle. I tried to rise only to cry out in pain. I looked down, my ankle swollen and purple. "Great," I scoffed, "What next? Malum tries to arrest me?" The thought amused me, there was no reason in the entire world why Malum would want me – a stupid fifteen-year-old girl who broke her ankle because she didn't watch where she was going. God, I was harmless. Well except for my bow and arrow.

A multicoloured explosion jolted my body, causing me to jump and land on my broken ankle. Rubble sprayed everywhere, the air smelt of petrol even though the blast happened on the other side of town.

Once again I tried to rise, I grimaced and yelped.

I fashioned myself a splint from a snapped piece of wood and some spare bandages from my satchel. With a lot of effort, I took a step forward. But again, I didn't look before I stepped I ran straight into someone. I cried out in pain but a hand caught mine before I hit the ground.

I looked up at the face of my mystery saviour, his skin was tanned and glowed with warmth and friendliness. His chestnut hair was wild and untamed analogous to his eyes; a mischievous gleam yet also serious, They constantly change colour like a supernova. A small scar slithered its way on his cheek.

"Careful their Lady Aelia," he spoke in an old Esanlian accent from the ancient cities, of only which I have heard once from Mier the ancient prophet, but the boy didn't look a day older than sixteen. I was shocked,

"How do you know my name." I whispered, "Who are you and what do you want."

"Wow slow down there." he chuckled "As for what I want and why I'm here is simple. I knew your parents and they asked me to get you out of here before..." five of Malum's guards ran from the smoke appearing into sight swords ready. The leader stepped forward from the middle of the group

"Aelia Reecon, in the name of Malum, I place you under arrest for family treason," he exclaimed. If I ever lived past this day I am going to teach kids never us sarcasm in life and death situations.

"Before that." he sighed. He grabbed my arm pulled me behind him and turned. "Lady Aelia stay here." He turned to face the guards "She is under my protection, tell Malum that he can't get everything he wants because he stole the throne he's not real royalty."

The guard sighed "Ignis, you think you scare us." he started laughing "Make us scared." Ignis drew a dagger from his sleeve. I put my hand on his shoulder which wasn't like me because I hate people touching me, but hay things change in life and death situations.

"Your Ignis, like the Ignis, half-elf half-human, the one from the prophecy of Seven, the most powerful mage Ignis," I exclaimed

"Uh…" he scratched his head nervously "You weren't supposed to know, but to answer your question, Milady; yes, yes I am."

"Please, I'm just Aelia. None of this 'Lady' and 'Milady' business, okay?"

One of the guards took advantage of his unease and approached swiftly but still not making a noise. Ignis must have sensed it because his dagger morphed into a double-bladed broad sword. The bottom of the blade was shaped like a dragon, the rest of the blade look like fire, spewing from the dragon's maw, the guard got startled so he charged, leaving out his sword. Ignis waited till the last second he spun out of the way. For a second I thought Ignis was going to let me get turned into a very scared looking kabab. But to my luck (which rarely happens) he disarmed the guard sending his blade flying. He waved his hand and the blade turned into a new tree. Ignis swung his blade so the tip touched the guard's throat.

"Yield!" He declared but the guard just smiled

"There are many more scary things than death." the guard started laughing as his eyes turned black and his laugh turned to an inhuman cry. Then it stopped and there was silence only the squawking of the crows in the tree. I looked at the guard in shock, he now had a spear through his neck. Ignis reclaimed his spear reduced to a dagger again and he slipped it into his sleeve. Ignis turned to the guards and gave them a look as if they are next and yelled,

"Scram." as if they were rats. The guards scattered from pure fear.

When they were no longer in sight Ignis dropped to his knees and looked up at the sky his eyes cleared now showing pain. I ran forward to help but my ankle jolted and I cried out falling to the floor, I tried to crawl over but an invisible force was holding me back. His image began flickering then after minutes it solidified. He got up from his knees and looked at me his expression turned to confusion,

Why do you look so petrified?" He asked.

"You started flickering and stuff it was kind of creepy," I replied.

"You saw that?"

"Yeah, well, who didn't?" He muttered under his breath for minutes before he replied

"Time should have stood still. you should not have seen any difference from when time, was frozen. You are strong, child more than you know you are special yet even I cannot see the outcome."

"W-what are you talking about," I asked now scared of the change in subject

"Only time will tell," he replied as if ending the matter. his eyes floated to my ankle. "That must hurt if you will let me La–Aelia" He placed his hand on where the ankle was broken his hand glowed a rainbow of colours as warm spread up my ankle throughout my body after a minute or two, he removed his hand and the warmth disappeared. I looked down at my ankle, it had miraculously healed itself. I look at Ignis with pure shock

"How did you – What did you – Since when… What?"

"There are many things I can do that only I know." His eyes glance to the way the guards retreated as if he heard something. "I must get you out of here before Malum sends his...." he was cut short by an army of guards marching their way towards us and in the lead was Malum himself leading the assault. His oily black hair was swept to the side his unnatural black eyes pierced through my soul. His black misty aura radiated hatred and make me want to flee and throat the nearest person.

Hayes sighed "Before that… again."

"Argh! guess who decided to come out of the shadow." Malum snarled "Ignis old friend come here and give your old friend a hug so I can stab you." he smiled as if he was a long lost friend

"How about this, you come out and do your dirty work instead of hiding behind your guards, Malum." Ignis had hit a nerve his left eye began twitching and he yelled,


"I've got a counteroffer, Malum, you let me and the girl go and you can avoid dying," he said so calmly it scared me,

"Then you shall burn with the city." Malum let loose a tendril of darkness and Ignis just let it come. As soon as the darkness touched him an aura like a supernova exploded outward and shattered the tendrils. Malum stumbled backward, and Ignis took the chance. A wall of energy covered us. Malum had recovered from his daze and charged the wall. pounding against it. Ignis stumbled and fell over and cried out in pain clutching the side of his neck, a golden light glowed through his fingers.

"IGNIS." I cried

"I'm fine. It's just a little curse nothing to worry about" He looked at me, his multicoloured eyes racked with pain. "I must get you out of here, he reached up to his sleeve and pull out a different dagger and morphed into a sword identical to the other here he passed me the blade,

"I can't let you go unarmed." he passed the blade to me and turned away but remembered something and faced me "I must remove your memories of me if things are to go as she has foreseen.

"But, but no you can't I - I." he placed his hand on my shoulder understanding passed through me I saw what the future held and my role in it. Tears welled in my eyes and I launched myself into a hug. (God was I hugging someone, am I going insane?) I cried and cried trying to gather the courage to speak,

"Don't, Don't forget me." I smiled weakly, he smiled in reply and placed his hand on my head,

"This may hurt a little." a little was an understatement, imagine someone frying a needle to a million degrees and pushing it into your brain. My vision smarmed and the landscape became dimmer and dimmer. The multicoloured barrier broke and all hell broke loose then it went black.

I woke up next to my brother, my only living relative in the middle of the woods no idea how I got there or why I was there. The blade in my hand.

Any brackets ( ) with texts e.g. (God was I hugging someone, am I going insane?) is the characters thoughts later on. This story is like being retold from many characters points of view.

Hope you have a great time ready and have a great journey as I did when writing.

HazeESDcreators' thoughts