
A while away: two sides to a coin

A While Away: Two Sides to a Coin shows the story of three merging with the three, Yemi, Yomi, Kunle, Ayooni, Anike and Asake, six people who tell the story of the dead and find themselves in a fix when they stumbled upon a corpse from the 18th century that hasn't decayed, The King of Utaka and a portal to a mirror world from theirs. Stuck in an unknown yet familiar world. they must find the truth as to why the corpse had a bitter memory and unravel the mystery of the land that was plagued before they can go back to their world. But with love, envy, jealousy, greed, and murder circling them, will they give in to what they are subjected to or will they scale through their ordeal and fight for what is right? thank you.

Aabimisha · Fantaisie
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35 Chs

Chapter Eighteen: Wishes

Antonia breezed through the evening spring like a feline she was. Wura has gone off with Ayu as usual. Tonia knew her sister well despite their bickering. Her love for Wura runs as deep as Wura's for her. People perceived her to be shallow because she took great care of her appearance rather than her attitude.

Antonia knew what was said behind her Annie was the calmest, Wura was the golden girl with the carefree spirit and she was the shrewd calculating one. She smiled at the fond memory of when she and Wura were having a good fight with the shire's daughter Evie. Wura had everything in the palm of her hands and nothing at the same time. A great responsibility is expected of her, she couldn't imagine herself in a position where everyone looks up to her and having herself paired up with a prince.

Antonia hates the royal family the most but seeing the kind of love Ayu possessed towards her keeps her at ease. She wandered towards the stream thinking of how pleasant it would be for her to also find someone who looked at her like Ayu looked at Wura.

Hello Tonia, a voice called behind. Startled, hello. Who are you she asked and how did you know my name? How rude, you don't even recognize your sister. Sister? Tonia turned around to see a thin-looking lady with golden skin coming out of the woods.

Wura? No this is not Wura, it may seem as though Tonia and Wura weren't close but they are the closest of the three sisters. But why does she look like Wura She remembered her mother was pregnant with twins but the other one was killed together with their mother during the crisis.

How is this person who looked exactly like her little sister here calling her sister? You are. Tonia trailed. Hello sister, she said again. Don't look at me that way, I won't harm you.

Who are you and why do you look like Wura? Oh, sister even you could tell I am not her, what do I do then, she said crossing her arms. What do you want from me? Tonia asked. Nothing, I just wanted to know who you are that's all. you will forget our little encounter right? She said looking straight into her eyes. Yes, I will.

Annie stood outside the cottage tending to chickens when she heard Tonia rush in. That was close, she sighed. What happened, Annie rushed towards her. Still huffing, I saw someone in the woods scared me. Someone scared you, Annie scoffed. You are never scared of anything. No, what scared her wasn't her but her appearance. What do you mean by her appearance, Annie asked.

She looked like, Tonia tried to remember her looks but couldn't get her face. You will forget about our little encounter right, the voice echoed in her mind. Looking lost she stared at Annie, what was I saying earlier? About you meeting someone who scared you. Yeah, right Tonia said, I can't remember what happened.

Why can't I remember, she thought, deep in her heart she knew what she wanted to say but she couldn't. Annie took her arm and guided her to a chair, don't worry you will remember eventually. Just.. "heart to heart, blood to blood, water to water, fire to fire, earth to earth, air to air, I call upon thee, as I am yours as you are mine, three to the three, four lights the path to the two, I call upon thee, lights of my path and key to my heart, hear the daughter with its son and show me the right way" Tonia and Annie felt winded as they merged their minds, "I answer to the oracle and its divination, through fire you see, water calms the heart, the fire burns within, the earth is your abode, the air is for you to breed, oh daughter and its son open will shall" Annie and Tonia echoed together with two other.

Annie, Tonia, Ari and Aiden, Wura called the names as her heart and mind merged with them. She was still on the cliff she stood with Ayu. Do you see? Ayu laid a hand on her shoulder "The one who locks around, a replica of the oracle but a fiend in disguise, heed the word of the whisperers as they carried the truth and lies, so is the one with thy face, a spell as been cast to block the eye, but the mind is sharp as the fire burned within it"

Wura tapped into Tonia's memory as Ayu directed her and she not only saw but felt what Tonia did. She's here she said, she is finally here. We need to find The Teacher.