In a world where magic flows like an ever-present river and powerful beings roam, "Abyssal Symphony: Requiem of Shadows" delves into the life of Ace Kurotsuchi, a mysterious figure with unknown and terrifying abilities. For five centuries, Ace has stood as an enigmatic and insurmountable force. With the world governed by both chaos and those who uphold justice, the emergence of a new Demon King threatens to rewrite the fate of all existence. Within this tumultuous realm reside the Five Knights of Hono, divine beings bearing power as ancient as the cosmos itself. Their abilities—ranging from gravity manipulation to the art of creation—possess the potential to reshape the world entirely, yet they pledge their strength to protect and preserve. As Ace's powers continue to baffle and mystify those who seek to understand them, his daily life appears far from his true destiny. School days filled with the mundane tasks of a student soon clash with the realities of magic testing and the enduring balance of power. With new threats emerging on the horizon, Ace must decide where he stands—between chaos and justice, hero and anti-hero. In the heart of this intricate universe, "Abyssal Symphony: Requiem of Shadows" explores not only the extraordinary battles that shape its destiny but the profound bonds that weave its characters' lives together. Each clash of power, each spoken spell, bears a deeper meaning that transcends mere combat. Sorry for the short chapters at the start. After chapter 46, each chapter is gonna have 1500-2000 words. Thank you! Also 7 chapters a week. I only take breaks after finalizing a Volume. Each break is around 7-14 days.
In the quiet moments before the day's adventure, Ace was stirred from his slumber by the relentless ringing of his clock. The day ahead promised more excitement then a regular school day. He gazed the clock. He realized he was already running late. "Damn, another late start for school," Ace muttered, swiftly, he donned his school attire and raced to make up for lost time. As he hurried, he couldn't help but lament, "Can't believe I'm already 20 minutes late on my first day. How depressing." Ace utilizing his teleportation magic opened a portal for swift travel. "Better teleport now, or I'll be in real trouble," he mumbled. The portal emerged at the rear of the school, an area littered with refuse and debris. "Ugh, the back entrance is disgusting," Ace grumbled, soaring over the heaps of discarded trash. He eventually arrived at the school's main entrance, but before he entered, he couldn't help but express his disgust. "Great, the front looks pristine, but the back is a total mess." Amid the chaotic school day, Ace's best friend Aton Deliros called out to him. "Hey, Ace!" Aton greeted him with enthusiasm. Ace replied with a casual grin, "What's up, Deli?" Aton, playfully admonishing his tardy friend remarked, "You're late, Ace." Ace chuckled at Aton's playful scolding. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. So whats our next class?" Aton informed him, "We've got magic lessons with Mr. Satu." Ace couldn't help but groan. "Oh great, my least favorite teacher." His disdain was palpable. After an eventful class, the school's principal made an important announcement through the intercom system. "Attention, students. Tomorrow, we will be conducting magic and aura testing examinations to determine your Rank." Ace grumbled to himself. "Great, another problem." However, Aton was ecstatic. He jubilantly exclaimed, "Yayyyyy! Finally, I'll be able to flex my abilities!" Stars appeared above his head, and he sported a happy, blushing expression. As the school day came to a close, Ace walked back, striving to maintain a semblance of normality. Yet, fate had other plans. In a dark alley, he stumbled upon a group of menacing bandits attempting to assault an innocent girl. Ace couldn't ignore this dire situation. He though, "I'm not a hero but neither a villain, but I should investigate before the situation takes a dangerous turn." Stepping into the alley, his footsteps echoed. The bandits shivering in fear from his imposing presence, warned in a quivering voice, "Who's there? I will hurt you!" Ace couldn't help but chuckle wickedly. "HAHAHAHA!! Did you say 'hurt me'?" Swiftly, he decapitated the first bandit, his eyes dark and ominous. "Next."