
Age Of Elves

--- **In a world teetering on the brink of annihilation, four ordinary teenagers—Chase, Belinda, Kellie, and Cloris—find their lives irrevocably altered by a cataclysmic event. A mysterious disaster grants them extraordinary powers, but at a terrible cost: the survival of humanity itself hangs in the balance.** **As they struggle to understand their newfound abilities, they are thrust into a desperate battle to save Earth from an impending apocalypse. Together, they must quickly master their powers and unite against a force that threatens to destroy everything they hold dear. Just when victory seems within their grasp, an unexpected twist hurls them into a rapidly closing portal, sending them into an uncharted and enigmatic realm.** **Now stranded in a world unlike any they’ve ever known, Chase and his friends must navigate treacherous new challenges and uncover the hidden truths behind their powers. With their very survival at stake, their journey of discovery has only just begun, and the fate of their world—and possibly countless others—rests in their hands.** ---

Nova07 · Fantaisie
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63 Chs

Chapter 3 "Whispers of Reunion: A Mother's Touch"

Kellie Olsen, daughter of Steve Olsen, cast a formidable shadow with her status that could even intimidate teachers, compelling them to avert their gazes in apprehension. The aura of wealth enveloping her family was vast, their affluence spanning continents. But her reputation was not solely defined by riches; a moniker accompanied her—Hot Cold Beauty. This name arose from the juxtaposition of her sizzling physique and her perpetually frosty countenance, an almost bone-chilling demeanor.

Kellie's gaze fell upon Chase, and with a swift, disdainful kick, she propelled him away. As she returned to her car, her parting words lingered in the air like a somber promise. "If you persist in this existence of yours, know that my intervention will be withheld."

With the departure of her car, Chase's gaze turned skyward. His eyes, like twin obsidian orbs, pierced through the firmament as his voice erupted in a primal roar, tears cascading down his cheeks. The world had become a chamber of disbelief, an echo chamber where his words and his father's resonated, unheeded.

Gathering himself, Chase leveraged his resolve and rose from the ground, his tattered bag a testament to his ordeal. Despite the pain that radiated from his ankle, a determination unfurled within him, a flame that would not be quenched.

As he limped onward, school materialized on the horizon, a beacon of routine amidst the tumult of his life. The world around him receded, drowned out by the rhythm of his steps and the ache in his heart.

A black SUV rumbled towards him, an emblem of power and mystery. Chase's stride remained unbroken, an indomitable spirit propelling him forward. The SUV slowed, then halted, as a graceful woman emerged, her face a canvas of serenity. But the tranquility swiftly eroded, replaced by a raw fury upon witnessing Chase's battered visage and broken ankle.

This woman was Alice, Chase's mother, who had once abandoned them for Dr. Albert. Chase's gaze barely met hers as he pressed onward, unwilling to indulge in conversation, not now.

"I tripped," Chase muttered, his voice resolute as he attempted to pass by. Alice, however, stood her ground, a hand on his shoulder, her voice a gentle but persistent tide. "Chase, tell me the truth. Who did this to you?"

His mother's insistence grated against his resolve, and his emotions surged forth, a tidal wave of hurt, anger, and abandonment breaking through. "Don't you dare," Chase's voice trembled, a dam breached, "You left us, Mom. You left us when we needed you the most. Don't show up now and pretend nothing happened."

Tears flowed freely, a cascade of pain and longing that had been suppressed for far too long. Alice enveloped Chase in a fierce embrace, their hearts connected in a torrent of emotions. "I'm sorry, my darling," she whispered, her voice laden with regret, "I wish I could explain."

As the embrace dissolved, Chase leaned in, placing a tender kiss on her cheek, his voice a vulnerable whisper, "Whatever you decide, Mom, I'll respect it. Just remember that Dad misses you, and...and I wish you'd come back."

Chase turned away, retreating from the flood of emotions that threatened to engulf him. Alice's voice called after him, a plea tinged with desperation. "Wait! Let me take you to school."

This time, Chase accepted her offer, entering her car. The distance between them had been vast, but perhaps, in this moment, a bridge of understanding could be built.

Once inside the car, Chase's longing gaze fell upon the lunchbox beside his mother. A nostalgic fragrance enveloped him, stirring memories of meals past, filled with a mother's love. The lid was lifted, revealing a culinary masterpiece—meat and stew, a taste of home that had been absent for far too long.

"You can have it," Alice offered, a flicker of sadness in her eyes as she recognized the depth of his need.

Chase's hands trembled as he grasped the food, his haste betraying his hunger. The flavors danced upon his taste buds, evoking a symphony of memories, a chorus of forgotten moments. "I'm sorry, Mom," he managed between bites, his voice tinged with gratitude, "It's been three days."

The car's journey abruptly halted, as if time itself had come to a standstill. Alice turned to Chase, her eyes wide with disbelief. "W-what did you say?"

Chase's brow furrowed in confusion, but the weight of his words became evident as her reaction unfolded. "It's been three months since I've eaten, Mom," he confessed, his gaze unwavering, "Since you left, things haven't been easy. We had to sell our house and move into a smaller place. And then...then it became a struggle to even put food on the table."

Alice's expression contorted, a storm of emotions surging within her. Anguish mingled with rage, pain with guilt. "Mom, what's happening?" Chase inquired, concern etched across his features, "Why are you crying?"

But her response was physical, her body limp as unconsciousness claimed her. Without hesitation, Chase sprang into action, carrying her on his back as he raced toward the nearest medical center. His ankle protested with each step, but he pressed on, a determined resolve propelling him forward in this race against time.