

After the meeting Leylin wandered around the area to scan the place, as he walked he casually observed the surrounding plants.

Leylin:"Ava scan the area for usable plants that can be used and their uses while keep the scanners on for possible dangers."

[Scanning Usable Plants]

[Saving Plants Files to server]

[Danger Scanner: On]

Leylin plucked and observed the plants that was scanned by Ava and put it to his inventory for further experiments after Ava scanned the area Leylin only found those annoying douche-bags walking to his location.

"Hehe!What`s this I see? Leylin! Should I be saying `as expected from a minor noble of a village? Are you actually saving those disgusting wild fruits on the roadside? You have really tarnished the reputation of the nobilities... A certain faggot sneered at Leylin.

Just after Leylin had plucked the last plant that was scanned and usable for use and placed it into his inventory while putting his hands in his pocket. An annoying bug`s voiced was heard.

"Who are you?"Leylin asked with his voice calm.

"You!!! You bastard my name is Ourin remember the guy that will beat you to death!!!"Ourin shouted filled with anger.

Leylin:"Ho! Beat me to death that sure is amusing I wonder if you can really do it"Leylin said with a mockery tone.

When Ourin heared what Leylin said. Ourin made a mad dash with his fist to punch Leylin when Leylin saw it there was a fierce glint in his eyes but it disappeared as fast as it appeared.

Leylin silhouette flashed. When Leylin reappeared, he was already behind Ourin,"Since you attacked first don`t blame me for thrashing you!"

Leylin uppercutted Ourin chest which make him exhale the air in this lungs. Ourin stepped back a few steps but Leylin continued to hit his body with powerful punch which makes Ourin concentrate on making sure he can breath while Leylin continued on making Ourin body his punching bag.

When Ourin`s group finally snapped back to reality they immediately rush to help Ourin but they`re already too late Ourin already curled up in the floor when they reach him which makes Leylin switch his target to them and just like their boss Ourin, they curled up because of the pain they felt from Leylin`s punch.

Ourin:"You dared! You dared! You actually dared to hurt me!"

Leylin:"Oyy donkey, You really think I`m scared of you and your group of douche-bags."

Ourin:"You`re dead! I will hang you!"

Ourin ferociously stood up, and keep on roaring like a wild dog, rays of blood-thirsty and savage light shooting out of his eyes.

Leylin:"Looks like you still want to be my punching bag!"

Leylin dashed and keep on punching Ourin`s face which became a pig face while Leylin evaded Ourin`s attacked. Ourin keep on persevering and trying to punch Leylin but his punches gets weaker and weaker as time pass by till he fall to the ground gasping for air with a pained expression and couldn`t get up for a long time.

Ourin:"You`re dead for sure! My family will not let you off" Ourin said his eyes bloodshot as he growled.

Leylin:"Oh!Really??"Leylin remained indifferent towards Ourin`s threat, Leylin kick his lower abdomen with a powerful kick one last time as Ourin curled himself up, like a cooked prawn.

Leylin squatted down, looked at Ourin`s pig face with an evil grin on his face.

Leylin:"Since you won`t let me off anyways, shouldn`t it be better if I just make the first move and kill you?"

"He`s not joking, he really dares to take action!"At that moment Ourin`s face turned ashen white white looking at Leylin`s face with his evil grin.

Ourin:"Sir Leylin! Lord Leylin! Yo-you can`t do that!I....I have the Dorlan family behind me. If you kill me, you`ll get yourself in trouble!"

Leylin:"Hmm, that`s true."Leylin lifted his chin while thinking.

Leylin:"Then I`ll forgive you if you apologize to me while kowtowing."

Ourin:"I admit my wrongs! I apologies.....I`m sorry!"Ourin kowtowed to Leylin.

Leylin:"Very good, I accept your apology. In addition, according to the law of nobility, I have the rights to request for compensation for your inconvenience to me.!"

Leylin said smilingly which gave Ourin a bad feeling.

Leylin:"As compensation, hand all the magic crystals you have with you!"Leylin smilingly said those words of extortion.

Ourin:"Oh! No! You can`t do this! Do you know how many people have been sacrifice for my family to obtain these magic crystals?"

Ourin struggled to protest.

Leylin:"Sometimes, it`s just better to do what is ask of of you to do. Now, it`s your turn. My dear Ourin, life or magic crystals, choose wisely!"

Leylin shrugged off Ourin`s protest. Instead, he kicked Ourin`s chest one more time before stepping Ourin`s face to the ground gradually increasing the amount of force he exerted as his killing intent burst out of his body.

Ourin`s face is sent further and further into the ground, giving him a suffocating feeling.

After a few minutes, Leylin released some of the pressure giving Ourin time to breathe and answer his question.

Leylin:"So? Have you thought through it properly?"

Ourin:"Puah!"Ourin inhaled the fresh air in big mouthfuls. His injured face was now covered with mud and footprints, making him look hilarious.

However, none of the curious youths surrounding them dared to smile. Ourin`s group of youths tried to retreat, wanting to leave the area.

Leylin aimed and shot a crossbow bolt to the retreating youths, Whoosh! The bolt went past the retreating group making them freeze on their spot.

Leylin:"Ourin, see that? My fingers are itching to shoot right now. Furthermore, don`t try to challenge my patience!"

Leylin looked at the surrounding youths. Those who had Leylin`s cold gaze sweep past them all lowered their heads, their bodies trembling.

Ourin:"Okay! I can give you the magic crystals! But I left them in the carriage! Follow me back to get them!" Ourin sad in surrender.

Leylin:"Ahahahaha, Magic crystals are so important. You don`t bring them with you, but leave them at the carriage? Are you treating me like a fool? It seems like you haven`t had enough!"

Leylin grabbed onto Ourin`s arm and suddenly gave it a snap! Crack!! Ear piercing sounds of bone fracture could be heard, followed by a miserable scream making the onlooker shudder after breaking Ourin`s arm Leylin kick Ourin`s body making him fall back to the ground.

Leylin:"If you still refuse to speak the truth, I`ll break your other arm!"

Ourin:"No! No! No! You can`t do this, the black-robed lord won`t let you off!" Ourin clutched onto his arm, struggling to get up.

Leylin:"Haha...why would those black robes barge into our matters? I didn`t kill you plus even if they did I`ll just give the magic crystals inside one of you pockets and you`ll be of no use to them beside did you forget were we are right now?"

Leylin smiled coldly, making Ourin realized that death in this place is ordinary making Ourin`s face pale.

Ourin:"Fine! I`ll give you the magic crystals, but you have to swear that you will not take revenge on me anymore!" Ourin shouted with a pale face as he saw Leylin approaching him.

Leylin:"Okay! I swear with the honor of my Farlier family."

Ourin`s face turned green. Struggling to a half seated position on the ground, he took out a golden colored pouch from his bosom and tossed it at Leylin.

Ourin:"All my magic crystals are here!"

Leylin took it and gave it a look. This was a palm-sized pouch made with gold and silver threads. In the center of it was a picture of an eagle and a shield,surrounded by many plants. It appeared to be a family symbol.

Leylin opened the pouch and saw over a dozens of black colored crystals. Leylin faintly smiled.

Leylin:"Okay! I`ll return it to you!"

Leylin took out three magic crystals from the pouch and tossed the pouch with the magic crystals back at Ourin.

Leylin:"These three magic crystals will be my compensation!"

Ourin:"Tha....thank you!" Ourin`s facial expression turned a lot better. I f he were to lose all of these magic crystals and wasn`t unable to enter the academy, he really doesn`t know how he`d face his family.

Leylin:"Rest assured! I won`t take your magic crystals!"

Leylin just walked back to his carriage like nothing happened.

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