
Aikara Hoshino

A year had passed since that fateful day, and I had come to the realization that I was no longer living my old life. Instead, I had been reincarnated into a new body - that of a young baby boy. It was a strange feeling as if I was living in a dream, but the reality of it all slowly sank in.

Currently, I only know the names of three people: Aqua Hoshino, Ruby Hoshino, and Aikara Hoshino. It's a strange feeling not knowing the name of my mother, but unfortunately, I can't understand Japanese, so I don't know if someone ever addressed her by her name or if they were just speaking some words.

The only reason I know the names of my siblings is because that woman would always address them using their names when she spoke to my siblings. It's a strange and unsettling feeling, not knowing the name of my supposed mother, but I hope one day I'll be able to understand and communicate with her in her language.

And speaking of my siblings, I was slightly shocked when I found out that I wasn't the only child in my family. To my surprise, I had not one, but two siblings - Aqua, the eldest of us, and Ruby, the youngest. Triplets! It was a surprising revelation since triplets are uncommon.

But lately, I've been grappling with a nagging suspicion that my siblings might not be who they appear to be. As someone who's been through reincarnation, I expected to be the most level-headed and mature person among us siblings. However, as I observe my siblings closely, I can't help but feel that Aqua is the more mature one between the two of us. This realization has led me to wonder if perhaps I'm not the only one in the family who has gone through reincarnation.

My thoughts only got reinforced when Aqua refused to breastfeed and only accepted milk from a bottle.

As for me, I accepted breastfeeding with open arms. It's not like I had lustful thoughts toward my mother, anyone who has lustful thoughts toward their mothers should deserve to die. But, the thought of refusing her breastmilk and making her sad because two of her children don't want to drink her milk doesn't sit well with me.

What if she stops loving me because of that?

Meanwhile, Ruby seems to be like me as she embraces breastfeeding with joy, and I can't help but wonder if she is also a reincarnator like me since she always had this blissful expression on her face whenever she sucked on Mom's boobs.

And whenever I get my milk, I always see Ruby glaring at me with hatred in her eyes.

But even with their weird quirks, I do see them as family. However, when I try to think of the word "mother," my mind immediately conjures up memories of my previous life's mom, so I can't say I feel the same way about my current mother figure.

But at the end of the day, the suspicion that my two siblings might also be reincarnators remains just that - a suspicion. As much as I am curious about their own experiences, I know that I cannot risk revealing myself or asking them directly until I am certain.

It would be too risky, and I cannot afford to make any mistakes that might jeopardize my own safety. For now, I will keep my suspicions to myself and continue to observe their behavior, looking for any clues that might confirm or disprove my suspicions. Only then will I be able to make a move, if necessary.


It seems that day came sooner than I thought as I woke up to some loud sound coming from another room.

I glanced over at the futon beside me, only to find that my siblings were nowhere to be seen. My mother lay there, sleeping peacefully, completely unaffected by the noise. How does she sleep through everything?

I slowly got out of the futon, wincing at the stiffness in my muscles from sleeping on the floor. I'm still not used to sleeping on the futon, if I get rich in the future, the first thing I'll buy is a bed.

As I approached the door where I heard the sound coming from, I noticed a soft glow emanating from the crack between the door and the floor. The light resembled the illumination from a phone screen, and I couldn't help but wonder what was going on inside.

Curious about the commotion, I peered into the room and saw my younger siblings crawling around while staring at the entrance where I stood. The room was dimly lit, but I noticed a phone on the floor, its screen fully illuminated with Japanese characters that I couldn't comprehend.

I was about to crawl closer to inspect the device when Aqua suddenly stood up, catching me off guard.

"You can stop pretending Ruby, it's safe. It's just Aikara." He said while sighing.

I was confused by his words, what is he saying? I can't understand Japanese. And, did he just stand up?


(A few minutes ago)

One night, Aqua was suddenly awoken by a strange noise in the middle of the night. Blinking sleepily, he got out of futon and made his way towards the source of the noise. As he approached the room, he noticed an unusual glow emanating from the room. It was the soft, blue light of a phone screen.

As he entered the room, Aqua saw Ruby sitting in the middle of the floor, furiously typing away on her phone. She was so engrossed in whatever she was doing that she didn't even notice him coming in. Her voice was raised as she shouted something, and Aqua couldn't help but wonder what had her so worked up.

"Ha!? Go die!! You monkeys can't understand Mama's talent and beauty!! Have you ever tried looking at the quality of her performance!? It should be given she's the company's favorite!! I bet you're just an ugly old lady! Take a good look in the mirror and try saying that crap again you witch!"

Aqua looked at the phone on the ground and saw that she searched for the words "Ai B-Komachi" on Twitter and launched a war against her haters.

As he observed her, Aqua came to a conclusion. "Hey, are you the same as me," he spoke, getting the attention of the Ruby, who looked up at him with a startled expression.

"What the hell, a baby just talked, how creepy!" she exclaimed, her face contorted in a mix of fear and surprise.

"Pot calling the kettle black," Aqua retorted, giving Ruby a flat look.

Their conversation was abruptly interrupted by a sound coming from nearby. "It could be Ai! For now, act like babies, and we'll talk later," Aqua suggested, quickly dropping to all fours and crawling around the room.

Ruby nodded in agreement and followed Aqua's lead, crawling on all fours as well. Just as they settled into their baby personas, the door opened, but it wasn't Ai. Instead, it was their brother, Aikara.

Realizing it was just their brother, Aqua breathed a sigh of relief and stood up.

"You can stop pretending Ruby, it's safe, it's just Aikara."

Ruby stood up as well, but she couldn't help the tears that started to well up in her eyes.

"Are you sure it's safe? What if he remembers this when he grows up? Won't he tell Ai? And if he tells Ai, she will be disgusted by the fact that we reincarnated as her children and immediately disown us. What should I do?" She asked, her nerves getting the better of her.

Aqua let out a deep sigh. "Normally, he wouldn't remember this because of infant amnesia, so it should be safe. And even if he does remember, we haven't given anything away about our true identity. We'll just seem like extremely intelligent babies. But you didn't help the situation by saying we're random people who reincarnated as Ai's children."

Ruby realized her mistake and felt worse after hearing Aqua's words, and tears started to roll down her cheeks.

"What should we do then? I don't want mama to hate us!" she said, sniffling.

Aqua wholeheartedly agreed with her sentiment, "I don't want Ai to hate us too. So we only have one option"

Ruby nodded "Yeah, we have no choice but to kill him."

Aqua shook his head "It's impossible. We might be able to kill him if we gang up on him, but hiding his body is a whole different story."

Ruby looked at him with a worried expression "I was just joking yet you took it too seriously. Should I feel worried for you?"

Just as Aqua was about to respond, he was interrupted by a sudden mechanical voice, causing both of them to jump.

[Are you guys reincarnators like me?]

They quickly turned to the source of the sound and saw Aikara sitting on the floor with a phone in his hand. And when they looked at his screen, they saw that he was using a website called Google Translate.

As he continued to look at Aikara, Aqua let out a sigh and began to think to himself. "I'm really sorry Ai, even though I want all your children to be normal, it turns out none of them are."


Author's note

End of chap 3, was tamer than I thought. Well, what can I expect, it's following the life of a baby.

That's all.

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