
Chapter 3: A Forgotten Past and A New Future [Part 1]

Once the days of my recovery finally came to end, my back as well as my sides unfortunately ruined with scars, I was eager to exit the tent and finally feel the warmth of the sun as well as see the faces of the villagers once more.

"Lady Eos! You're healed!" Said multiple voices as the goblins and wolves of the village came bounding up to me with relieved looks on their faces.

"Yes, yes, I'm all healed up!" I laughed, my tail starting to whip the air. "And check it out! I have scars now; I look like a total warrior with these!" I snickered, proudly showing off my back before I suddenly remembered what I had originally planned.

"But before I forget! I want everyone to gather at the housing area! I plan to give you all names to go by!" I announced, the crowd suddenly growing even more excited as they all dispersed and made their way to the housing area.

As I trotted towards the area after them, the eventual sight of the goblins alongside the wolves making me quickly realize just how much time this would take and how many names I would need to have stocked up for this.

'I never think things through, do I?' I thought with a snicker before I sat down in front of everyone.

"Alright everyone form a line! One for the goblins and another for the wolves!" I barked, everyone quickly separating into two lines.

"Alright, first two, step on up to get your name!" I said with a grin.

As the first wolf and goblin stepped up towards me, both wearing an almost identical emotionless look, I had almost burst out laughing seeing it was the leader and the steel gray wolf from a while back.

'How am I going to do this...?' I thought as I looked them both up and down. They were both stone-faced, it was like looking into a weird mirror for crying out loud!

I wanted to name them something meaningful but then again...if I tried to do that then this would take forever, it ain't gonna hurt anyone just to name them off their personality or looks right? At least until I stop getting creative.

"Alright then! Leader, your name will be Torin and wolf, your name will be-" I dragged off, his tail starting to wag as I desperately searched for a good name.

"-Koko!" I said with the best proud smile I could muster.

I don't think I could bear the guilt of telling him I got the inspiration from a skincare brand...he looks too happy for it!

"Thank you." They both said as they suddenly glowed for a quick moment before they walked off, the next two being the darker green goblin and a red-coated wolf with black striped markings on his legs.

"You'll be Kal and you'll be Caisha! After your red fur." I smiled, the same small glow appearing on their chest before they simply bowed towards me and moved on.

As I went through the lines, naming wolf after wolf and goblin after goblin, it took at least another 2 hours of naming before I was finally done! Although...I had suddenly felt weak and dizzy the second I finished naming the last wolf and goblin.

"I feel dizzy..." I grumbled as I shook myself, the feeling only worsening to the point I had to lie down.

"Beta! Are you alright?!" I heard Koko gasp as dots began to appear, my vision only getting blurrier and blurrier to the point I just blacked out.

As I lied there in the silent nothingness with no way of knowing what time it was or if I was even dead or alive, it wasn't long before I had soon heard the sound of a distant bell ringing...the annoying, frightening but nonetheless familiar sound making me feel a weird chill as if it was something from a past that I had desperately tried to forget.

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