
Advent of the New World - Rise of the Celestial Empire

The greatest enemy and obstacle David Kingston has ever faced is his own sense of boredom. In an effort to escape this seemingly omnipresent feeling, he has pledged to become the Primordial Dungeon Master, One of the Creator's Primary Apostles, as well as the next Leader of The Human Realm. This is the story of his journey to quell his eternal sense of boredom and become one of the strongest beings to ever exist. Additional Tages include; Non-Linear Story Telling, Godly Powers, Tragic Pasts, and Wars Between Worlds [Stop by my discord if you want to comment directly as I support all CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. I will leave a link at the bottom of chapter 1.] Disclaimer: I do not own my cover image and will eventually commission one that belongs to me.

Azuroth · Fantaisie
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29 Chs

Chapter 22: Induction Ceremony

"How could you be that selfish!? Do you have any idea how much not just your parents but your sister and the rest of your family love you? How dearly your mother must hold you. Yeah, they may have been relentless with your training but that was just to make sure you had what it takes to survive in such a cruel world."

"But now you've run away without warning and gone how many years without any contact at all? Do you realize how heartbroken your mother must be!? You could've made her feel just as abandoned as when the Elves shunned her all those years ago!

"And what about those two, Maya and Akame!? If I'd known they let you do this I would have laid into the two of them harder! Dammit!"

The more David spoke the angrier he seemed to become, his previous carefree aura completely swept away.

The pressure continued to mount down on Erena.

"I only realized all of this after I became stuck here and returning home was no longer an option."

Erena lowered her head in guilt.

David suddenly lashed outwards and flicked her on the forehead with enough force to cause the air to whistle.

Erena's eyes began to water as she grabbed hold of her forehead and looked at him dejectedly.

David's expression remained strict as he ignored her sorrow and continued to reprimand her; "One must appreciate and hold onto all the time they get to spend with their loved ones. Because you never know when it could be your last time. Your situation is the perfect example of this. How long has it been since you last saw your family?"

Erena's expression once more filled with guilt as she said, "Almost 200 hundred years. Half of that time was spent trapped here. "

As she spoke David's expression slightly softened and he released a small sigh as he rubbed the back of his head.

"I'm sorry about that, I just know how it feels to suddenly lose people you care for, having experienced it for myself on more than one occasion; and although they had no control over their departure as you did, I still felt angry when they left. I must've been holding on to that anger.

"I shouldn't have taken it out on you, but what you did was wrong. You need to return to your family and let them know that you are alive, and how much they mean to you. Before it's too late..." His tone softened yet still maintained an air of admonishment.

Erena nodded her head in recognition of his words, yet her expression suddenly stiffened as she realized the implication of his words.

"You said, that I need to return home. Does that mean that you have a way to pacify my Bloodlines and heal my wounds?" Her gaze was once more filled with hope.

"Yes I do, but it means that you have to join my Household; are you willing to do so?" David's expression took on an air of solemnity as he proposed a possible solution.

Households were something that only Celestial Fae could form.

They were a sort of peerage system that allowed them to form Master-Servant Contracts with others, sharing aspects of their Bloodline and Authority. It also allowed them to channel various forms of energy between one another.

A person could not be a member of more than one Household at any time.

"If it means that I can see my family again in this life then I would be willing to do anything," Erena spoke without hesitation.

"I understand. Now close your eyes so that we may begin the Induction Ceremony." Basil spoke in a commanding tone.

Erena nodded and slowly closed her eyes.

"Relax your body and empty your mind."

The tension began to fade from her body as she did as he said.


As she released a drawn-out sigh David nodded in encouragement, although she couldn't see him.

He then reached forward and pressed the tip of his finger against her delicate forehead.

He closed his eyes as well and extended his Divinity outwards from his finger bringing it in contact with hers.

As he did his heart slowed to a snail's pace and a golden-red ripple of light spread outwards from the two of them, and a similarly colored Divine Edict Manifested in the air above them.

A mental bridge began to form between the two of them as their bond became increasingly closer, allowing them to view one another's pasts in vivid detail.

Golden-red and Azure-colored Aura flames began to rise off of their bodies and flow into the Divine Edict above them.

After a while Space suddenly froze as a pair of Azure-colored horns extended from the sides of Erena's head and the orb on David's chest released blinding light.

When the light faded the two of them had opened their eyes and the aura flames had vanished from their surroundings.

The Divine Edict in the air above them had begun to fade from view as well.

The mental bridge had completely formed between the two of them and Erena's complexion had drastically improved, her aura becoming a suppressive force capable of rivaling that of David's in his peak state.

As their contract had formed David had used the power of his Primordial Sovereign Ranked Bloodline to empower her Dragonic Bloodline; allowing it to Completely Devour her Dungeon Master Bloodline and Dungeon Core Before fusing with her Elven and Sukah Bloodlines.

This resulted in her Bloodline settling down and her becoming a Tier 9 existence.

Erena looked upon him with a profound sense of empathy as she spoke softly, "Your life has been full of tragedy."

"While it may have been full of tragedy it has also been full of good fortune. I am blessed with many friends who would rush into the depths of hell for me, and I would do the same for them." David spoke in a composed manner as he gave a serene smile.

"Yes you are, and I hope that I can be one of them from now on," Erena spoke auspiciously.

"As do I," David responded before rising to his feet and extending his hand toward her.

She grasped his outstretched hand and allowed him to pull her up as her body radiated a sense of exuberance that had been hidden for many years.

When she stood up she suddenly moved to embrace him in a tight hug.

"Thank you!"

Tears once more filled her eyes as she began to cry in joy.

For more than a century she had been trapped in a state where she was half-dead and saw no hope for recovery.

In a situation where they should have been enemies; he had first taken the time to ask her about her past, merely because he believed her story would be 'interesting', and secondly offered her a path through which should only be freed from her imprisonment but also be able to see her family once again.

David could only smile helplessly as he wrapped his arms around her and allowed her to express her happiness.

After a while, Erena managed to recompose herself and released her hold on his torso.

David let her go as well and used his fingers to wipe away her remaining tears before rubbing her head softly.

"Come on we have much to do." He turned around and began to walk towards the long tunnel leading outside with Erena in tow.