
Ace of Diamond: Return of the Pitcher

Sawamura Eijun, a Relief Pitcher in the Pro League after 10 years of hard work and still couldn’t achieve his dreams, woke up back at the time of his youth. Can he achieve his dreams this time? This is a translation and I don’t own anything.

Cold_Colt · Anime et bandes dessinées
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675 Chs

Chapter 23: Main Catcher

The last five players left on the field have all won their main positions.

Although the outfielder's positions are still being debated, in general, the positions of first baseman, second baseman, third baseman, shortstop, and center field have all been determined.

Yuuki Tetsuya, Kominato Ryosuke, Masuko Toru, Isashiki Jun, Kuramochi Youichi.

These five people, with their strength and perseverance far surpassing others, kept their main positions.

If there is no accident, the back numbers of these five people can already be finalized in advance.

The ones that haven't been decided yet are the No. 1 pitcher, the main catcher, and the two outfielders.

Regardless of the back number, Sawamura's Ace position is certain.

This, even if Tanpa is not reconciled, he has to admit it.

The gap between the two is all-round. As a player, Tanpa has no advantage over Sawamura.

For the main catcher, Miyauchi is almost out. The rest is the battle between Chris and Miyuki.

As an outfielder, Shiratsu's performance is more stable than several other competitors. Although it is uncertain, there is a good chance that he can almost win a position.

The other outfielder, Sawamura, takes up the ditch when he's not on the mound.

It's like half left.

In this half, there are two main competitors, one is Sakai and the other is Furuya.

Furuya's defense is definitely not as good as Sakai's, but his kind of blind cannon batting is useful. Maybe there will be a time when it will become handy.

With Seidou's current defense lineup, as long as they are 1 point ahead, they have a great advantage.

Sawamura came, and Seidou's iron wall was completed.

One point ahead, and Seidou is also sure to win!

It has to be said that the changes Sawamura brought to Seidou are great.

Because of him, Seidou even adjusted their style. Originally, Seidou was a typical offensive team, but now, both ends of the offensive and defensive are the best.

President Ota Kazuyoshi sometimes feels like he is dreaming.

'This team is so good!'

They are guaranteed to win if they do not fight blindly.

'Great, really great.'

The Ace is determined, and the remaining half of the outfielder quota needs to be adjusted according to the specific situation.

Now the last thing Seidou has to consider is the choice of the main catcher.

The outfielders, because of Sawamura's dynamics, have to be flexible. Seidou must ensure that Sawamura is on the field at all times.

Although Sawamura has no advantage as an outfielder, his batting is different. The current Sawamura seems to be an indispensable force in the lineup of Seidou High School.

And as long as he's on the field, he can bring an unparalleled sense of stability to the team.

Including Tanpa, the other three pitchers can also pitch more relaxedly.

Even if they didn't admit it themselves, in their hearts, they still counted on Sawamura.

'But the catcher is different. I have never heard of a team changing the main catcher at any time.'

Even if Chris and Miyuki were both very powerful, it would be heart-wrenching to give up on one of them.

The team must choose one of the two main players.


In the first string, the first-year three young players and the substitutes went back early.

Including Sawamura. He was too physically exhausted and needed to take time to rest. Otherwise, he will make a fool of himself in the practice game tomorrow.

The main force did not, including the three catchers; all of them followed Kataoka to the conference room.

"Tomorrow's opponent is Osaka Kiryuu, the Koshien finalist team last year. It is also the most important practice game before our summer competition. I want to hear your thoughts."

Saying that, Kataoka looked at the three catchers on the team.

Miyauchi, Chris and Miyuki.

The final test of the main catcher is coming.

"Miyauchi, you speak first."

Now, with the three catchers, Miyauchi is undoubtedly in the worst position.

If he were to say the last word, he probably wouldn't be able to say anything.

"I don't know who the starter is?"

This time, Miyauchi kept his focus up, and he asked directly.

Kataoka looked at him in surprise.

He really did not expect that not only did he not get discouraged. Miyauchi was forced into a desperate situation, but at a time like this, he made a breakthrough.

Asking directly who the starter is, that is, he is mentally prepared to assign the ball to every pitcher.

"I will send Furuya to play for the first three innings. In the fourth inning, let Sawamura pitch until he can't. If you were the catcher, how would you lead them?"

Kataoka asked.

Furuya starts, and Sawamura finishes.

This arrangement was unexpected.

The most important practice game, of course, must be handed over to Sawamura. Today, Sawamura's physical exertion is too great, and it is impossible to complete the game. Even if he takes a night off, he will throw for four or five innings tomorrow at best.

These are not surprising to everyone.

However, according to Miyauchi's thoughts, shouldn't the pitcher's mound be handed over to Tanpa during the period when Sawamura was not on the mound?

After all, this summer, Sawamura and Tanpa are still the main pitchers of Seidou. The most important game, of course, has to be handed over to them.

Unexpectedly, the superintendent did not make such arrangements.

'Could it be that Furuya is also a very important combat power in the eyes of the Coach?'

In a short time, the muscle-filled brain cells in his head worked frantically.

"In the case of Furuya, I think his Straight ball is still powerful, and I will use the Straight ball as the core to game calling. In the case of Sawamura, I suggest temporarily sealing the Forkball and the Straight Fastball, although these are very advantageous weapons. As long as he can sustain his physical strength, in five or six innings, with Cutter, Change-up, and Moving ball as the core, he can fight with Osaka Kiryuu…"

After listening to Miyauchi's words, Kataoka nodded without comment.

"Chris, how about you?"

Chris is well prepared.

"With Furuya, I will ask him to lower his pitch. Even if He loses his most important weapon, the ball speed, it will be hard not to get hit against Osaka Kiryuu. In that case, we should consider using defense to get the number of Outs.

As long as he can throw the ball as low as possible, even if he gets hit, it is not difficult to get the number of Outs.

In the case of Sawamura, I use the Moving ball. Considering his physical consumption, using the Moving ball will lure the batter to swing, which is the most likely way to get him to last six innings. If a substitution is needed, I ask for Kawakami.

Kawakami's ball control and Breaking ball will be a good weapon against a strong line-up like Osaka Kiryuu.

With Tanpa, it is better not to use him tomorrow but after tomorrow with the game against Shuuhoku and have him finish the game. If he has to play in the Osaka Kiryuu's game, it is best to use the Curve as the core to game calling…"

Chris spoke eloquently for ten minutes.

The players are all dumbfounded.

Why didn't they know about Chris's talkative character before?

'Did the loneliness during the rehabilitation period suffocate him?'

Miyuki looked at Chris with a cold sweat.

Kataoka also nodded and said nothing.

But Miyauchi's face was ugly.

'Completely opposite to my own thinking.'

Moreover, even Miyauchi felt that Chris's leading seemed more reasonable.

Kataoka didn't have time to appease Miyauchi and turned to look at Miyuki.

"Miyuki, what about you?"

T/N: The Second Chapter!

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