

People fear death for many reasons. For some, the fear of what comes after. The fear of being forgotten. A threat to the meaningfulness of life. Being forced to stop life projects. This was what the world feared before. Now, what we fear is what we become After Death. A suspenseful story told by different characters over the years of the zombie apocalypse. The group consists of high school kids and deals with troubling events in which not everyone survives. TW: This story contains graphic descriptive content, strong language, and disturbing descriptive images and is intended only for mature audiences.

RudyGasparrini · Horreur
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105 Chs

Chapter 18 (The Hill)

Chapter 18: The Hill

Ethan Warren

May 2028

About 6 years after outbreak


Season 5/The Final Season


Maybe I was an idiot to believe I could live a life without causing pain wherever I go. If I had been prepared for what would happen six years ago I would have been able to do so much more than I did. It's not fair but I can't go back either. I don't think I would change anything anyways.

My eyes have finally been open enough to see, not everything is my fault. It's peaceful now.

Addie was a roadblock, she was no longer my sister and I think I was okay with that. I had a family now, one that cared, Addie never did. Family isn't something I was fortunate to be born into, but at least I was lucky enough to still find it.

We climbed up the hill, tears stains glued to our cheeks and panting for air as we finally slowed our pace. I didn't doubt that Addie and her people were following us but I did not care enough to consider it. I just wanted us to get home, though I knew we were going in the wrong direction. I also don't know if I really expected to make it home anymore.

When we got to the top, Steve released Angie from his grasp in exhaustion, some of the others toppled to the ground as well. I knew we couldn't afford to take a break but we would die if we didn't.

"Ethan!" I faintly heard from a few meters below the hill. Too far down to see but painfully unsettling enough to capture my full attention. Addie appeared shortly after the sound stopped echoing in my mind. Her smile was faded but she was not angry. For the first time in a long time, she looked like the sister I knew. The four year old pain in my ass I loved but would never admit. I had to remind myself that she was no longer that person. I'll never know if I was wrong about that or not.

"I really didn't mean to hurt you, whether you choose to believe that or not." The others slowly migrated to stand besides me. My hand shook as I felt vulnerable without weapons. But I don't even know why I felt one was necessary. What was I gonna do, kill my sister?

"You went too far, Addie. I'm sorry for not finding you but I never wished for you to be dead. I loved you. I do love you."

"A long time ago you did. We all changed, Brother, and I get it now. I just never could forgive you. I had to watch our parents die while you took a fucking vacation!"


"No, you need to realize the world does not revolve around you! You are not what people need, you are not the hero, and you deserve to be dead because everyone who has ever given a shit about you is!" Her words were like fire and they pierced through my heart. They distracted me so much that I didn't even realize what happened after her rant stopped.

She shot me.

My family ran to me, panic looks plastered on their faces as they desperately tried to keep my blood inside my body. Their words were silent, my attention was elsewhere but it wasn't on the bullet. I finally felt relief. It was peaceful.