
Academy Undercover Professor

How surprised I was when I died in an accident in my previous life and came to my senses to find out that I was born as a baby in this world. That was already 27 years ago. I feel like the years have passed so quickly. This world is a unique world in which magic dwells in the world commonly referred to as the Victorian era and Belle Époque, and sub-species and monsters are added. Wouldn't it be better if I entered the world of a game I used to enjoy or a novel I liked... This is a different world that doesn't even exist in my memory, literally without even an ointment. then I Became a teacher at the most prestigious magic academy in the empire. … Because I was mistaken for someone else.

Mongrel99 · Fantaisie
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18 Chs

Undercover Employment (2)

I put my head back as I closed the book [A Gentleman's Culture].


2 years remaining.

I had to live as a teacher at the academy and as an executive of a secret society.

Of course, I couldn't live like that forever. Even if you safely spend two years as a teacher, the wall of a secret society remains.

Their presence was very annoying to me.

If you make a mistake in the middle, the probability of being killed is the highest.

'But I can't get rid of all the secret societies by myself. I don't know how the structure of the organization is structured, but it's to the extent that many members were planted in Seorn Academy. I'm sure they're pretty dangerous.'

Dealing with them as individuals is impossible.

But let's leave it alone for now, this secret society is a shackle that holds me back, so I had to break it.

If so how?

'I'll have to use the Academy's power.'

There is a saying, that goes "Deal with the barbarians and subdue the barbarians."

Seorn Academy is not just a school. It is a place that fosters the future of the empire and symbolizes the future of the era.

Even though it has the name of the academy, it is not an impossible task as it is a place with enormous power that can affect quite a few countries.

If Seorn and the secret society were to face each other, no matter how great the secret society was, it would inevitably be pushed back.

How many soldiers and how many wizards stay here. Even inside the imperial territory, there is a possibility that the knights will move.

They know that too, so they planted a spy instead of choosing to break through head-on.

"Of course, if it's too long, the tail will be stepped on."

The secret society could purge me for betraying them, or conversely, the academy could suspect me of being a spy and exclude me.

In the end, it was important to keep the right line.

The moment I lean to either side, the only thing waiting for me is scheduled destruction.

It is like walking on a single rope while holding a long pole.

Never lean towards either side.

"For now... Let's start with the first class in a week."

There was nothing in particular to do in the directive. Buying favor means, as a teacher, you must first imprint your image with certainty.

Then, first of all, it is important to fulfill your duty as a teacher.

Since Seorn is a place where smart students go, if you show even a little bit of a lacking side, you might be bitten by the students.

Originally, talented children at the age of growing up usually think they are the best and ignore even their teachers.

I don't know what this place is like, but I've realized through long experience that all places where people live are similar.

"... There are so many things to consider in many ways."

Don't be rude to students.

The academy shouldn't look suspicious.

Even the secret society members shouldn't find out.

I wondered what the heck I was trying to do, but if I endured all of this, there would be a reward worthy of this risk.

Okay. For that, I was able to endure enough.

I woke up from bed and went into my personal study and opened my magic textbook.

I had to make plans for the future and prepare how to conduct the class.

Two years remaining.

I couldn't help but wonder.


The first day of school has arrived.

Students who went back to their hometowns during the vacation returned one by one, and with the new semester, even the new students of the year came in.

The students, who were first-year students, crossed the school gates with their hearts swollen with anticipation of what new classes they could take in the future as they moved up to the second year.

All around the classroom, the sounds of students greeting each other as they reunited with friends they hadn't seen for months filled the air.


They all came to learn, take classes at the same academy, but they are not all the same students.

Loud students and quiet students.

Naturally, the atmosphere among the students was divided, and if the flow was natural, then, of course, their status in society was determined.

Inside the Seorn Academy, students are divided into three classes.

The upper class, led by royalty, nobles, and high-ranking clergymen.

The middle class, led by wealthy merchants.

And finally, the lower class occupied by poor commoners.

Even if they were the same students, their status could not be ignored, and accordingly, they built a wall without realizing it and divided the class even within the academy.

While the nobles smiled brightly and exchanged greetings, the commoners, on the contrary, often looked at each other or gathered quietly among themselves.

It was the same in the classroom for the soon-to-be my class.

"Hey. Did you hear the news?"

"What news?"

"There is this class on Manifestation theory and understanding of elements. I heard that a new teacher is teaching it?"

"A new teacher teaching second grade, not first grade? Do you think they have enough skills?"

"I can't be helped. the pervious teacher has left. When I heard the news, I heard that they had a splendid past. They said that he was from the military and had published many papers."

"Then isn't he a great person? That's not normal."

"But you know what?"


"That person. They said he was from a fallen noble family."

At the mention of a fallen nobleman, a sneer naturally crept onto the lips of the individuals leading the conversation.

Those who tarnish the noble name honor.

It was common for fallen nobles to be treated worse than wealthy merchants among the nobles.

At least to the extent that it can be a little off-putting to the common people?

Since he has been appointed as a teacher for Seorn, he may have skills, but he is bound to look ridiculous to the upper-class students.

At the same time, aristocratic students had similar thoughts.

If you're a new teacher from a fallen aristocrat, getting good grades in class is a piece of cake.

The moment each person had a conversation about what kind of person he would be, the front door of the classroom opened without a sound.

All eyes turned to the front door.

A man was entering the classroom through the open door.