
Unfortunate Day

Game Company - Afternoon


[Hey Shin and how's it working with a completly new group on a new Project?]

A member of the group i was in before asks me with a vile look on his face.

I remember myself saying with a radiant smile

[Hello Takishi thank you for asking and still caring for me even after you have thrown me out of your work project and yes i like working with them because they, unlike others, appreciate the work i do]

I don't know why i said something like that to a direct superior but the moment i said it i knew: I won't get home today without a penalty.

I knew it altought it wasn't just a little Penalty.

Instead of just getting the money cut for todays work i got thrown out of the Company, over just such a simple thing and yet im now Unemployed.

Well now my life is completely destroyed, I don't have much money on hand and the rent is also due tomorrow, after paying the rent I only have money for a maximum of 3 days, but in this period I can't find a new job, so I'm pretty much doomed now.

When i got the new's that i was fired i was immediatly thrown out and now im sitting in my car driving home, im surprised that i didn't try to end myself and just give up.

Now it's dark and the Streets are clear and silent no car or pedestrian can be seen so i thought it wouldn't bother someone if i just drove against a latern or something, well in the end i still didn't do it.

It's now 20 a clock in the afternoon, im standing before my Apartment and take out my key's to go inside.

[I'm Home]

I heard saying to myself even thought i new nobody would answer me.

After taking of my shoes off and putting my coat aside i went to wash my face.

I looked into the mirror and said

[Oh man....i've got really deep circles under my eyes, maybe it's because of the stress and all that sh*t]

After saying this i again thought "Why am i even talking to myself? Nobody will even hear me, i should just sleep well and go to bed already"

Just as I was starting to walk to bed I got a little dizzy, I started swaying around.

I figured it was just the stress that got the better of me from the day and I need a good night's sleep so I continued towards the bed but just before the bed I tripped and fell towards the edge of the bed.

I could see that I was going to get hit in the head by the sharp edge if I didn't do something quickly, so I tried to grab onto the bed with my hands to steady myself, which apparently worked as I even got onto the bed afterwards, at least I assume so because I felt something soft under my body but that was the last thing I felt before losing my consciousness.

Well, that's about my first and quite short chapter, I just hope that it's readable and written halfway right, because English isn't my native language, so feel free to write in the comments if I wrote something wrong.

FantasyThemedLovercreators' thoughts
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