

"Hah, look at that guy standing still over there, he's probably scared out of his mind right now" said Vicar while pointing to Klaine.

Pirius then turned his gaze to Klaine as he said "Klaine are you alright?"

Klaine hearing that, woke up from his stupor as he said "Huh, Yeah..."

He then realized that he was still in this gory place as he felt sick once again.

"Are you sure?" asked Pirius once again

"Yeah" replied Klaine as he tried not to vomit

"You'll get used to it on the way" said Ren with a smile on his face

*on the way? Does that mean this shit will turn into a common happening? Fucking sickening* thought Klaine as he frowned upon that idea.

"Tsch, No guts, weak mind, feeble body, what the hell is your use" said Vicar as he snorted

"Once again Vicar stop hitting on him, It's already good enough that he can still stop himself from vomiting" said Pirius

"Fine, anyways we will need to find another beast as a food, since you just decided to explode everything" replied Vicar

"Sure sure, it's not like we will die of hunger at this moment" Replied Pirius while grunting

Klaine was still just standing there while slowly getting used to the sickening smell and sight, but he was also thinking about that voice. *Just what the fuck is that voice talking about? And fucking hell, I don't think this shit is just a dream, no matter how much I hope for this to be a dream, it wont just suddenly turn into one, Fucking SHIT, what am I supposed to do here anyways*

"Anyways let's continue walking" said Ren

"Good Idea" answered Pirius

Vicar said nothing as he started walking once again taking the lead.

"Klaine come on" said Pirius as he saw Klaine just standing still

"Huh? Oh yeah I'm coming!" replied Klaine as he hurriedly walked along.

*Huh? Why do I feel lighter than before? What is this feeling?* thought Klaine as he walked.

*Wait is it that +10 to everything taking effect!!?, holy shit if it's for real then doesn't that mean I just got stronger!?, Holy Fuck doesn't that mean I can beat the Tiger too if I get much more stronger!? Of course I can, but fucking hell how do I become stronger anyways, for now I think letting them kill those beasts will give me whatever voice right?, I don't know man I still need more evidence before I can get happy, fucking hell where's the next beast!!!!!!!!!* thought Klaine as he got a little bit excited.

"So what do you think of our Strength Klaine?" asked Ren suddenly

"You guys are really strong sir!" replied Klaine

"Heh, that wasn't even 20% of our power!" Said Ren with a smirk on his face

"FOR REAL!!?" said Loudly by Klaine

"Don't believe him too much Klaine, that should be his 30% already" said Pirius with a smile which wasn't covered by his hood.

"Damn it Pirius, you just had to ruin my bragging!"

*But still 30% only!?, That is still amazing for fuck sake, Fucking hell when will I get those kinds of powers, If this is just a dream then I won't care about it but fucking hell wielding those powers even if it's just a dream is already cool enough, but specially if this is my Reality now then I do need those powers FUCK!*

"What's the use of bragging in front of that guy anyways?"asked Vicar suddenly

"Huh? What do you mean what's the use of bragging, it's for the face of amazement of course!" said Ren

Pirius said nothing as he just shook his head.

"Heh, you don't have to brag about that, look he was already amazed to see our skills before, so why do you need to brag more" replied Vicar.

"Ugh just shut up already" said Ren

"Fine" said Vicar as he let out a snort.

It then became silent except for the sound of grass and leaves rustling, and the wind blowing, as they continued walking.

After hours of walking they suddenly stopped as Pirius said "Let's take a rest for now"

"Why do we need to take a rest right now?" asked Vicar

"We've been walking for hours already, and look over there we have our next food" said Pirius as he pointed on top of one of the tree.

Klaine looked up but saw nothing, so he asked "Huh? Where?"

Pirius just smiled and said nothing as he took his bow and two arrows, as he suddenly pulled and released the bow aiming on top of the tree.

*It's that arrow again, the one that can distort air around it!, but I can see a bit of it now!, it might be that +10 once again!* exclaimed Klaine in his mind

Suddenly the Arrow seemed to pierce something as they saw a long big "thing" falling down from the tree, soon Klaine could see that "thing" as it turned out to be a Snake.

*A Camouflaging snake? Holy Shit!!*

Soon the brown snake reached the ground as it suddenly growled "KSHHHH" as it rushed towards the Ready Vicar.

Vicar shield then shined brown as it seemed to turn into a rock, then the Snake bashed head on to the shield as it suddenly stopped on its place. As Vicar one hand which held the Halberd suddenly seems to produce a Fire like energy which slowly covered Vicar Halberd, he then Slashed down.

The Slash which took the head away from the snake's body.

"Amazing as always Vicar" said Ren

"Better than you" replied Vicar

"You want to fight!?" Ren then said as he pointed his spear to Vicar

"Come at me!" replied Vicar as he also readied himself

"Stop it let's eat and rest" suddenly said Pirius while shaking his head

*That was amazing!! one slash took the head away!, so fucking amazing* thought Klaine, he looked at the scene again but did not feel sick this time as the one that happened before was much more worse, this could be called clean compared to the one before.

But then he looked at the snake again, *IT'S STILL MOVING! HOLY FUCK!*

"Uhhh, It's still moving what do we do with it?" asked Klaine suddenly

"Hah you no Brainer, that's normal, it will stop soon" replied Vicar

*no brainer? What the fuck...*

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