
Chapter <> 1: Getting Summoned To Another World And Gaining-Ability Creation

" Ugh..." When Rozen regained his consciousness, he opened his eyes. What came Into sight is a rocky cave-like place. He seems to be In a cavern with tunnels, extending In all directions.

Though despite being rocky, the ground under him is smooth and polished, like someone or something just created the floor.

" Where the hell am I?"

Answering his question, out of nowhere something emitted a bright light that blinded him.

When it finally stopped, Rozen reopened his eyes. Three icons had appeared in his field vision, kind of like a VRMMORPG game.

There was an [HP], [MP] bar, [Logs], and a [Player Menu]. Easily, he managed to figure out that he could open them by thinking about it and what each of them did.

The bars showed my total health points and mana points. Again, assuming this was like a game, He would die if his [Health] dropped to zero and can't use any abilities if his [Mana] dropped to zero.

The Logs recorded details of every event, such as him appearing here. So it was kind of like a diary or a tracker.

Finally, the player menu was split off into two other dropdowns—[Player Stats] and Skills.

Opening [Players Stats] showed Rozen's current level and stats.


[Name]: Rozen Blackblood.

[Title]: True Holder Of Ability Creation | Otherworlder.

[Age]: 18.

[Race]: Human(?).

[Bloodline]: -???-.

[Blessings]: None So Far.

[Level]: 0.

[Current XP]; 0/10.

[Health Points]: 100/100

[Mana Points]: 100/100.

[Attack]: 100 (+50 Magical).

[Defence]: 100 (+50 Magical).


[Abilities] Ability Creation: User can create/manifest/develop any ability, be it existing or brand new, and bestow it to others or themselves.

Limits: User can only hold Two Abilities as of now. If User yearns for more, the User must reach Level-10.

>User can not Create Omni-Powers -OR- Nigh-Omni Powers.

>User can not create anything that can help him overcome the Limits that are placed. If User attempts to, the User will get struck by golden lightning from the World-Will.

>The User needs to be Physically and Mentally Strong and Healthy.

[Please Note]: If the User wishes to Create a powerful Ability, then the requirements to hold such an Ability will be higher.

[How To Use Ability Creation]: The User must think about that Ability he wants and It shall appear If the requirements are met.


[Skills] None Learned So Far.


' Wow...Whoever gave me this Ability must be laughing their ass off at the Limits they placed on It.' Limits or not, Ability Creation is OP, and now Rozen has It.

' Or really dumb, giving me this OP Ability.' Who In their right minds gives Ability Creation to a borderline Psychopath?! Truly It seems whoever summoned him here Isn't one of the smart ones.

" So I just think about It?" It can't be that easy, right?

' -Cosmic Fire Manipulation-.' As Rozen said this In his mind, his iris became a golden firey color, as his pupil and sclera turned a pitch-black color.

Following his mini transformation, wild golden flames appeared around, surrounding him In their otherworldly heat and color.

' Too hot! Turn off!' Almost burning himself, he willed the Cosmic Fire to turn off and It did with a poof like it was never there. Likewise, his eyes returned their normal profound black abyss color.

' Okay...One more time. Only this time, an ability that is going to help right now, without burning myself In the process.' Let's not die. That's his number one priority.

' -Mental Manipulation-.'

" Ugh!" Right when he said that, he fell on the hard floor In pain, which assaulted his head and mind over and over again. Imagine a box with various things Inside It. Now imagine you a lot your car keys Inside It. What do you do next? Of course, you put your hand In the box and hope nothing bites you or pulls you In. Ultimately, his mind is the box filled with unknown things, and the pain is someone trying to find something In his mind.

" Argh!" Holding back a scream, Rozen tightly closed his eyes and hopes the pain would end soon, very soon.


After who knows how long, the overwhelming pain left him, leaving Rozen an otherworldly painful headache.

"...That fucking sucked on every level possible." Clearly that God or Goddess he called dumb is out to get him.

Looking around and not seeing or sensing anything, he sighed out," Fuck this Isekai bullshit, I'm taking a nap here."

Closing his eyes and calming down his breathing, Rozen slowly but surely fell asleep curled up like a ball.


[1]: The User can create, shape and manipulate cosmic  fire  from the depths of deep space, from celestial objects such as from meteors, stars, constellations, planets/planetoids, etc. These flames can burn in space, and thus, have no need of the consumption of oxygen.


[2]: The User can manipulate the  mind, the mechanism of proceeding information and set of immaterial facilities that are linked to it. They can create, control, customise, negate and otherwise fashion parts and functions of mind as perception, desires, thoughts, beliefs, memories, attention, personality, behaviour and intelligence in verity of ways. Beneficially, this ability can be used to unlock one's inner potential, bestow talents and skills, improve mental capacity. Destructively, this power may shatter minds, grant diversity of mental disorders and take over others. Either way, users possess outstanding power that make them force to be reckoned with.
