
Newbie Joins The Game!

"Alright, let's see. I always choose a female character, so maybe I should choose a guy this time?"

My friend has been telling me non-stop to get this super popular game for the diver full immersion VR capsule. It's supposed to be a super free MMORPG where the player can be virtually anything, so I was really interested at first, but after he told me that it had a player run economy, I lost interest, since, at least from what I've heard, those kinda games are more like jobs which really made me lose interest.

But, unfortunately, my friend found my weak spot, cute clothes. When it comes to games, I will play any genre as long as the character customization is detailed and amazing, so when he showed me all the different character options and clothes, I once again became interested.

It looks fun and apparently if I play good enough, I can become famous and make lots of money so as long as I avoid all this guild stuff I can have lots of fun!

"Should I just go for a trap look? Nothing would be really different from real life. Yeah, I think I'll go I'll just make my character look like me that way It'll be easier for that jerk to find me."

And so I decided to spend the next four hours of my night making sure my character's perfect. A short, pale-skinned trap with short brown hair and eyes. The only option for clothes was the starter pack, some ugly leather armor, and a tool of my choice.

The options are a katana, double-edged sword, greatsword, large hammer, bow, staff, knuckles, and a small shield.

"I wanna be able to stop swords with my hands so, of course, the only option is the best and most awesome option, knuckles!"

And I guess I'll just name my character trap king so I can avoid some troubles later and I guess I'll be a beast-man. Umm, do I want to be a cat boy or a wolf boy. I guess since I want to try all the cute outfits I'll be a cat boy, and if I ever want to try the cool outfits, I'll just make another character.

After obsessively checking my character once again, I found nothing wrong and started the game. Suddenly everything goes dark, and after several seconds I find myself in the center of the starter town Orlia in the small kingdom, Levania. I find myself standing in front of a large fountain in what I think is the town square, as a collection of fancily dressed people are either running stalls or selling stuff on a carpet on the stone ground. The houses around me seem to be made of wood with the roofs being made of red stone tiling and the sky is a deep blue with some small grey clouds gently floating about, slightly blocking my view of the big purple moon in the center of the sky.

"Hey, there newbie welcome to the world of Gesbrun."

While I was looking around, a tall guy with shiny blonde hair wearing a really fancy looking slim golden armor walked to me, wearing a bright smile.

"Alright just in case you haven't heard, when a newbie pops up one of us experienced players helps em out, you know get them into the swing of things. Of course, assuming you accept my help."

"I'm sorry but I want to be able to figure things out on my own, so I'll have to refuse, please forgive me."

"Alright, well if you ever need help stop by the big brick building in the east of town, it's where you'll find the starter guild."

"Thank you, and goodbye."

Since this is a fantasy I want to explore the town first and see what kind of weird fruits and stuff can be found in the market or maybe I should look for a smithy and see if I can find myself a dwarf!

Slowly I walked around town first going through the market to see what kind of stuff is for sale, finding that dwarf smithy like I wanted. I have to say the dwarf's beard looked really soft and fluffy, I wanted to touch it but that'd be rude, even if he is one of those npc's. He was a nice old man who offered to make me some discounted armor since I'm a newbie but I had to reject since I have practically no money, which annoyed him I think?

After looking around the smithy I stepped outside and began to walk around some more, trying to find my way to the food market, instead of finding the hotel and diner area, at this point I think I've explored every part of the commercial block, except the fruit and meat market. Eventually, I decided to just give up and leave the town so I can kill me some monsters.

"So many people!"

In front of me is a forest and a large group of people dressed like me being guided by people like that fancy armor guy. Things look tense, even though everybody looks to be hunting small bunnies with horns. It's kinda funny looking at all these people being super serious about such a cute little thing.

"Pfft, I think maybe I should move a bit deeper."

I'm right outside the forest, where the trees begin and the town ends so it's a little odd that there are so many monsters and people so maybe this is one of those newbie recruitment places where people help newbies level in exchange for joining a guild. Because I don't want to get involved in any of that guild stuff I go ahead and go around the large group and move a little deep into the forest, trying my hardest to stay in the newbie area.

"I guess I should check my status first. Status!"


Name-Trap King


Stat points=0








Fist Arts(Beginner)-1(O%)


Mana Manipulation(Beginner)-1(O%)

Skill Points=0


I continued to stand still waiting for an enemy to come to me since I don't want to risk going any deeper.

"A slime!"

According to the guide book, I read those balls of acid make your stuff break if you soak in their acid long enough so it's recommended you just a rock at them since the membrane holding it together is super weak the moment you see it since they really like to jump at people, breaking and spreading their acid all over their poor innocent victims.

I move behind one of the trees and grab a rock off the ground, fully concealing myself as the tree's center is large enough to cover two of me at the same time. I turn around checking on the slime only to hide behind the tree once again as it's flying directly at me.


"Hehe, big idiot with your suicide attacks."

I turn around, getting ready to step on the slimes core only to see it wither up and die, its acid spread all over the tree and ground around me.

"Umm did I get experience? I don't think I got any experience."

"Take that you stupid armor wrecking piece of shit!"

Suddenly the ground begins to shake as the sound of lightning hitting the ground fills the area, a bright white light filling my sight.

Boom Boom Boom

"This is what you get for eating my aqua staff you bastard. Oh hey, sorry about that newbie. I was just getting some sweet sweet revenge."


Suddenly a man wearing a bright green robe covered in symbols that look like monsters appears in front of me with a massive staff made of metal in his right hand, a collection of small yellow gems gently float around the top, moving in a circular pattern, following the wooden lining on the upper portion. He's tall so I can't quite get a good look at his face, though even if I was the height as him I'm sure I wouldn't be able to see his face since a massive green hat covered in golden circles is covering the upper part of his face.

"You'll understand soon enough, anyways names wiz you?

He's a little weird but considering he hasn't blown me up like the many trees behind him maybe I should go along with him...Is this one of those pk things?

"Trap king."

"...Alright then well um I'm not into role play so don't you try anything funny. Okay?"


"Alright, well do you want some help leveling I have some free time?"

"No thanks."

"Ya sure? I won't ask ya to be friends or join my guild or anything."

"Okay then, I guess please help me."

I don't want where I'm standing to become a big bright red crater so I try my best to be really nice, even putting on the best smile I can make at the moment.

"...just to be sure you're a dude right?"

"...Yes, I'm a guy."

"Alright, come on let's get this over with quickly, just let me shock a few more slimes first."


And so we began walking around looking for slimes for wiz to blow up again. It didn't take long though, within a few steps we found ourselves in front of a slime, suddenly wiz puts on the meanest looking smile ever and shoots a big ball of electricity out of his staff. Strangely enough, the lighting doesn't explode the slime, it looks like the slime absorbed the electricity mid lunge. Its body begins to violently shake, slowly a bright light begins to escape from its body.


It explodes, its acid catching fire and spreading, suddenly wiz waves his staff causing a glass-like barrier to appear around the flames containing them.

" Ah, Nothing feels quite as good as destroying that enemy that made your newbie days the worst. Look forward to this feeling newbie."