
Chapter 1


"... aurora?" Looking above doubtfully, the word blurted out of my mouth unconsciously.

As I regained my consciousness and opened my eyes, what entered my vision was many colorful strand of lights, dancing gracefully, with the billions of stars as background.

It looked similar to the aurora I had ever seen on earth before. Though... kind of different at the same time. How I put this... this one here... well, somehow it looked richer in color and looked much more beautiful, it also had some kinds of a really strange vibe on it.

How strange, but also beautiful at the same time.


Wait a sec!

Ever seen on earth?

"!?" Oh, sh1t!!!

"That's right!!!" Realization hit me hard as memories about what had happened flooding my mind. Snapped me out of my dazed state, as I gradually recalled everything.

"Okay... I was sent out of the universe so I could be reincarnated! That was what happened as far as I could remember..." Recollecting slowly, I tried my best to pieces everything.

"But," I looked at my surroundings again, at the space around, the aurora, then the stars. "... where is this place again? Why am I ended up here?" I wondered in confuse. What was going on? Why am I ended up in here instead of reincarnated?

According to many fan-fictions and novels I had ever read, shouldn't I be in the body of a newborn baby? Or at the very least, inside my will-be-mother's womb as soon as I regain my consciousness?

I was sure as hell that this place absolutely wasn't a womb. Since when there were stars or Aurora in a womb?

I looked at the strange aurora again and couldn't help but thought that even this aurora might be not aurora at all.

Thought carefully about all of it again...

Am I... failed to be sent out of the universe and stranded here as result!?

Mean that the reincarnation also failed!?

$h1t!!! What to do now!??

What the hell should I do from now on!?

In this place!?


"Huft~ Alright, alright. Calm down, calm down. Put yourself together champ! That's the worst case scenario. We still don't know the exact situation yet. Let's think about the situation carefully first."

I calmed myself and try to observe this place carefully once again.

This eerily silence space caused me a goosebump somehow, adding its beautiful picture of dancing aurora and the sparkling stars, put me in more of unease about the unknown situation.

'But let's think about it more carefully, with more collected and calm mind.' I said to myself and tried my best to calm my mind.

Suddenly though, while on it, I could heard a voice coming from inside me? Or my mind maybe? Not sure, but it so sudden and made me quite startled for a good while.

"If you can hear this, then I assume that you have regained your consciousness." The voice said.

This voice...

"Gaia, is that you???"

I waited for a while, but...

... nothing.

I couldn't heard anything after that, confusing me even more.

'What was that?' I asked myself but nothing was heard for a while.

After a few moment of silently waiting, however, the voice from before could be heard again,

"You are confused, I believe, finding yourself in an unkown place. I forgot to tell you before about this step, I am sorry. I will explain about it now, so listen carefully."

"You are now in a place where you would be able to reform your soul again. In what world or which universe, I don't know. But at the very least, I am sure that you must be in the flow of energy that will reform your soul again. So you are safe. Don't worry."

The voice stopped again after that, so I tried to digest the information that it gave me for a while.

Then like before, after a few moments of silence, the voice continued again.

"This is the message which I left within the [world energy], the same one that I said attached to you and used to fulfill your wish before. Therefore, I won't be able to answer your question. So, just listen carefully to what I'm going to say."

I nodded to no one in particular and released a long relieved sigh.

"Thank God..." After understanding what kind of situation I was in right now, I felt really glad.

Looking around the place again, with relief now, I couldn't help but mutter, "I see. So this place is where my soul will be formed again?"

As expected, huh. That aurora was not aurora at all.

While looking at the strange strands of light above me, the voice could be heard again.

"I have told you before, that what remains from your soul after your death was only the energy structure and your consciousness as a being. Because of that, if not for the world energy that attached to you, this remnant, too, would have been disappeared into nothingness as well. And reincarnated right away in that kind of state was simply impossible."

"That's why, it's necessary to put you in the flow of energy you are in now, so that you will be able to form a new soul naturally with the energy inside there. But of course with the same energy structure and the same consciousness. Meant that you will still become yourself, with all of your memories intact, after the process ended. After all, you are in there only to reform your old soul with the already existing energy structure and consciousness."

"And finally, once your soul is formed again, you will naturally enter the next cycle, which is being placed in the fetus in a womb and being reborn from there."

I see, so this colorful light is the flow of energy that will create new souls? And because I already have my own structure energy and consciousness, I just need this flow of energy to naturally reshape my soul, then naturally enter the cycle and being reborn after that.

"And for the previously made abilities using the world energy, just like your past memories, it wouldn't be activated right away after you born, but would be activated automatically at the same time you regain your memories back."

"Hmm..." Well, It's fine, I guess. I didn't have another choices either way, I died after all.

Right, I died. Even now, I still felt uncomfortable remembering about all of that.

Well, you see... because of something called world energy, which was somehow leaked out of its place at that time, I lost my life.

It really horrible it seems because from what I heard, even my soul didn't spared either after it claimed my life. My soul burned mercilessly by the rampaging energy, caused it almost vanished completely into nothingness.

Luckily though, before my soul completely vanished, the remnants of the damaged soul was quarantined inside of an energy field, made by [the world] as a counter measure, along with the world energy.

After that, [the world] -or if it's in nasuverse, maybe you could called it Gaia?- told me everything about my death and world energy.

Gaia said that, there were abnormal fluctuations of world energies that time, caused a crack and some of the energies leaked out to the world and eventually brought misfortune to me.

Out of the blue, out of nowhere, and very suddenly, it appeared in front of me when I was accelerating my lovely new Panigale in about 160 mph.

Not to mention about braking -which was pointless either way in that speed-, I couldn't even react at all when it appeared, then swallow me whole along with the bike I was riding.

The thought that my first day riding the dream bike, which I bought after saving for years, would became the last day I live in the world never crossed my mind in the slightest!

O~h! My Panigale!!!!!!!


Gaia also said that, after the energy burned and killed me, the remaining world energy somehow fused with the remnants of energy structure of my soul. Then after fused together, strangely, both of them became inseparable from each other. That was also the reason I am not disappeared into nothingness, it seems, even though my soul was damaged pretty badly.

Gaia said that I still had a chance though, to be reincarnated. To have a new life.

But of course not in the same world where I died before, because of various reasons that I am not sure myself either.

So... that's it. The only way left for me was to be sent to another universe, so that I could be reincarnated there.

Surprisingly though, when I jokingly asked things such as granting wishes and about the cheats like in various novels and all, Gaia said that it was possible and could be done using the world energy which technically mine already.

And so, after a long time thinking about it, what I choose was the abilities that Kamiya Yato, The protagonist of "Class ga Isekai Shoukan sareta Naka Ore dake Nokotta n desu ga" novel had.

Why? Because the three skills he has was a very good set of skills in my opinion, namely the Appraisal, Super Growth, and Magic Creation.

Though I couldn't get all the three of them and only got two out of the three skills in the end.

The reason?

Well, for some reason I couldn't comprehend either, the energy needed to create the Appraisal skill was a lot much more than what needed for the other two combined together. And the world energy that I have is not enough to create it.

So because Appraisal was impossible to be made, finally, the remaining energy is used to modified the other two skill instead. First to reduce the energy required each time to cast Magic Creation, and second, to upgrade Super Growth, evolved it into Extreme Super Growth.

The energy source was also adjusted. Because they were made from world energy, the energy source also becomes the world energy.

It's better that way actually, because the world energy was the very foundation of all universe. It was kind of universal energy that creates all universe that exist out there. So, even though I don't know where I will be reincarnated, and what energy used there, whether chakra, qi, spiritual qi or something else, I will be able to use all the abilities that I have, still, because those energies come from the same source.

But even so, it seems that I would have access of them after, or at the same time, I regain my memories back. I wonder how long it would be for my brain to be ready to get all of my memories back.

Gaia said that my memories would be back when my brain become strong enough to receive all the information.

Kid around five of age usually started to remember many things, right? So I think maybe around that age my brain would be strong enough and ready.

Well, I just hope that it would be sooner. After all, if my next world was a very bloody dangerous one, there would be many possibilities that I would be killed even before I could remember anything.

"So that's all I want to say. Don't worry because you are technically in another world already right now."

"After this message ended, you will be unconscious once again so you don't have to wait until your soul is done reshaped. That process would be last for a very long time, because it will be done naturally without any influence. Though because you already have the energy structure of your own, and your own consciousness already there, the process will be completed sooner."

I see, thanks for all you've done for me Gaia, my previous world. I'm very grateful.

I really am.

"That's it, good luck with your new life."

With that being said, the message was ended and slowly after that, once again I lost my consciousness.

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