A guy named nick fell into a spacial crack and was greeted by an oni god. Read as he goes on a path to be a true oni. The OC will have my personality and to be honest I'm a sociopath I think. I dislike harem with a passion. You already know I don't own shit but OC.
Background stories are boring I'll make this quick. My name is Nick Johnson and I'm a introvert don't like big groups of people, I also don't like a lot of noise. I like anime comics and movies along with games.
I got a average family. (We all know what that is.) We mainly kept to ourselves . One day I'm going into the corner store and then hear a loud crack sound like glass broke. Seconds later I'm falling and now im here in an office with a creature known as an oni.
I was always interested in Japanese culture and myths so ofcourse I know what it is. I also loved everything about them mainly their powers. "So since you had a fit over a sport because your favorite team lost you started going on a rampage in a war in some other world and when you left your energy leaked and broke reality?"
The Oni looked at me before sighing and said "Yeah and your next question is why am I here right?" The oni said. "No, my next question is how are you going to compensate me?" I said making the oni stunned for a bit.
"Reincarnation, three wishes and choosing your own world." Said the oni with a grin. I grinned back and said "Limitations?" He shook his head and said "none."
"Wish one make me an pure oni, wish two give me full control over my body, wish three I want a 50% boost in talent to lern things." I finished and the oni was contemplating before looking at me seriously.
"To be a pure bloodied oni you would be royalty. Royalty are not weak. The oni also live by a code." He stoooed and continued saying "You know the oni race well. You know about our hunger for battle, how we are known on battlefields for our strength, ruthlessness, and swordsmanship along with the fear we put into peoples hearts when heard."
"To be a oni you need to embrace your primal instincts and work hard to get strength so I'm dropping that 50% to 25%." I nodded and he said "Once you have started your evolution there is no going back you will fight for the oni, and die for the oni as will everyone else in the race including me."
He stopped again and looked at me in the eyes and said "Are you sure you want to be an oni even with the power it will cost you." I nodded firmly and said "Yes, I'll be the strongest oni as well."
The oni grinned even more and said "You want to surpass me..heh like hell. Now what world are you going to?" He asked. I thought about it and replied "Send me to MHA. With the way that place is getting some fighting experience is easy along with battles."
The oni said "Yeah..ok but when things get too easy you will be put under a test for evolution were you will change forms and get a little weaker but gain a bigger potential and get the sorce of oni energy."
I nodded and then I was enveloped in a black light before loosening concession.
Laying on a bed was a boy who was about five years old he had pitch black glossy hair and fair skin. The boys eyes shot open revealing his eyes that flashed from boldak yellow to black ended with black eyes with yellow flakes.
The boy got up slowly and muttered "My name is Leon Black, I'm five with no quirk. Not a talker thank god. I'm also a orphan, great." Leon hopped off his bed and noticed he had his own room and the orphanage was actually pretty big judging from how high he is off the ground.
Leon did some stretches and noticed he was pretty flexible already and but just a little. He heard foot steps coming to the door and snapped his head toward the door and it opened revealing the mantra of the orphanage.
"Oh your already up, breakfast will be done in a minute so get freshened up. You have school today." She said and left without waiting for a reply. Leon got out some cloths and went into the bathroim taking a shower and leaving before going back into his room passing the other kids.
"Being a oni means I first need to work on strength. I need to make a work out plan for myself and a diet to get stronger. While im not fat I'm not skinny either." Leon said this and got a pen and some paper from his small desk and started writing.
Workout plan
10 push ups
10 sit ups
10 squats
1km run
2min planks
1hour meditation
Leon finished the work out plan and already knew that he would have to actually ascend starting off as human and slowly becoming a oni.
(He is a pure blood but he has it sealed till his first test.)
(Timeskip 5 years)
It's been five years since I reincarnated in the world of MHA. I made tremendous progress in my overall physical ability. I can now lift 2 tons and run at a speed of 104mph at full speed. I was also using the controls over my body to help make me stronger, smarter and make my bidy harder along with a few more changes.
My skin is as hard as steel and I can make my nails retract making them about 1½inches long. My senses are also sharper I can hear, smell, and see about 10 meters away from me and I can fell slight vibrations when people are moving.
My appearance has changed as well. My pitch black hair now has some white tips and my eyes have a yellow slit in them as my pupil. My canines have also gotten sharper making eating tough food easy.
I used the control over my body to make everything go normal but it was uncomfortable for some reason so I let it show free when I'm alone.
I started getting abs and outline for my muscles my looks were good before but now they have skyrocketed.
'I still have 5 years till the entrance exam, but I still havent evolved. Maybe I should spend time around animals and the wild in general I also need to find out a way to get martial arts lessons or boxing along with sword training.' I thought as I stopped meditating.
'Maybe I should run away feom the orphanage for the next few years and say I was kidnapped.' Leon thought. I did some stretches and walked down stairs I don't really talk to the kids nor adults and only stay in my room unless I'm called down.
The mantra wants me to make some friends so I planned to use that to my advantage. "Misa can I go to the park?" I asked the mantra not caring for the honorifics.
She seemed slightly surprised that I wanted to go to a place full of kids. She knew I didn't like big groups of people or noisy people. She justed hummed in acceptance and went back to doing what she was doing.
I nodded and went towards the door the second it was closed I dipped. I ran not at full speed but fast enough to be a blur to people and just ran in one direction till I found a forest or somewhere with more nature.
This was the start of something closely resembling hell.