
After seven lives I got the system

Mo Fang had parents that could give him anything if he wanted, but he didn't want anything,Or one can say he couldn't. He was a 17 years old boy who was destined to die on the next day, which was his 18 birthday, all the doctors in the world said he can't live one more day than that if he didn't have the transplant which would give him 2 additional month but he refused to have it. The reason behind it is a girl of age 13 also had the same problem but she would live her whole live but he would not. He decided to give it to her, while at night 12:00 waiting for his death with his parent crying in their arms. Slowly his consciousness was fading away he waited for his death. He was saw a person who was King Yama then in confusion he asked "am I not dead". King Yama said "yes, you indeed are dead". Then he explained because of his good deeds the people in heaven decided to send him to the upper world where people cultivated to the peak of the world. Then while he was sending him to upper world something unexpected happened in hell so problem occurred to his reincarnation to upper world he fell in hell and he died for second time because of his extreme bad luck. And so because of his bad luck he died another 5 times, so all the important people gathered for his 8 reincarnation for the apology to give him because of the problems occurred to him due to his inconvenience they decided to give him an heavenly treasure each. He was sent to the mortal world or lower world which had cultivation. when he woke up he got to know he had a "heavenly cultivation system".

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28 Chs

- My first death

On a sunny day, In the city of New York. while lying on a hospital bed was our main character Mo Fang. His parents were Chinese but they shifted to America recently because of his illness.

This illness has caused him to remain on hospital bed for his entire life. He always cursed because of his extreme bad luck that has caused him to remain in bed.

He was 17 years old and he always saw different places on tv while lying on the bed.

He was extremely good looking, with black hair, and blue eyes. If he was any ordinary boy he would have definitely become a star easily, even the nurses in hospital always talked about him being good looking but what a bad luck.

He always liked to read fantasy novels and comics to keep himself busy. He almost knew every novel and comic so he always fantasised about being an immortal and roaming in the sky with a sword.

He was the only son of his parents who were business tycoon in the financial world. They were extremely loving parents and they always cried seeing their child in that shape but they couldn't do anything even if they had money. They always provided their child with every possible happiness they could give to him

They both and Mo Fang knew he was going to die tonight because the doctors all over world told that he have to get his all organ transplanted to provide him with 2 more months.

But he refused to do that because there was also a little girl which was 12 years old and she also had to get the heart and other organ.

While he would only get to live another 2 more months and so but the girl would live her whole life. So he was happy that he could do something for someone in this world that he was going to leave.

At night, While he and his both parents were with him while he was near his last breath he asked his parents to donate some money every year to poor people as they were very rich.

They both looked at each other and started crying, he asked them both why they were crying they replied,"heaven is so unfair while you are on your last breath waiting for death itself you are asking us to give money to poor people. Hearing such a replied he also started crying.

As time came his consciousness started to fade away. Then he said his last words,"bye, mom and dad, I LOVE YOU". then he died for the first time.

He was feeling like he was drowning in an endless water where he could not get out even if he tried his best. Then in his mind he wondered does this feel like when you are dying.