
Nothing But Consistent

Harry ended up staying the night in my room last night after Tristan and Steph left to go to his apartment. The rest of the night was spent talking and kissing before Harry finally fell asleep with his hand on my lap. I dreamt of a time and place where we could actually live together. I would love to wake up every morning to find Harry next to me, but it's not realistic. I am too young.

Monday morning is now here and my alarm was set ten minutes late, throwing my whole morning off. After I shower and do my makeup quickly I wake Harry before plugging in my blow dryer.

"What time is it?" He groans.

"It's six thirty, I have to blow dry my hair."

"Six thirty? You don't have to be there until nine, come back to bed."

"No, I still have to do my hair and get coffee. I have to leave here by seven thirty, the drive is forty-five minutes." I remind him.

"You will be there forty-five minutes early, you should leave at eight." He closes his eyes and rolls back over.

I ignore him and turn on my blow dryer, he takes a pillow and covers his head with it. After curling my hair, I go over my planner again to make sure I didn't miss anything.

"Are you going to just go to class from here?" I ask him as I get dressed.

"Yea, probably. Can I use your toothbrush?" He smiles and gets out of bed.

"Uh, I guess. I can just buy a new one on my way back." I tell him. No one has ever asked to use my toothbrush before. I mentally picture myself putting it in my mouth after he uses it. "Yea, you can." I reiterate. I can't help but notice that his eyes travel down my body.

"I still say you shouldn't leave until eight, think of the things we could do in thirty minutes." He smirks. My eyes travel to the bulge in his boxers and my body immediately heats. My fingers stop on the middle button of my shirt as he lazily crosses the small room to stand behind me. I gesture for him to zip my skirt, his hands brush my bare skin before he slowly zips my skirt up and I tuck my shirt into it.

"I have to, I still have to get some coffee. What if there is traffic? An accident? I could blow a tire or need gas? I could get lost, or not be able to find somewhere to park. What if I have to park in the very back and then I have to walk a long way and I will be out of breath, so I Will need a few minutes to..."

"You need to calm down baby. You're a nervous wreck." he breaths in my ear. I look at him in the mirror. He looks so perfect when he wakes up, his sleepiness making him look softer.

"I can't help it, this internship means so much to me. I can't take the chance of messing it up." My mind is racing. I will be fine after today, after I know what to expect and I can plan my week in accordance.

"You don't want to show up there nervous like this, they will eat you alive." he places a string of small kiss down my neck.

"I will be fine." I hope. Goosebumps cover my skin from his warm breath against my neck.

"Let me relax you first." His voice is low and seductive, laced with sleep.

"I..." He trails his fingers over my collarbone and down my chest. His eyes meet mine in the mirror and I sigh in defeat. "Five minutes?" I ask and beg at the same time.

"That's all I need." I move to turn around but he stops me.

"No, I want you to watch." He purrs in my ear. I feel the familiar ache between my legs from his words. I gulp and he moves my hair over my left shoulder and pushes his body against mine. His hand travel down to the hem of my long skirt.

"At least you aren't wearing tight today and I must say I am a fan of this skirt." He says and pulls it up to my waist.

"Especially when it's up like this." My eyes are glued to his hand in the mirror and my pulse is thrumming. His fingers are slightly cold as they slip into my panties, the contact makes me jump slightly and he chuckles into my neck. His other hand is wrapped around my chest, holding me in place.

I feel so exposed but so turned on at the same time. Watching him touch me takes my mind places that I never knew existed. His fingers move slowly inside of me and he kisses my neck softly.

"Look how beautiful you are." He whispers against my skin. I look at myself in the mirror and barely recognize myself. My cheeks are flushed a deep red, my eyes are wide and wild. With my skirt bunched up at my hips and Harry's finger moving inside of me, I look different...sexy even.

My eyes close as I feel my stomach tightening, Harry continues his beautifully slow assault and I pull my bottom lip between my teeth to stifle a moan.

"Open your eyes." He instructs. My eyes meet his and it sends me over the edge, Harry standing behind me, holding me, watching me come undone from his touch is all it takes. My head rolls back in his shoulder and my legs start to shake.

"That's it baby." He coos and tightens his grip around me to hold me up as my vision blurs and I moan his name.

When my eyes open again Harry kisses my temple and tucks a curl behind my ear before tugging my skirt back down my thighs. I turn around to face him and check the clock. It's only seven thirty-five. He really did only need five minutes, I think to myself and laugh.

"See, you are much more relaxed and ready to take on corporate America right?" He beams, obviously proud of himself. I don't blame him.

"Yes, actually. But you make a terrible American." I tease and grab my bag.

"I don't claim to be otherwise." he laughs. "Last chance for me to drive you, well since my car isn't here I could drive you in your car?"

"No, thank you though."

"Good luck, you'll do great." He assures me and kisses me again.

I thank him and gather my things and leave him in my room. This morning has turned out to be great despite my alarm being ten minutes off. The drive is quick and there is obviously not traffic or accidents. When I pull in the parking lot I pull into the front row and check the time. it's only eight thirty. I decide to call Harry to pass the time.

"You okay?" He says on the other end.

"Yea, I am already here." I tell him. I can picture his smug expression.

"Told you, you could have stayed for ten more minutes and gave me a blow Job." He says and laugh.

"Always such a pervert, even this early morning." I giggle.

"Yep, I am nothing but consistent."

"I won't argue with that." We banter back and forth about his lack of virtue before we get off the phone and it is time for me to go inside. I make my way to the top floor where Christian Vance's office is located and inform the woman in the front my name. She picks up her phone and a few seconds later she hangs up and gives me a huge smile.

"Me. Vance would like to come out himself, he will see you in a second." She smiles.

"Ms. Young!" He greets me. He is dressed in a suit, I am a little intimated but thankful that I dressed professionally. He is holding a thick folder under his arm.

"Hello Mr. Vance." I smile and reach out to shake his hand.

"Go ahead and call me Christian. I will show you to your office."

"Office?" I blurt out.

"Yes, you will have your own office, its not much but you will need your own space." He smiles. Wow I hadn't even expected a desk, let alone an office. He walks very fast, I strain to keep up in my heels.

"We will go over the paperwork when we get to your office." He makes a left turn into a hallway full of small offices.

"Here we are." He says. There is a black tag with my name in bold white letters next to the door. I must be dreaming. The office is as big as my dorm room, Mr. Vance and I have different ideas of 'small". There is a medium sized cherry desk, two filling cabinet, two chairs, a bookshelf, and a computer in the room. He makes a seat in front of the desk so I sit behind it. It's going to take some getting used to the idea that this is actually office.

"So Ms. Young, let's go over what your duties will include." He says. "You will be expected to go over at least two manuscripts a week, if they are good then you will send them to me. If they aren't worth me looking at, toss them." My mouth falls open. This internship is literally a dream come true. I will be paid and receive college credit to read.

"You will start out at only five hundred a week, and if you do well after ninety days, you will receive a raise." He tells me. Five hundred a week! That is a lot more than I expected. That is enough money to get my own apartment.

"Thank you so much, this is all so much more than I expected." I tell him. I can't wait to call Harry and tell him about all of this.

"It's my pleasure, I have it on good authority that you are a very hard worker. Maybe you can tell Harry how great it is so he can come back to work for me." He laughs.


"Harry, he used to work for us before Bolthouse snatched him up. He started as an intern here last year but I quickly hired him and he worked from home, said he didn't like the office setting. Go figure." He smiles. "But they offered him more money so he left us, still works from home though." He adjust his watch.

"I will try to tell him." I laugh nervously. I had no idea he had a job. He has never mentioned it to me.

"Let's get this paperwork out of the way." He slides over the folder. After thirty minutes of "sign here" and "initial here" I am finally finished with the folder.

"You are free to decorate your office anyway that you please, as long as it is appropriate of course." He laughs. "I will leave you to familiarize with your computer, make sure your log in and password let's you into the system then you are free to go for today. I will see you back here tomorrow." He says and walks out, closing the door behind him. I can't help but squeal and spin myself around in my chair, at my desk, in my new office.

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