

The abandoned princess knelt before the king, the crown prince, the princess, the knight, and the magician.

"Speak of your wrongdoings," the king said with such coldness on his voice. A tone she always hears of.

"I have none, your majesty," the abandoned princess replied. She forced herself not to shake too much. They'll know her anger and she refuses to let them see. She stared on the floor with blank eyes.

She felt the king stood from his throne and walked towards her. Her ocean green eyes found the tip of the king's shoes.

"Then what is that you wish for?" He asked looming down at the abandoned princess.

"Father what are yo—" the crown prince stopped.

Her wish. Her wish was just to be loved by them. To be a part of a family. But all of them saw her as a villain. She, who killed the queen from giving birth to her. She, who tried to harm the princess because she fell in love with the magician. And she, who burned the royal church with the new queen inside.

Whether she speaks her side they will never listen. In their eyes, she's the villain after all.

For the first time, she looked at the king's face with nothing but resentment. "I wish to be with my mother."

~** **~ ~** **~ ~** **~ ~** **~ ~** **~

Closing the book I looked at the author who was excitedly watching me read the whole book in one sitting. How long was I reading?

"How is it? Do you like it?"

"It's awful," I flatly said. "There's a lot of plot hole and the characters' development is shitty."

"Mind your words, Elaine. How many times do I have to tell not to curse." And yet she never punishes me. "The characters' development doesn't matter, they'll develop on their own."

"What do you mean?" I asked suspiciously as I sip the freshly brewed tea that she made. She's definitely up to something. I could tell by her 'I did nothing wrong' smile of hers.

"Nothing! You're thinking too much again. Anyway, I was pertaining to the ending. Is it good?"

"Having the same name as the real princess who got beheaded by her own father. Then no. Like I said the whole story is fuc—is awful."

She smiled wider at me after insulting her work. Placing down the cup of tea I asked myself. Should I sugar coat my words since it's her first book?

I yawned suddenly feeling sleepy.

"If you become the abandoned princess will you do it differently and save yourself."

"No," I said yawning once more.

"Why? Is it because it's your destiny?"

My eyes were getting heavier. Destiny? "What are you talking about?"

"Why?" She asked again disregarding my question.

I closed my eyes leaning back at the chair comfortably. "Because I'm not her."

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