
15. Chance

Helena ate faster and faster, the pieces of fruit kept disappearing every second and at a constant rate. It didn't even seem like she was eating of her own free will but out of anxiety. She drank little sips of water, and then another piece of fruit or some sweet from who knows where. The cakes that Thomas had brought had already been devoured too.

"Helena," Thomas took her hand to calm her down. He had never seen her like this, the last few days it seemed that she was calmer and happier, but now she seemed like a bundle of nerves, her eyes were even teary at times. "Everything will be fine, he can't hurt you."

"I know," yes she did. After the scandal, Gale or any of the Lind family couldn't bring themselves to lay a hand on her. But that was not what worried her, but her own indecision. She felt her heart pound as if she had run a marathon.

She knew she had to confront him, see his guilty face, and listen to his apology. She would also listen to his complaints about the baby. Her intention to hide it from her forever could no longer be. Now maybe she would have to share custody with that man, but she didn't want to, she didn't want to at all.

"Calm down," Thomas caressed her hand and she looked at her breathing slowly and finally smiled when he squeezed her nose. Anyone who saw them would think that they were already a pair of lovers, even a pair of husbands.

An attractive man, and a beautiful woman, together expecting a baby. This is how they looked in the eyes of Octavio, the rest of the employees, and Gale Lind.

He had already finished taking a good bath with hot water and now he was wearing clothes borrowed from Germán's son.

He looked younger than usual, wearing a white sweatshirt and black pants. He didn't seem like the great businessman that everyone in Ruby City admired. However, that did not hide his good-looking face and his domineering aura.

Germán cleared his throat as Helena and Thomás continued their couple act. Octavio had already noticed the unexpected guest, and Mrs. Roberts was just trying to ignore him. She hoped that this man would see Helena and Thomas and understand that he no longer had a place there.

Helena turned her head and couldn't help but be surprised at the condition Gale looked in. With his hair a little messy, and with that boyish outfit that made him look like a college boy, almost like the first time she met him all those years ago, but that he surely already forgot.

"Sit down, Mr. Lind," Octavio offered, "would you like something to drink? It's better if they bring you something hot, we don't want you to catch a cold."

Mrs. Roberts grunted but still went to the kitchen to make some hot tea. She would even bring some snacks but only for Helena's tummy, no one else.

Gale continued to stare at the stunning woman with short hair and green bright eyes. She no longer wore the blue contact lenses, nor the excessive makeup that changed the form of her face, she still looked beautiful. Even more so when she noticed her baby's tummy. Inside her was swimming the fruit of those nights they enjoyed together in bed. He only hoped that she would let him be a part of it, that she would give him a chance to remedy everything.

"Helena," he started to say, "I..."

"You should sit down first, Mr. Lind," Helena replied, trying to sound natural, though her heart was beating like before, picking up its pace with every second.

Gale nodded and went straight to the chair in front of her, he couldn't sit next to her because another man took that place. He clenched his fists and looked at Thomas coldly, but stopped himself when he knew that he had lost that position long ago and could only return to the race little by little.

"I…wanted to apologize," he started to say, but in reality, he had lost all speech. He didn't know where to start. After all, he had never apologized to anyone in his life. "I didn't know, I was negligent with you. But if you give me a chance…"

"No… that won't happen," Helena replied dryly. "But I accept your apologies... you don't need to keep looking for me anymore. We can forget everything and be strangers again in this life."

It was as if his heart had suddenly run out and another bucket of cold water had covered his face. That sharp answer paralyzed him. "But you're pregnant... I want..."

"You are about to have a child, aren't you?" Helen answered. "Your girlfriend Sophia must be over seven months by now...almost the same as me. It seems you had a lot of energy back then."

"That's not true, Helena," Gale replied hastily. "I don't have any kind of relationship with Sophia, she and I..."

"Don't tell me you broke up? Was it my fault? I…I don't think so."

"Helena, please let me explain, I never slept with Sophia."

Helena was surprised but she couldn't believe him. That man made her believe for a long time that he was cheating on her, so how can she believe him now? She had to be a saint and an idiot to give him another chance.

"Well…bad for you, it seems your precious Sophia tricked you too."

"She's not pregnant, she lied to get you away from me," Gale continued desperately. "I was never with another woman other than you... you are the only one that I... I..."

"I don't believe you," Helena replied without an ounce of mercy for the man. "So please leave when the storm is over, you are not welcomed here."

Helena took Thomas's hand to help her up, but Gale got up first and walked towards her. He couldn't just let her go like that.

"Helena, please wait," her pleading eyes were redder than usual. "Don't go... I... I want you to give me a chance... to..."

He didn't seem to act normal, the exhaustion of the last months, the worry, and the lack of sleep had already mistreated his body beyond what he could bear. Now the rain, and the strong shock of meeting her in person, had been too much for his body. Gale fainted instantly, the last thing he saw was Helena screaming his name.