
A while away: two sides to a coin

A While Away: Two Sides to a Coin shows the story of three merging with the three, Yemi, Yomi, Kunle, Ayooni, Anike and Asake, six people who tell the story of the dead and find themselves in a fix when they stumbled upon a corpse from the 18th century that hasn't decayed, The King of Utaka and a portal to a mirror world from theirs. Stuck in an unknown yet familiar world. they must find the truth as to why the corpse had a bitter memory and unravel the mystery of the land that was plagued before they can go back to their world. But with love, envy, jealousy, greed, and murder circling them, will they give in to what they are subjected to or will they scale through their ordeal and fight for what is right? thank you.

Aabimisha · Fantaisie
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35 Chs

Chapter Sixteen: The words you wrote 1

Today feels peaceful. I got up from my bed and for the first time, I felt replete instead of the usual sourness that may have stemmed from the wonderful dream I had today. This is the third time in five days I have seen his face in my sleep, he is so handsome and genuine. I wonder why I kept dreaming of him. Whatever the reason was, I wish to stay hidden in that dream for the rest of my life. She thought of how his coarse tongue unceasingly fought hers over dominance. She felt she could give anything to make this dream a reality. Does he even exist? She thought I had read too many books that I had conjured up a secret lover in my sleep. Whatever that is doesn't care. But how could she have fallen in love with someone she wasn't sure existed? I have to get to the bottom of this she thought, and noted down the date in her journal.

Ayooni woke up feeling the warm breath of Yemi on her face. She didn't know what to make of her dream. The person in the dream was her or someone who looked like her. She didn't know how long she lay lost in her thoughts, till she felt a cold yet warm pair of lips pressed on her temple. Good morning, Yemi wished her. Ah.. morning, she said feeling flustered. How was your night? she asked him. He could tell something was bothering her. He felt her emotions unstable since he woke up, and he could tell she had a dream because he felt it too though he didn't see what she saw, he felt the emotions of the person in the dream, just like he is feeling hers now. Bad dream? He asked her, she looked at him wondering why he was asking her instead of delving into it, she knew he often saw what she saw, and felt what she felt, so she wondered why he was asking her when he probably had seen it too. You didn't see? she countered, no I only felt her desire and her thoughts, but I didn't see as you did, he said staring deep into her eyes. She started to tell him what she saw when his lips brushed hers. Startled by his sudden action she placed her hand on his chest to stop him but he kissed her again, your eyes are beautiful he murmured on her lips. That was the first thing that came to my mind the first day I saw you. Your deep blue eyes, always so guarded yet intriguing pull at me like no other. He caressed her cheek gently, saying something he said frustratingly when she kept looking at him dazed. Yemi, she called softly I think we need to process this gradually, let's not rush... she stood up abruptly causing him to panic. I left a journal I mean, she left a journal, it's under the body we found, she kept it there in the hope he would come to read it someday. We will talk about this later she said standing up. He knew they had many on their plate right now more than what was between them. I will freshen up and gather the others. Take your time, he said brushing his lips to hers again then left. Yemi's call for a meeting early that morning was met with displeasure. Do you guys sleep at all? Kunle asked in a frustrated tone, this is five in the morning and you two are up already. Sorry for waking you guys up so early Yemi prompted, I know you are all tired from yesterday's work but we do have something of utmost importance to share with you all and we need to act on it imminently. Ayooni and I saw something yesterday when we were at the cave, this morning we had a revelation that is a confirmation of what we saw, Yemi began. You saw something yesterday and you didn't deem it fit to talk about it immediately Anike chirped annoyingly what happened to nip an issue in the bud? Knowing Anike's annoyance came from lack of sleep Ayooni stopped Yemi from snipping at her. I'm sorry we didn't share this last night but I needed time to process what we saw, so I asked him to help me through it till I am stable enough to talk about it, so if you want to take a swipe at me wait till we finish what we want to say, she gave a look that says, I won't take any of your crap. Do any of you remember the story we heard about the town we are studying? She asked them. We all do, where are you going with this, Kunle asked her. Well, the story we heard and what we saw contradict one another. The body at the cave is not King Taka's but that of Wura's lover Ayu, Anike said surprisingly Yemi answered her. Isn't that interesting? Yomi put in. Deciding to show them instead of narrating what she saw, she told them to link their minds to hers.

The year 1947,

Oh, sister! I met him today at the market square, Wura ran happily to her sister who sat at the window. Who did you meet? Annie asked, my dream guy Wura chirped happily, he was real. Calma-te, calm down and explain. Annie, Tonia and Wura are three daughters blessed by the royal seer. Annie being the oldest of the three is a careful person, their mother died when Wura who was the youngest was just a baby making her take the responsibility of training her two sisters. When she was just three, Annie found out Wura was gifted with 'the sight', so she had taken extra care to guide her to the path. Tonia is currently in the I care about my beauty zone so she hardly cares for anything but Wura is different, she is the balance between them and her happy-go-lucky persona won the hearts of many. Wura had told her about her dream but she didn't read any meaning to it since she thought Wura had conjured up the guy in her mind to pass the time and now she was saying he was real.

You know I went to the market today to get the supplies. I was buying vegetables from Mr Dane's store. Oh, Miss Lawrence says hello. She said to tell you to help deliver the basket to Mr Charles by the full moon, it will delight her heart if her message is passed rightly.

So I met him while I was having a conversation with Miss Lawrence seems they were acquainted. He held her by the arm to say hello when he spotted me standing right in front of her. Oh sister it was magical, his dreamy green eyes stared at me intensely and I found myself between shock and elated. So he said, you are real or am I in a dream again? I said as real as I could be, I was at a loss for words, he is so handsome sister. He told me his name was Ayu and asked me if I would be chanced to meet with him by the river on the next market day.

Annie could tell her sister was smitten with this unknown person, but she was willing to check him out herself, she doesn't trust anybody, especially men around her sisters. Call it overprotectiveness but her sisters meant the world to her and she wasn't going to take chances with them. Do you know anything else apart from his handsome and chiselled face, Annie asked. Yes, he is Aayan's brother. Aayan is the second child of the King, born to his favourite wife the Queen, he has a lot of privileges the other princes don't have and to her dismay, Aayan seems to show a little interest in her which she dismisses as she sees him a spoilt brat with no thinking of his own.

A royal? Annie said horridly, I know right Wura exclaimed, but he is different I can feel it. Please trust me and say yes please, she pleaded. Left with no choice, I will allow you to meet with him under the condition I chaperon you. Run along and write to him your reply, Wura sprinted towards her room, she would sleep happily today.