

Fen sailed through the air enjoying the peacefulness before he started creating foot holds out of air a skill call skyrunning, 'Ha could the skills be anymore self explanatory' the thought briefly touching his mind before his focus switched to the creatures attacking the cart ahead.

The creatures resembled brown dogs around waist height the only difference was their skulls, spine and ribcage were all on the outside of their bodies. Locals called them Death hounds but Fen thought the guilds term Skullwolves sounded better. He counted 15 of them surrounding 4 guards and the merchant, almost to easy. Throwing his axe further into the air and using a wind enchantment with some help from gravity Fen made an entrance and by entrance he crushed a skullwolf under his foot. Without missing a beat he grabbed the nearest wolf and broke it's spine with only his strength used its corpse as a bowling ball to knock the wolves away from the guards creating some space for them to breath. Another of the mutts used this opportunity to jump into Fens back digging its claws and mouth to tear his shirt apart. This was doing nothing to his skin due to the difference in levels but the wolf didn't know that, Fen did however choosing to finally call his axe back from the sky slamming into the soft earth not at all slowed by the wolf it passed through. Two halves of the wolf collapsed to the ground an axe party buried in the grass directly in the middle. The runes started to glow on Fens right arm his axe showing the same runes across its surface, it was ready to play. Fen recalled it to his hand throwing it almost instantly at a wolf sneaking behind him before sprinting at another. The guards stood shocked by the sudden entrance and efficiency this stranger was killing wolves that had them dead to rights a minute ago. Fen didn't bother trying to get them to join if anything he wanted the exp for himself and Sasha since she was in his group 'maybe she could help in a fight if she was high enough but she might also compete for kills with him' these thoughts flew through his mind in between catching his axe and throwing it again each time it came back bloodier and bloodier till he ran out of wolves to kill.

"Dam I was just getting into It." He mumbled to himself turning his attention to the merchant cart and guards giving them a wave before something caught his eye.

Fen - lvl 139


*Horse (Sasha) - lvl 24

"Ha would you look at that." Yelling at his own cart he continued.

"Hey Sasha seems you've gone up a level!" The response was a loud neigh and Sasha pulling the cart with a small skip in her step.

"At least that makes you happy." Shaking his head Fen noticed Safire staring at the corpses around him with her mouth wide open.

"How?... But he can't have.... Are you even human?" The last comment was made just loud enough for Fen to hear.

"Well some have called me a monster so I'm going to say maybe." Turning his attention to the cart he just saved the guards had regrouped holding their weapons in a defensive stance aimed at the newcomers mainly the melusene who wasn't hiding her snake half or wings from them. 'Peaceful try to be peaceful Fen they could be nice people.'

"Hay there seemed you needed a bit of help dealing with the Skullwolves." Leaving his axe in the ground Fen extended his hand to shake with a smile trying to break the threatening aura.

"We didn't need your help we had them." The guard that looked like the leader barked, Fen smile twitched a little 'keep playing nice this is just typical guard behaviour to act tough in front of your client.'

"That being said I just couldn't leave you to fend for yourself, you need to lend a hand to others in need right?" The lead guard stepped forward pointing his sword at Fens cart.

"Be on your way traveler we don't give free escorts especially to one's that travel with filth." Fen smile faltered as he knew the guard was referring to Safire, an argument welled up inside him that this guy might need the escorting but it died before it could make it to his mouth.

"Why do I even bother?" Mumbling to himself he climbed back into his cart, Sasha giving a snort to the guards before starting to move again.

"Well so much for being nice." Safire grabbed Fens arm a frightened look on her face.

"That's not a merchant cart it's a slavers one." A slight shaking from her body passed on to Fen possibly from her own experience with them but that wasn't what caught his attention as her attention was focused just beside the slavers cart. The light seemed to bend around a small area causing a slight shimmer.

"Please Fen you can see it can't you whoever they have is trying to cloak and run but they won't get far if they were treated anything like I was." Tears ran freely down her cheeks but she refused to break eye contact. Fen looked between the shimmer and Safire a sigh coming to his lips.

"If we save them you won't be able to make any advances on me with company."

"I don't care."

"Good try and get whoevers cloaking attention and get them in the cart quickly."

"What about you?"

"Your going to need a distraction even with that cloak ability." Sasha seemed to agree almost immediately turning the cart around catching the guards attention.

"I almost forgot Skullwolves pelts sell for a lot, since I killed them you don't mind if I take their bounty do you?" The lead guard stopped each of his men in the process of gutting a wolf. Fen smirked this will be an easy distraction. Safire meanwhile was flicking her gaze to the invisible figure and the cart occasionally checking to make sure no one noticed what she was doing, her tail holding the curtain wide enough for them to get in unnoticed. Finally the figure noticed moving at a snails pace to not break the illusion with quick movement.


One of the guards tried to punch Fen resulting in a broken hand, Fen was calmly holding the wolf the soldier was gutting away from him. The rest of them drew their swords getting ready for a fight. Safire felt pressure beside her, whoever was cloaking was now in the cart. Before she could call out to Fen, Sasha neighed stomping the ground in pain an arrow sticking out of her shoulder.

The guard with the bow bearly got time to pull another arrow out of his quiver before a axe decapitated him. "Bad move." Fen yelled his left eye glowing a deeper purple throwing veins of purple into the left side of his face.

"Now now do we really need to resort to violence?" Stepping out from the slavers cart a man in robes that screamed wealth sauntered onto the field giving off a chilling presence.

"I much prefer the peaceful approach. Now as it stands you have stolen from me." Safire turned around only to come face to face with a fox girl holding a short sword.

"You have taken one of my Slaves." The fox girl moved her head slightly showing the collar around her neck.

"Now if you wish to do this peacefully hmmmmm." The slave master held up a silver orb, Fen noticed it quickly as a memory orb similar to a camera in his old world saving a few images in time to be viewed by anyone.

"I think if you give me that lamia we can call it even." He flashed a smile at Fen as two more fox women appeared beside him these two much better at cloaking it seemed. Fen mentally kicked himself for not playing close enough attention. The fox girl beside Safire held out a collar.

"Now you must willingly become my slave snake, I can't force you such are the rules of slave owners but I can hurt your boyfriend." Fens attention was elsewhere watching the guard he'd killed with curiosity, he wasn't bleeding and the others were as still as status. Reaching out with his Mana he found they each had a good supply but it wasn't theirs more like they were just holding it.

Ah he mentally sighed they're puppets so they won't be a problem as fen severed their Mana strings. He vaguely heard Safire being threatened and swords being pointed at him.

"Are you done?" Everyone but Sasha turned to face Fen.

"Because I am." Fen felt his patience run out quickly blinking in front of the slave master to head butting him. He felt the slave masters nose break against his forehead.

"Aaaaaah" The man screamed clutching his nose his two fox girls tried slicing Fens limbs only succeeding in cutting his clothes. Blowing them both back with a wind blast then creating a wind shield around him and the slave master to keep the fox pair out.

"Release all your Slaves." Fen demanded grabbing his hand.

"Are you crazy?!" Was the slave masters reply Blood freely dripping from his broken nose.

"Possibly." Fen called breaking a finger causing another cry of pain from his captive.

"Stupid Slaves save me." Fen broke another finger.

"Stop please." *Snap* another.

"OK ok. I Zurich Laku release the contract apon you." A casting ring appeared below him with a tick and cross he hesitated so Fen broke another finger making him touch the tick. Almost immediately the collars around all of the fox girls glowed green then fell to the ground. Surprise grew across all of their faces, the one beside Safire throwing the collar away before hugging the confused melusene in a tight embrace. Releasing Zurichs hand Fen walked away past the two girls happily holding one another. They hesitated before bowing together.

"Thank you for saving us."

"We are in your debt." Fen put his hands to each of their chins lifting them up from their bow.

"Well your free now and you don't owe me anything."

"But you..." Raising his hand to silence her he continued.

"Just enjoy your lives. Enjoy your freedom." Moving past them one grabbed his arm.

"Wait what about him?" She almost spat the word out pointing at Zurich.

"Up to you guys he hasn't ruined my life." Continuing on to his own cart Fen ignored the screaming behind him till he reached Sasha who was trying to bite the arrow in her.

"Easy girl hold still." Moving quickly Fen grabbed the arrow casting a quick spell to harden it so it wouldn't break inside her and pulled. Sasha belated her back leg kicking out while she bit down on Fens arm.

"I know it hurts girl but bear with it." The arrow came free followed by a lot of blood. Fen moved his other hand over the wound healing it with a quick spell then cast a few more making sure the wound was gone. The third fox girl came out of the cart noticing Fen with Sasha.

"Are you the one who saved us?" Fen sighed patting Sasha flank.

"Yea." The girl jumped onto the ground into a bow.

"Thank you." Patting her head he climbed into the cart grabbing the blankets scattered around Safire.

"We were soppose to reach town today but Sasha won't pull the cart after that at least till tomorrow and the foxgirls will probably want to burn the slave cart. So I'm going to sleep now so I can take watch tonight you are going to start a fire and get rid of the wolf corpses before they attract anything unpleasant understand?" Safire nodded looking outside the cart.

"Thank you Fen." Lying down in all the blankets he cast a small sleep spell on himself keeping his awareness partly conscious.

"Your welcome." He yawned drifting off to sleep.