
Abyssal Light Online (Dropped Indefinitely)

What do you think would happen, if you were release a supercomputer into an online game? When A.I. (Yes his name is just A.I.) is freed from his life as an Safeguarding data collection program for the popular game, Abyssal Light Online, the thought that he can't get out of his head is that he must become strong. Cover is not mine, so if the creators of the Matrix trilogy want me to take down the cover, feel free to let me know! :)

DaSupaSaiyan · Fantaisie
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11 Chs

Grinding levels in the forest, the Magical Beasts

(Magical beasts POV)

We magical beasts have been roaming the forest, trapped within the boundaries of our so-called 'Danger zone'.

We often find overconfident groups of players, wandering about. We kill, and we evolve. And we have just found our next target to ambush.

A completely oblivious, Tier 1 rookie!

Your luck has run out so soon, mister player. I'm sorry.


(5 mins earlier - MC POV)

A.I. was browsing the forums whilst walking deeper into the forest, using countless tabs that drained his concentration, scouting out items he could obtain, info on players near him that could cause trouble.

Some may call this exploiting power, I would call this caution.

Any new releases or limited claims I was sure to take, seeing as I was on 24/7, it would be a waste not to.

As soon as I neared the border between the outer forest and inner danger zone, I felt several Magical beasts looking at me.

Every language, even that of beasts, was learnable. This made it easier for beast tamers to do their jobs if they put their mind to it, and of course I knew their native tongue too.

Two hours passed of A.I. browsing at light speed and progressing through the forest, using a makeshift sword made of carved wood to kill the occasional beast along the way to level up my slash and unlock other various skills to get a new Combination skill. I also activated mana sense every 5 mins to check for any large mana pools that I deem a threat.

My Mana Sense leveling has been detected, allowing me to increase its range and how well I can see the flow of Mana all around me. Right now, my mana sense can reach up to around 250 metres effectively before the quality of it declines, and with Perfected Mana Control as a passive, I can minimise the Mana consumption as well as stop he excess Mana leakage from using the skill.

Unsurprisingly, I leveled up 3 more times from all the animals and magical beasts I slayed, leveling me up to 11.

Not that it matters however. The main thing to worry about is my cultivation realm and the tempering of my body, mind and soul.

My body can probably take on a tier 5-6 warrior and come out on top, my mind is by no means inferior to a Mage higher than me and my soul should be able to withstand a Grade 7 spell, which is the equivalent of falling from a skyscraper, hit by a truck and crushed by a boulder, but for the soul.

These Magical beasts think they're slick, watching me from the trees and bushes. I'll try not to make it obvious im aware of their presence until I can determine that I am in no immediate danger.

Let's see...

3 King wolves, 4 Steel Stags, 2 Earth Bears and a Chimera, which, judging from it's power, seemed to be the leader. They didn't release any killing intent, they were just watching.

The Chimera had the head and body of a lion, wings of an eagle and legs of a stallion. The tail seemed to be that of a donkey though, which was weird.

A.I. stopped walking, to speak to them in their tongue, "You can stop hiding, I can see you."

"The player can speak our tongue?" One stag blurted, caught off guard.

The Chimera's guard instantly went up, hostility rising in it's eyes, a piercing gaze directed towards A.I.

He could feel a hint of killing intent coming from it, which wasn't a surprise, he knew exactly what these beasts wanted.

His life.



Money: 3,328

Tier: 1

Cultivation Realm: Foundation Stage 7










[Mana Enhancement Lvl 1]

[Slash Lvl 2]

[Perfected Mana Control Lvl 3]

[Mana Sense Lvl 4]














{Known Formation Patterns: 1}

[Heavenly Foundation]