
Eternal Heaven Change Hand

"Never let go, my foot," Cang Shitian muttered, hovering high in the sky. He scoffed at Yun Che's earlier proclamation of never letting go of Qianye Ying'er, only to release her in the end. Unaware of the deeper significance of Yun Che's words, he could only voice his cynical observations.

As Qianye Ying'er disappeared from view, Yun Che's expression shifted from one of warmth and affection to a colder, more serious demeanor. His gaze landed on Qianye Fantian, who had just managed to stand up with the aid of the Brahma Kings.

Feeling Yun Che's penetrating gaze, the trio was seized by a sense of foreboding dread. Yun Che then shifted his focus to Gu Zhu, who was still looking in the direction of Qianye Ying'er's departure. Gu Zhu, perhaps due to his age and wisdom, seemed to sense no malevolence in Yun Che.

"You could go after her, you know. She might need you," Yun Che suggested with a smile.

"And them?" Gu Zhu glanced back at Qianye Fantian and the Brahma Kings.

"I need a moment with them," Yun Che replied.

"Alright." With that, Gu Zhu took to the skies, pursuing Qianye Ying'er. He might have wanted to follow her immediately but was concerned about the safety of his lord. Yun Che's assurance now gave him the peace of mind to leave.

"Walk with me," Yun Che commanded, his gaze firmly fixed on Qianye Fantian as he began to stride away in a different direction.

"God Emperor..." one of the Brahma Kings began, concern evident in his voice.

"... Alright, leave us be," Qianye Fantian instructed, stepping away from the support of his Brahma Kings and quickly catching up to Yun Che.

"We should wait here," the group of devils murmured amongst themselves, watching their master and the Brahma God Emperor walk off into the distance.

"CANG SHITIAN! COME HERE!" Suddenly, Yan Tianxiao's voice thundered towards the sky.

"Damn it!" Cang Shitian cursed under his breath, startled by the sudden call. He reluctantly descended towards the gathering of devils below.

The devils, having overheard Cang Shitian's earlier comments, were ready to take their frustration out on him.



An explosive surge of power erupted, accompanied by Cang Shitian's wild roar. However, his defiance quickly diminished under the onslaught of five devils, two of whom wielded power surpassing his own. Cang Shitian's roars soon turned into groans as he found himself on the receiving end of a merciless beating.

"Hahaha," the two Brahma Kings chuckled, amused by the sight of Cang Shitian being thrashed in the distance. They were blissfully ignorant of the fact that they had just incurred the wrath of Cang Shitian, a being notorious for holding grudges indefinitely. From that moment on, their lives would never know peace again.

However, before they could even begin to fathom the future repercussions of their amusement, one of the Witches swiftly approached them.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Almost immediately, the air was filled with the agonized roars of the two Brahma Kings. Their laughter abruptly ceased, replaced by cries of pain echoing across the realm, a stark prelude to the troubles that awaited them.


"Yun Che, what do you want from me?" Qianye Fantian finally broke the silence, having walked a considerable distance alongside Yun Che. Their pace was such that ordinary practitioners would struggle to keep up.

Yun Che remained silent as they reached the remains of a once-majestic tower. Despite the catastrophic destruction wrought by the battles, the base of the tower stood undamaged, a testament to its former glory.

"Which do you think is worse, physical pain or emotional pain?" Yun Che suddenly posed the question.

Puzzled by the abruptness of the inquiry, Qianye Fantian took a moment to consider before responding, "Physical pain, obviously." His recent brush with death lent credibility to his answer.

"Perhaps that's true for you as you are now," Yun Che remarked.

"Me as I am now?" Qianye Fantian mulled over the words. What did Yun Che mean by that?

"Physical pain can heal. A mortal may lose a limb, which admittedly can't grow back, but the pain will eventually fade. As cultivators, we can regenerate lost limbs easily. We might come close to death, but given enough time and the right profound medicine, all physical pain will vanish," Yun Che explained.

"But emotional pain, it can linger indefinitely, growing more burdensome and harder to contain as time goes on," Yun Che continued.

"Every child in the world, regardless of their outward coldness or aloofness, craves the warmth of a family. They aspire to make their parents, masters, or guardians proud."

"Similarly, every parent, master, or guardian, no matter how stern or distant they may seem, hopes that those under their care surpass them, achieving greater heights."

"And when that happens, there's an undeniable sense of joy in their hearts."

"And why are you telling me all this?" Qianye Fantian interjected, perplexed by Yun Che's words. If it weren't for Yun Che's formidable strength, he might have dismissed this conversation as irrelevant.

"Because you are proud of Qianying, aren't you? Proud of her achievements, her beauty, and the fact that she will one day lead the Brahma God Realm. Despite your initial coldness and heartlessness, despite the lengths you went to for power, even killing Qianying's mother, the affection and attachment you've developed for her over time are genuine."

At these words, Qianye Fantian's eyes widened, a flicker of realization and emotional turmoil passing through them. Yun Che's insights struck a chord, stirring something deep within his heart.

"Perhaps you don't realize it now, but I genuinely hope that one day you'll become the father she deserves," Yun Che expressed, his words laced with earnest hope.

"She may never forgive you for your past actions, but you have the rest of your future to make amends." As Yun Che spoke, memories of his own daughters flashed through his mind. In his past life, he had missed significant portions of their lives – one he hadn't met until she was eleven, and the other was already in her nineties. The regret of missing these crucial years was profound. Although one forgave him readily, the other harbored a grudge that nearly broke him. Yet, in the end, she too had forgiven him. Beneath her cold exterior, she yearned for the warmth of familial love.

Just like Qianye Ying'er.

"Had I not intervened to prevent her from killing you, it would have become a torment that haunted her for life," Yun Che explained, turning to meet Qianye Fantian's gaze. "I didn't want her to live with that pain, and deep down, despite your cold demeanor, I believe you wouldn't want that for her either."

Qianye Fantian remained silent, Yun Che's words echoing through his heart and soul.

"Of course, this doesn't mean there aren't truly cold and heartless people in this world. For instance, right here, we have someone who could never care for anyone else, as long as they themselves are alive."

"?????????" Confused, Qianye Fantian extended his powerful divine sense but detected no one else nearby.

"Are you not coming out?" Yun Che's voice suddenly called out, directed towards the ruins at the base of the building.


"I know you're there. Come out, Eternal Heaven Great Ancestor!"


For a moment, nothing stirred. Then, with a thunderous "BOOMM!!!!", the ground shook violently. It wasn't just the immediate vicinity that quaked; the tremors felt as if they reverberated through the very fabric of the world itself!




"What's happening?!!!" The group of devils ceased their assault on Cang Shitian, their attention diverted by the sudden disturbance.

"Hehehe...???" Cang Shitian, despite his minor injuries from the devils' earlier attacks, looked up towards the source of the quakes with a mix of curiosity and apprehension. His lips twitched as he glanced at the two Brahma Kings, who were in far worse shape than him.

"Cough... cough, ugh.....argh...." The groans of pain from the Brahma Kings punctuated the air. The witches clearly hadn't held back in their attack.

"His majesty seems to be in that direction, so there's likely no cause for concern," Yan Tianxiao finally spoke up, trying to allay any fears.

"Jiehahaha, I concur with little Yan," Yan One added with a nod.

"So... shall we resume our fun?" Yan One suggested with a hint of mischief.



The short respite from their 'entertainment' ended abruptly, and the group resumed their enthusiastic thrashing of Cang Shitian. Meanwhile, the Brahma Kings, unable to withstand their injuries, soon lost consciousness.


"THIS!!!!!" Qianye Fantian's eyes widened in disbelief as he gazed at the figure materializing in the sky. She bore a striking resemblance to the Eternal Heaven Divine Spirit, but Yun Che had addressed her as the Eternal Heaven Great Ancestor. Could this truly be the founder of the Eternal Heaven Realm from several hundred thousand years ago?

"YOU DEVIL, DO YOU REALIZE THE GRAVITY OF YOUR ACTIONS?!!!" The soul image of the woman in the sky thundered in fury. "YOU HAVE COMMITTED AN UNFORGIVABLE SIN! THE HEAVENS WILL SURELY PUNISH YOU!" She exuded an air of righteousness and authority.

"Sure, sure," Yun Che responded nonchalantly, his gaze upon the figure in the sky turning dark. "To protect yourself, you hid your aura and presence. But unfortunately, I can still see right through you. You haven't changed at all, have you? Hahaha," he chuckled.

"?????" The woman seemed perplexed. It was her first encounter with Yun Che, yet his demeanor suggested a familiarity.

"I'll keep this brief – hand over the Eternal Heaven Pearl," Yun Che stated casually, as if making a simple request.

"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Qianye Fantian was utterly astounded. Yun Che had just audaciously demanded one of the Heavenly Treasures. The brazenness of the request left him reeling – did Yun Che truly expect the Great Ancestor to relinquish such a revered artifact so easily?


"You would have to kill me to get the pearl, but as its spirit, you would only possess the pearl without any means to utilize its power, hahaha!" The spirit above roared with laughter.

"200,000 years ago, you discovered the Eternal Heaven Pearl. Its spirit was on the brink of death and chose to bestow the pearl upon you because you possessed the 'Heart of Snow Glazed Glass.'"

"!!!!!!!!!!!!" The Ancestor's eyes widened in shock; Yun Che's words were indeed the truth. The legends told of her befriending the original Eternal Heaven Pearl Spirit, ensuring its continued protection over her realm even after her demise. However, those were fabrications. How did Yun Che uncover the real story?

"Your soul, being purer than others due to the 'Heart of Snow Glazed Glass,' made you a suitable candidate to become the pearl's spirit," Yun Che continued.

"HMM! So what if you know that?!!! Yes, only I can become the pearl's spirit. If you kill me, you won't be able to use the pearl!" The ancestor declared triumphantly, confident in her advantage.

"If that's what you believe, I can't convince you otherwise," Yun Che replied with a smile. "So please, do me the favor; die for me," he added nonchalantly, his request as chilling as it was blunt.


The ancestral soul in the sky reacted with alarm, her eyes widening as she mustered her power. Having lived far beyond her natural lifespan, she regarded her own survival as paramount. She had remained absent during the Dragon Monarch's world-shaking roar that slaughtered many of her descendants, and she had not intervened to save Zhou Xuzi from Mu Xuanyin's fatal strike. Avoiding conflict with stronger foes was her strategy, as she knew her chances of victory were slim. In fact, she had even severed her sensory connections to the world, opting to hide in seclusion.

It was only Yun Che's arrival and his direct summons that forced her out of hiding, realizing there was no escape from his perception. In desperation, she attempted to negotiate her way out, but Yun Che seemed indifferent to her proposals.

"Wait, wait, wait, I can serve you, I can be your slave!" she offered frantically, hoping to find some way to appease him.

"Too late," Yun Che declared, his eyes shimmering with a purple glow, signaling his unyielding stance.

Realizing her pleas were futile, the ancestral soul knew she was cornered with no means of escape. With a defiant roar, she expanded her soul form until it engulfed the sky. Her power astonishingly surpassed that of the Eternal Heaven God Emperor.

"Even if I die today, I'll drag you down with me!" she bellowed, prepared to unleash her full might in a final, desperate stand.

Unfortunately for the Eternal Heaven Great Ancestor, her deliberate disconnection from most of her senses left her ignorant of the true extent of Yun Che's power.

As Yun Che's eyes turned purple, an enormous dragon materialized above the Eternal Heaven Great Ancestor, its presence alone exuding an overwhelming aura.

Qianye Fantian gazed at the gigantic dragon with a mix of awe and fear. He recalled Yun Che using a similar technique during the Profound God Conference, but the power displayed now was incomparably greater. The mere existence of the dragon made him, the formidable Brahma God Emperor, feel weak at the knees.

The Eternal Heaven Great Ancestor stared up in terror, sensing imminent danger but finding herself powerless to react.

"ROARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!" The dragon's roar obliterated her powers and soul, leaving nothing of her existence.

"Ahhhhhh..." Qianye Fantian watched in horror as the dragon vanished, along with the Eternal Heaven Great Ancestor. A small pearl descended from where she had been, gently drawn into Yun Che's hand by a subtle force.


Qianye Fantian could only swallow hard. The Eternal Heaven Pearl, a Heavenly Treasure coveted by many, now lay in Yun Che's hand. The mere thought of greed was banished from his mind by the sheer power of the dragon's roar, which had nearly shattered his soul despite not being directed at him.

The earlier conversation between Qianye Ying'er and Yun Che played back in his mind. "It seems the God Realm will truly fall into his hands," he thought, now devoid of any doubts.

"We're finished here; let's go." The voice of their lord echoed in the minds of the devils, who abruptly ceased their assault on Cang Shitian.

"BOOMMMM!!!!!" With a resounding boom, they soared into the sky, not forgetting to drag along Cang Shitian and the two unconscious Brahma Kings as they departed the devastated realm.

Wait a minutes, did I released this chapters days ago?!!! I thought I set it for Monday 13th. :(

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