

Synopsis: you’ve probably read or watched a typical isekai (other world story). Where the protagonist enters another world usually through means like a portal, getting trapped into a game, reincarnation , or accidently being killed by a deity. The protagonist is usually overpowered from the start or ostracized for being weak then they become overpowered. • This story however has two protagonists (Charles and Timmy) who are “accidently” killed by a god twice. He gives them some wishes as an apology. They get the power to copy any ability and get any power by thinking about it. One day they decide to fight to find out whose stronger and lose control of their powers except telepathy and invisibility. They get trapped in a world of superheroes where most people have super powers. Can our protagonists survive in this world until they get their full powers back?

JOSEPH12 · Fantaisie
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Charles:we need to get out of here somehow. (Charles tries to move but the GWBH stops him by pointing the knife closer to him.


Timmy:if only we could at least understand what they're saying. Then we could at least talk this out.

Watch: "you have requested to understand this language would you like to use your telepathy skill to acquire it"

Timmy: "huh! The watch is speaking directly to my mind. That's never happened before. Yes use it now

Watch: "confirmed all language understanding skill aquired"

GWBH: Alice since they're refusing to talk can I free their heads from their bodies now.

GWGH: I told you before Lucy. We're going to interrogate them before Dad gets home then we'll take them to the police.


Timmy:yeah she's right you can't just randomly decapitate people cause you feel like it.

Lucy:so you can speak now?

Timmy: "hey Charles"

Charles: "timmy is that you? "

Timmy: "yeah and guess what I can understand them now"

Charles: "really how?"

Timmy : "my telepathy gave me a skill that helps to understand languages"

Charles: "that's great. Is there a way I can get it too."

Timmy: "I'm not sure. Doesn't one of the rules say we can't use the same power at the same time?"

Watch: "Charles has requested for the all language understanding skill would you like to share it using mind link? "

Timmy: "wait it's possible? I'm going to have to investigate the changes in this watch later but for now give Charles the language understanding skill. I'm not really the best when it comes to talking to people."

Phone:you have acquired the skill all language understanding

Lucy:hey! Hey! I'm talking to you. Don't ignore me.

Charles: what's up?

Alice: who are you people and how did you find this place?

Lucy:you better answer my sister is the famous golden star

Timmy:what's a golden star?

Alice: you've never heard of me?

Lucy:if they won't answer I guess we have no other choice than to use torture.

(Lucy tries to stab Timmy and Charles)

Alice: no wait Lucy stop.

(The door opens then a man in his late thirties with blond hair and a body that looks like he works out everyday walks in)

Man:Alice, Lucy, I'm home

(The man walks into the living room and sees Timmy and Charles tied up on the floor)

Man:what have you done now?

Lucy: Dad. Your home early. (Lucy hides the knives behind her back)

Alice:we found this two suspicious guys trying to break into the house.

Dad: explain exactly what happened

(Two minutes of explanation later)

Dad:I see. So tell me again why you think these two were trying to break in. Because I don't think thieves would ring the doorbell. As for you two what are your names.

(Charles and Timmy stare at each other briefly then answer )

Charles: I'm Charles

Timmy:and I'm Ti-ti Timmy sir

Dad: Charles and Timmy right? It's nice to meet you. Now, can you tell me what the two of you are doing here at one in the morning.

Charles: we were lost so we wanted to ask for directions and see if we could spend the night here.

Dad: okay, second question. Tell me how you found this place because this house is surrounded by a Forest in all directions that keeps anyone who isn't me or these two troublemakers out. So how did you manage to get in.

Timmy: we fell through a portal and landed on the roof sir.

Dad:a portal huh. Does one of you have a teleportation of space warp skill?

Lucy: there's no way that's possible, the forest should prevent all kind of entry even teleportation skills can't get through they must be lying.

Alice:but the thought crystal is still glowing white. (Alice pulls out a white crystal from her pocket) so they should be telling the truth.

Dad: oh! You mean that gizmo you invented the other day.

Alice:it's not a gizmo and I didn't make it. I found near the ruins in the forest the some days ago.

Lucy: well maybe they have a skill that helps them lie. A thief could probably have one of those.

Charles:excuse me. I didn't mean to interrupt but we have a question. What are these skills you've been talking about?

(Alice, Lucy and their Dad pause and stare at Charles and Timmy in shock)

Dad: you don't know what skills are?

Timmy:no we don't sir

Alice:they didn't know who I was either.

Dad: were the two of you living in some kind of secluded area before with no interaction with the outside world?

Charles: we're not from this world actually.

Dad:oh (the dad suddenly disappears and reappears holding Timmy and Charles by their necks) does that mean you're from the demon realm?(Charles and Timmy struggle to escape his grip as they are lifted off the floor) Answer me!

Timmy: "so fast"

Charles: "so strong"

Alice: Dad they can't answer if you're choking them to death

Dad:oh! (he releases them and they fall to the floor gasping for breath). sorry about that guess I got carried away.

Charles:you almost carried us away to the Afterlife

Timmy:we've never heard of the demon realm before.

Charles:I don't know what this world is called but we come from a world called earth.

Lucy:if you come from another world then what are you doing in this one?

Charles:well, we were in an epic fight going boom, kaplow with awesome powers and then there was a huge explosion like kablamo then a huge black hole sucked us up like swoosh and then we ended up here.

Alice: okay, I didn't get any of that.

Lucy:could you explain that in English?

Dad:I understood most of that but maybe you should give a more detailed explanation.

Timmy: could you please untie us my hands are getting sore.

Dad: alright sure. Alice go untie them

Lucy:are you sure Dad? They could be dangerous.

Dad:your sister and I are here what's there to be afraid of?

Alice:I'm going to untie you now. Try anything and you'll regret it.(Alice unties Charles and Timmy. They rise to their feet and Timmy stretches his arms)

Charles: finally

Lucy:well? Start explaining

Timmy: well if you want to understand Then we're going to have to start from the beginning.

Charles: I guess you could say it started a month ago the day our lives changed forever.