
Abilities & Questions

Amminus Xander kept having dreams about his camera, where the camera will float and crashes into him...well that becomes true for one night after a shower, he found his camera was floating in the air before facing him and crashing into him...now he has these weird powers. Join Amminus on his adventure to fully discover his power and finding answers to the question - why?

KhoiLie98 · Urbain
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

"Hmm…nope-" the doctor turned off his small, metallic flashlight as he place it on the rectangular, greyish table, that has two 'floors', which he placed on the top 'floor' "-there's nothing wrong with you…beside the upcoming headaches that you might exhibit later on. But besides that, you're fine Mr.Xander" the man in the white, buttoned-up coat - pens coated the inside of the pocket on the front of his coat - letting his back face the patient as he walked toward the silver cabinet with glass as the entrance to the various drugs and medicines.

Amminus set his rear upon the flattened, charcoal sheets bed - listening to the leather boots impacting the floor by the doctor - as palms were placed upon his thigh, that cloak with an adornment known as a short, as he curves his back when he sits upon the bed. Amminus slumped his rear against the bed within a room that is covered from corner A to corner D with the purest color that is known to mankind as the fluorescent light of the same shades can't be reflected upon the polished white floor. The room itself is small - reflected upon his whisky eyes is a pale, squarish room that had all the equipment a doctor needed: needles, specialized tongs, pieces of cotton, indoor plants, tissues, etc.

The rounded-face Amminus Xander spotted something in the corner of his eyes. This causes him to twist his neck to let his line of vision change toward the object after inhaling a vast quantity of chilling air that pierces his nostrils and before the pain begins to bloom back into existence...whatever he was thinking, it was not worth it for the object he spotted is just a mirror. The rectangular mirror covered more than half of the room and it was colorless in which Xander can see the pale hallway in which he spotted multiple people walking left to right and the opposite...except for one man.

The man sported an oval shape for his face. The face itself is implanted with two narrow coffee eyes and two arched eyebrows above the eyes. In the middle that stretches to below was a nose of a Roman that is connected to thin lips. The man was wearing a pink, buttoned-up, suit with a green tie dangling on the front like keys on a circular chain as it wrapped around his neck. The man had his eyebrows raised and drawn together whilst his lips pursed which form a horizontal, voided line. The man, reflected on Amminus's whisky eyes, looks concerned whilst the overweight teenager that is sitting on the uncomfortable bed within the doctor's office looks happy.

-Who wouldn't happy when they see a member of their family?

Amminus of the Xander family has two ends of his cracked lips pulled upwards as it curves into a smile as he steadily and gently lifted one of his hands and shifts the hand from left to right and repeats as he waves at his uncle. The uncle received it through the uncle's eyes before he shook his head and smiled as he wave back at the nephew whilst standing in the hallway filled with the sounds of ringing phones and the thud of boots impacting the palish, polished floor below. The mind of Amminus was clear - empty like a spacious box - whenever he looked at his uncle. The nephew has gone through troublesome times when he was young, and his uncle was always there for him as he continually gave advice and life lessons to the overweight teenager. Maybe that's why he always felt safe when near his uncle.

Reflected in his eyes was his uncle, simply waving at him and smiling, before the uncle turns his head to catch the subject that caught his attention then he turns back to the nephew and pointed at him. The nephew had both of his eyes prepared to bulge out of the sockets of the skull before the uncle shifted his index fingers and pointed towards something. The nephew's eyes have not bugled out yet it is still widened like a satellite used by the government as one of his thin eyebrows raises to his forehead before the nephew steadily turns his neck towards the subject that caught the uncle's finger...before he could do so, a feather-like, yet warm as summer, voice reaches his ears.

"Here's are the medicine that-what are you looking at?" The doctor causes Amminus's eyes to widen like plates and bulge out. Amminus yank his eyes from his uncle's and look at the white-coated man as the doctor turned his head toward whatever has caught his patient's eyes - to see the nephew's uncle standing there also waving at him before pointing with his index finger towards the door next to the window. The doctor agrees.

The uncle nodded, as he implanted his boots on the floor before lifting them back and placing them down in the seconds after to form into motion as he walked towards the door. A clicking sound reaches both the ears of the doctor as the door opens with the uncle holding the handle with his palm on the other side as he opens the door with care. The uncle walks into the room...and before the nephew knew it, the uncle smacks his forehead.


Thank you for checking this novel out!! Just knowing there're people reading this story has already made my day!! remember to vote for my story!! (although I don't give much thought to the contest and people reading this is already motivating me) Cya next chapter

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