

During class, I concentrated and trained myself to see the yellow sprites of magic. It was easiest to do this during Maths and Chemistry classes. The first few days when I started this exercise I had to close my eyes before the magic becomes visible. Now, as long as I could enter the 'zone', I could see them faintly even with my eyes wide open.

It was a beautiful and mesmerising sight, like someone had set a hundred mini fireflies free in the classroom. The magic shimmered in and out of focus, dancing as Mr Kim droned on and on in his monotonous voice about integration and differentiation. I notice the magic tends to gravitate towards 2 other people, spiraling lazily around them.

Aaron, a short scrawny guy with thick round glasses, small narrow eyes and a bit of an acne problem. His voice is in the middle of breaking very ungraciously, and sometimes cracked midspeech. Even though we would laugh at him, he takes it all in stride and continues to helpfully explain our homework problems to us.

Bryan was his opposite, tall, tanned and good looking, with chiselled looks and thick eyebrows set above a pair of sharp and dark eyes. He was very quiet and mostly kept to himself, staring moodily at his textbooks and disappearing out of the classroom every break without socialising with the rest of us.

They were, however both very smart, always placed within the top 10 in school. I wonder if magic preferred smarter people?

Yunxin texted me in the middle of class. "I still can't see anything. This is boringgggg"

Hmmm, Yunxin's school results weren't that stellar. Could that be why she is having so much difficulty? I wondered how Aaron or Bryan will fare.

"Hang in there," I texted back. "It's only been a few days. It's Sat tmr, let's come my house I can guide u"

":(" was the reply.